Born an only child, into a well-off family, graduated from a prestigious school, holds a doctorate in philosophy, and is a contemporary writer.

I used the royalties from my last book to buy a villa in the suburbs, and my parents moved in with me.

My mother takes care of every birthday every year. Although my father rarely cares, he always bears the heaviest responsibility whenever something unexpected happens.

Yi Chen's memory became smooth and full. However, this life changed a year ago.

At a book conference, Yi Chen met a slim foreign book friend. His exquisite face was like a painting, his soft words were like the tip of his tongue touching the surface of the cochlea, and his humble and courteous demeanor made him fall in love at first sight.

The two soon fell in love and got married three months later.

Strangely, the two did not buy a new house.

On the one hand, Ms. Jin has a good relationship with her parents and is willing to live in the villa. If the two have a baby in the future, the parents can share the care.

On the other hand, Yi Chen is also used to creating in the study room of the villa and doesn't mind living with his parents.

Everything was so beautiful that even Yi Chen, who was having breakfast, smiled unconsciously.

The strange thing is that his expression is slightly stiff, as if this beautiful and happy smile does not belong to him at all.

Just when Yi Chen finished the wontons in the bowl, he accidentally discovered that there was a hair in the bottom of the soup. In his memory, his mother was extremely strict in her work, and she would not have let her hair fall into the bowl.

When Yi Chen stared at this hair, it actually twisted.

Just when Yi Chen was about to take a closer look, his mother suddenly arrived and took away the bowl he had eaten.

While cleaning next to the sink, he signaled that Yi Chen didn't need any help here and just needed him to go back to his room and write a book seriously.

Just when Yi Chen habitually got up and went back to the house to create based on his memory, the scene in front of him stunned him again.

In the memory of the majestic figure, the father, as an important member of the family, did not go directly to work after eating wontons, but came to Jin's back.

He reached out and grabbed a strand of hair, stretched out his tongue and licked the surface gently.

Jin did not resist such behavior, but actually enjoyed it. Jin quickly felt her husband's gaze and turned around to cast a gentle look, as if everything was normal.


"Hey~ What's the matter?" The mother who was washing the dishes turned her head when Yi Chen called out. Her gaze also passed by the father who was licking his hair, but said nothing.


Yi Chen just stood here, waiting until Jin slowly finished the chaos in the bowl.

"Jin, come up with me."

"Ah? Go up... you usually don't allow anyone to disturb you when you are creating. You are so weird today, Yi."

"bring it on."

"Okay, then you carry me up!"

Jin jumped and fell into Yi Chen's arms. On his elbows, he could clearly feel the saliva left in his hair after being licked by his tongue, which made him feel sick.

At the same time that Jin left the table, her father quickly picked up the remaining wonton bowl she had, drank every bit of the soup base inside, and stuck out his tongue to lick it.

The mother finally took the bowl from his father's hand. What was also strange was that after Jin's dishes and chopsticks were washed, they were placed separately in a disinfection cabinet.

When the two of them walked to the second floor, their parents stood at the top of the stairs, watching and waiting, not knowing whether they were concerned about their son or Jin's condition.

The study is set up at the end of the entrance hall on the second floor, and is even equipped with a combination lock.

The study inside is completely closed, with no windows. The floor is covered with thick black carpet, and the walls are covered with dark soundproof cotton. The fresh air system is used to replace the air inside.

There is only one laptop placed in front of the deepest table.

"Wow! Husband, your study room turns out to be like this! This is my first time here. You are indeed a very private person."

Yi Chen put down Jin from his arms and asked face to face: "Jin, what happened just now?"

"What's going on?"

"your hair."

"Ah? What's wrong with my hair? Are you talking about morning etiquette? Come on, the middle hair is for you to lick. Mom and dad can only lick both sides.

Or maybe my husband specially invited me to the study today because he wanted to lick a place that he had never licked before? "

As Jin spoke, he slowly walked back to the only desk in the room, sat his small body on it, slowly raised his right foot, and twisted his five toes gently, as if a pink-lipped mouth appeared on the surface of each toe. Whisper softly:

"Come and lick it! Don't worry, no one has licked it here yet. When your father wanted to lick it that day, I refused."

