The final gentleman

Chapter 919 Transformation

"Mr. this the Fu Jiang you chose? It's indeed good, very special, and extremely obsessed with you. If he can really make it to the end, maybe this new phenomenon will become your little follower.

That would be so interesting. "

The voice of the Buddha Mother came across the sea, and a man slowly walked out from the shadow of the deck. It was Yi Chen who had always been the "audience".

He didn't say anything, just looked at Catherine in front of him in the form of a Buddha mother.

"Hee hee! I saw the love letter she wrote to you. Do you want to tell it to you? It's so disgusting. Mr. Yi will definitely care about such a cute little girl and won't do anything random, right?"

As soon as the words fell, the virtual image of the guillotine was already placed on Catherine's neck.

"Ah! If you don't say it, don't say it. Why kill people...Besides, if you kill me, these people will wake up.

At that time, Ms. Xin Zhi, who is 'eating' everyone, will be beaten.

It is better not to kill me. After all, this is the award she deserves..."

The death-condensed guillotine suddenly fell, and the Buddha's head was cut off directly, and blood like ink spurted out crazily.

Somewhat strangely, Catherine did not die directly this time, but women's heads grew out of the body of the Buddha.

"It hurts so much. Mr. Yi, you are really annoying sometimes... you are always beheading, but this is also a [phenomenon] after all! After all, I am also a patient who has fought alongside you.

I'm obviously thinking about you, but you turn around and kill me. It's really annoying.

I don’t know, can I beat Mr. Yi now that I’m in the middle of the ocean? "

All of a sudden, the 100-meter tentacles swaying behind the Buddha Mother, which were enough to pull the entire cruise ship into the sea, came towards Yi Chen.

At the same time, Catherine's flower-shaped eyes were also staring at Yi Chen, instilling some kind of regular eye skills. It seemed that there was a kind of deep water prison that completely blocked the individual captured by the eyes, and even grew on the target. Full of various "living flowers" in the deep sea, such as sea anemones and barnacles.

The blockade is over.

Two extremely large octopus tentacles attacked from the left and right at the same time, trying to smash and flatten Yi Chen who was caught in the middle.

Suddenly, an extremely cold wind blew from the sea. It was so cold that Catherine shivered, and there was Yi Chen's voice in the cold wind.

"Catherine, have you followed William for so long, has your brain deteriorated? Have you forgotten that I also belong to the sea? Or are you really not afraid of death?

Give you three seconds, get out of here! Otherwise, I will treat you as malicious and execute you on the spot... Even if your body is not here, you will still be buried in the Black Sea. "

At the same time as the sound came, Catherine felt that the sea behind her became a little strange.

Even parts of the sea were dyed black, and countless dead were waving to her under the sea, wanting her to become one of them.

Cold sweat slid down the side of the Buddha statue, and Catherine looked embarrassed, "Mr. Yi...just a joke! I'm leaving now, but once I take back the dream, your little girlfriend may be in danger! I'm personally very Looking forward to watching you become a hero and save the beauty, hehe."

The entire statue of the Buddha and the sea anemones under the seat dispersed, turning into vicious octopuses and rolling back to the sea.

Yi Chen did not pay attention to Catherine's whereabouts. Instead, he teleported to the top window of the banquet hall and looked at the situation inside.

As the 'sea monster' was repulsed, all the contestants who had fallen into a dream gradually woke up.

Currently, almost 70% of the people were gathered in the [Banquet Hall]. When they gradually woke up, they immediately discovered that a very inconspicuous woman with no characteristics was violating the first rule and absorbing everyone while they were asleep. 'others.

At present, more than ten people have been completely assimilated.

These include models that are several meters tall, the bride being carried by a paper mannequin, etc.

Considering that the rules cannot be violated, everyone naturally regards this person as a 'sea monster' and attacks him in groups.

Liu Xinzhi, who was surrounded by everyone, was all smiles and didn't explain anything... because in her eyes, this group of people also violated the first rule.

guest room.

Miss Pi, who had a meat tube inserted into her mouth, finally woke up after experiencing nineteen reincarnations of death. Every death in the nightmare consumes her energy, and even her soul becomes thinner.

Although she didn't understand why the dream would resolve itself, she immediately grabbed her umbrella and checked the situation inside the house.

"Did she wake up early..."

He dragged his weak body out of the room, used his umbrella as a staff and walked toward the source of the smell of blood, and slowly arrived at the banquet hall.

What once looked like a banquet hall for high society has now turned into a hell of flesh and blood.

All the contestants who boarded the cruise ship died without exception, leaving only some 'leftovers' scattered on the dining table or hung on decorations.

A large amount of coagulated blood covered the entire banquet hall with a red carpet.

At the far end of the red carpet, an elegant woman was walking, and gradually changed from walking slowly to running.

Snapped! He immediately hugged Fei, who had just arrived, but the hands that seemed to be hugging him were tightly held, and one of them was still holding a knife.

"Sister Fei! You finally woke up. Look... I have helped us complete the screening in advance. The subsequent obstacles have been cleared away, and the final stage is waiting for us."

"I'm waiting for you alone, Liu Xinzhi."

"Sister Fei, it's true that what you say directly hurts your feelings.

However, I believe Sister Fei and I have the same idea. You should know very well that there is no loser in this beauty pageant, only the last person can survive.

Rather than letting Sister Fei be killed by others, it is better to combine with me in advance! I still have a good impression of Sister Fei, and I have already left a space for you in my body. "

"Sister Xinzhi, you are very confident."

"Of course, only with confidence can you get on that stage, go to the end with Mr. Yi, and become [Fujiang]... I have heard these two words while eating, and I feel that not long after, I can truly inherit this perfect name.”

"Come and try it."

It rained heavily inside the enclosed cruise ship.

Two naked women with tear marks at the corners of their eyes lay on their sides on the ground, hugging each other. However, one of them had dozens of stab wounds on his body and was fatal everywhere.

The adhering skin began to transfer towards one of them,

The two kissing heads slowly stuck together to complete the final fusion.

Under the pouring rain,

She stood tall and graceful like a sculpture, stretched out her arms and picked up the scattered broken umbrella again. Suddenly, her head suddenly turned 180 degrees to look at the corner of the hall.

"Mr. Yi! I know you have been watching me... How about it, am I doing well! This should be the result you want, to survive the influence of the sea monster and complete the final transformation.

I didn’t expect that Sister Fei could be so powerful and almost killed me at the last moment.

Obviously I have absorbed so much, obviously I have heard Fujiang's hidden words, obviously she is so weak. "

"Because you lack experience."

"Experience...what is that?"

"The experience of killing is just like when you are chopping vegetables at home. She has killed a lot of people, so she is naturally more familiar with it than you. She knows exactly when and at what point to kill efficiently."

"That's fine~ Just share Sister Fei's experience with me!"

As he said that, Piao's face appeared on Liu Xinzhi's profile, but his eyes were completely closed.

"That's not enough. From now on until the cruise ship disembarks, I will teach you something..."

"Okay! Mr. Yi, how did you become so active? I remember that you were completely indifferent at first and didn't care about me at all.

But things have changed since I boarded the ship, and I am actually actively catering to this talent show. "

"I want you to win the final pageant."

Liu Xinzhi didn't think too much about the problem. She rushed over and threw herself into Yi Chen's arms, saying with tears in her eyes:

"For Mr. Yi, I will definitely win the championship. Please train me. I will persevere no matter how difficult it is."

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