The final gentleman

Chapter 933 Tianzun’s suggestion

"Hahaha, you are all old acquaintances as expected! After all, there are probably not many people who have reached your level in such a small world as Lesion.

This will make it easier to talk about something later. "

Jin Lung Tianzun has been following and observing at the end. If he finds that the group in front of him has had conflicts or the atmosphere is inappropriate, he will spend some extra money to open another private room.

Now it seems that the atmosphere is quite suitable, it can save a lot of money, and it is convenient to talk about important things together.

With a smile on his face, he sat down next to Yi Chen. After all, their breathing could promote each other.

"There must be something very important about gathering us in a restaurant like this that only serves gods, right?" the emperor asked bluntly.

“It’s important, but we can wait until after the meal to elaborate.

After all, you have just escaped from a vicious incident, and there are still more or less wounds from the vicious peeling on your body. The dishes here can help repair it. "

The Emperor's hands that were originally folded on the table suddenly bulged and spread, resting on his chin.

These hand movements were like a closed city gate being slowly pushed open. Tianzun could even faintly hear the sound of thousands of troops and horses rushing towards him.

The emperor's words became firm and irrefutable, "The only one injured here is Griman, and he is probably not in a hurry to eat. Let's talk about you first, Tianzun."

The emperor's aura slightly disrupted Jin Lung Tianzun's breathing for several seconds.

"Okay, okay~ Then I won't go out.

Your performance is amazing, and you can suppress the phenomenon within a predetermined time, or even eradicate it completely. This kind of efficiency can be said to be quite amazing when compared to us, and it may be related to the restraint of your symptoms.

In about a week, I would like to invite you to go to the [Seventh Heaven] to conduct an experiment. "

"Tell me more specifically."

"Our gods are not doing nothing to deal with this disaster that is about to sweep the entire universe. About fifty years ago, we conducted an effective raid on a malignant center that was detected to have reached a disaster level.

At the cost of the fall of many gods,

We imprisoned, suppressed, and sealed a [disaster] and sealed him in the lowest level of the Seven Heavens, the eternal prison of the Great Hell.

The so-called experiment is for you to go to the Great Hell and try to detect, perceive, and even indirectly contact and attack the imprisoned disaster within a controlled range.

If you can achieve good results, your rewards this time can be further improved.

Moreover, those guys above are more willing to provide greater conditions for the lesions, and even start the world project to move the lesion world located on the edge of the plane toward the center. "

"Migrate here and perish with you?"

"Don't sound so desperate~ It's still difficult to transfer the plane of a world. If the evil can really be suppressed by then, the disease will be on an equal footing with us and enjoy the resources of the entire universe."

The emperor responded, "This kind of thing is not something that we can have the final say on. Besides, the focus of the will may not want to come here at all.

We came here just to strive for more independent authority and disease privacy. "

Jin Lung Tianzun touched his beard and said, "Judging from your current achievements in quickly eradicating the two phenomena, you can already strive for this condition.

But if you can go one step further, which is what I just said, the follow-up negotiations will be smoother, and you can even obtain some conditions that are impossible to negotiate at this stage.

More importantly, everyone here will face [disaster] sooner or later. Being imprisoned in advance and the threat value is not that big may help you accumulate some experience. "

Everyone present knew clearly what Jin Lung Tianzun was planning, but such conditions were indeed beneficial to both parties.

"Can you give us disaster information in advance?"

"I can't give it to you. This is a top secret and a dangerous secret. Even the gods who participated in the suppression of this target have had their memories erased completely."

Even my memory has been mostly deleted, and I only know that such a disaster was suppressed in the Great Hell.

The reason why the memory is deleted is because the other party's 'concept' is pervasive. The more you know, the deeper the impact will be. Even if you just glimpse his name, the other person's evil thoughts will quickly penetrate through the memory of his name. "

These words instantly aroused the interest of everyone present.

"Knowing is dangerous"

This is too exaggerated, and no such existence can be found in the entire lesion, but maybe the Duke is somewhat similar.

The emperor then asked a key question, "Since memory is in danger, how can you ensure strict supervision of this person? How will his personal data be preserved? Is it even possible that he ran away long ago and is just yours?" Don’t you know the memory yet?”

"We have our own method for this. In order to ensure the stability of the containment, we have set up a special team for "disasters". They will conduct periodic memory transfers and preserve data through a creature that does not have consciousness but can remember. and other means.

Of course, a containment breach is a real possibility. While this thing is still under control, now is a good time for you to make tentative contact.

You will naturally know what the specific situation is when you arrive at the Seventh Heaven.

And your temptations will be gradual, and will be terminated immediately if you are found to have any discomfort. "

"Everything you say is good, and the bad points are covered up."

Tianzun touched his beard and said, "That is inevitable. Existences of this level can bring disaster to the entire universe. How can it not be dangerous to have contact with such existences?

Risks and benefits are always equal, right?

Of course, I'm just giving you this opportunity.

Whether you are willing to go there or not is another matter. After all, this is my whim, and there is no intention from above to let you try the disaster.

If you agree on the spot, I will submit the application immediately after the dinner. The process will take about a week, which is enough for you to rest. "

The emperor was thoughtful, his twin eyes looked at the people sitting down as if they were prime ministers, and finally his eyes fell on Yi Chen.

"Mr. Yi, what do you think? You came here earlier, so you should have gotten more information, and William arrived two years ago."

"You can go."

Yi Chen gave his advice, because in a week he could almost touch the inside of the Sunken Death Palace.

And in order to eliminate the shameful "hotel stress disorder", he also wants to take the initiative to contact the disaster. This kind of disaster of being imprisoned and restricted is a great opportunity.

"Do you have any comments?"

All the patients around the emperor acquiesced to this matter, but Leni raised her hand proactively, "Um...will I hold you back? If so, I can stay here."

The emperor responded softly, "Follow."


After hearing the unanimous opinions of all the patients, Jin Lung Tianzun quickly used high-frequency breathing to suppress the strong fluctuations in emotions to prevent a smile from appearing on his face.

To others, it looked like he was out of breath and would soon be able to eat.

After everyone gave a unanimous opinion, Tianzun stood up and bowed, taking a deep breath to let the air flow carry the sound to the kitchen.

"Serve! Also, upgrade all dishes from lower level to special level."

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