Yi Chen walked over and squatted down. Based on the memory in his brain, he suddenly took out a knife from the secret compartment of the desk and completely cut off Jin's leg.

Then he stabbed his neck with another knife.

Various splashes of liquid landed on the dark carpet or soundproofing cotton in the study. Half an hour later, Yi Chen dragged the black bag out of the study.

In order not to be discovered by his parents, he threw the bag containing the warm body parts out of the window at the end of the entrance hall and landed in the backyard.

Unexpectedly, the bag was not completely wrapped. When it fell, the head inside slipped out. After rolling a few times, he happened to look at Yi Chen who was climbing out of the window. He even stuck out his tongue in his mouth and wanted to kiss him.

Yi Chen quickly jumped off the second floor and crushed it with one foot.

Then I found a shovel from the tool room in the backyard and started digging. I dug a hole big enough and buried the bag in it.

Yi Chen here is just an ordinary person. It took him three hours to finally bury it, sweating like rain.

It was almost noon. He stepped on the window sill of the first floor and climbed back to the second floor. As soon as the soles of his feet touched the ground, he heard his mother's voice again.

"Yi Chen, ask Jin to come down and have dinner together."


Yi Chen cleaned the mud off his shoes as much as possible, wiped off the sweat, and hurried downstairs.

Father was still reading the newspaper, but his eyes were looking sideways at the stairs, as if he was eager for Jin's appearance.

The table is already filled with all kinds of stews, stir-fried meats, meat pies and ribs soup. There are more meats than vegetables, as if there is not enough meat to eat at home.

When my mother brought the last piece of braised pork, she showed a scary and weird smile, "Why hasn't Jin come down yet?"

"She said she was too sleepy and planned to rest in the study for a while. I would bring her some food later..."

Dong Dong Dong~ A knock on the door suddenly interrupted Yi Chen's words.

At this moment, Yi Chen seemed to be able to smell the smell of soil mixed with corpse odor through the door, as if he had already guessed who was standing at the door.

Just when Yi Chen wanted to get up and stop him, his mother had already arrived at the door.


The door opens.

Jin Zheng, wearing only the upper half of his pajamas, stood at the door and greeted Yi Chen with a smile.

"Kim, welcome home! Come and eat."

The mother didn't seem to notice anything different about Jin coming back from the door or contradict her son's words, and immediately invited him in.

The family of four started to enjoy lunch.

Jin, who had just sat down, took out the largest piece from the braised pork and took the initiative to feed it to Yi Chen beside him.

Just when she made this move, the parents at the same table all opened their mouths, eager for the same feeding.

But Yi Chen's thoughts were not at the dinner table. His whole body was sweating. He didn't understand why Jin appeared.

When I looked at the big piece of meat in front of me, I immediately recalled the cutting a few hours ago. The pieces of meat were about the same size.

Thinking of this, he immediately got up and rushed to the toilet, vomiting non-stop.

After that, he stood in front of the pool and kept washing his face. The young man reflected in the mirror was extremely thin, his eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and it even felt like there was a smelly white liquid spilling out between the eyeballs.

When Yi Chen finished cleaning, he returned to the restaurant.

I saw that Jin was feeding meat to his father. He chewed it in his mouth first, then rolled it into meat balls and threw them into his father's mouth.

Every time I catch the meat ball, my mother will also applaud.

Strong possessiveness and murderous intent immediately arose in Yi Chen's body. He walked to the kitchen, took a knife and stabbed his father in the back of the head, blood splattered all over his face.

"Ah!!!" My mother screamed crazily when she saw this.

Only Jin was sitting in his seat, watching all this with a smile, like a satisfied theater audience.

Yi Chen then came to his mother's side and slashed the knife in his hand across her neck, trying to cut off the vocal cords to stop the piercing scream... but he used too much force and cut off the entire head.


As my mother's head fell on the dining table,

Yi Chen looked at the extremely familiar head, and his memory covered in white pulp was suddenly torn apart, and he returned to that night, the blazing orphanage and Director Cao who was beheaded by him.

The mother in front of me looks exactly like Director Cao...

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