The final gentleman

Chapter 935 The crack in the door

Ding dong!

The elevator reaches the top floor of the hotel, which is also the exclusive suite floor for the disciples of the evil god.

Although William was sent out, Yi Chen was still not completely relieved. After all, when he first came here, William could still deliver the note to his door even if he was no longer in this world.

Just when Yi Chen was about to arrange some special means of death or even a trap outside the door, he unexpectedly discovered that a note had been stuffed into his pocket at some point, and even the yellow skin that was the body of the clothes was unknown. .

It was placed in the mezzanine where the video tapes were once stored, and an abyss gap was created inside.

≮Mr. Yi, there is no need to be wary of me, I will never disturb your ‘deep dive’. Mr. Yi and I are one and the same. The stronger you are, the stronger I am, right?

Besides, I will probably borrow your power in the future. There are some troubles that only Mr. Yi can kill.

When you used the method of hanging to explore the Dead Sea, I specially sent people to clean the stains at your door to avoid forcing the hotel to break in.

If there is still a big movement this week, I will still arrange for someone to help you deal with it. Just feel at ease and go deep. ≯

The note was crushed into powder between his fingers. The feeling of William reading his mind in advance made Yi Chen very unhappy, but this discomfort was quickly erased.

In Yi Chen's opinion, nothing can be changed by sticking to the present. Only by completely surpassing William can he truly give him a big advantage.

Close the door and lock it, and put the rope into the circle.

"Your current location is [Silent Shoal]. Do you want to be teleported to [Sealed Sunken Palace of Death]?"


Once again, we came to the temple that sealed the secret of death and the supreme evil god.

After the last attempt at the theater, part of the stones piled up in front of the temple gate had been 'eroded' away.

If you want to completely break it open, a week is certainly not enough time.

But as the seal gradually broke open, the breath that overflowed from the crack in the door allowed Yi Chen to have a deeper understanding while sitting in front of the door.

The most important thing is that the door will be able to be slightly opened immediately, and then formal communication with the beings imprisoned inside may be possible.


The breaking of the seal must be completed by the opposite of God, that is, the contemporary "evil" Fu Jiang-Liu Xinzhi.

Liu Xinzhi, who has been transformed into a deceased person, has completely retained her concept of Fu Jiang. Currently located in the deepest part of the Dead Sea, she seems to have been recruited into a construction site and started moving bricks day after day.

Break the seal by removing pieces of heavy and oddly shaped stone from the door.

It seems simple, but in fact only Tomie who has reached the level of evil above the phenomenon level and has unlimited regeneration can complete it.

Every second of contact will destroy one of Liu Xinzhi's bodies. When the first body is about to collapse, the next one will immediately follow.

Now she is very experienced. She has transformed into a human centipede with dozens of female bodies connected in series. Every time a stone is removed, the body of the centipede is completely consumed.

Although Liu Xinzhi didn't complain at all, she was still very tired after a few days. She was very tired mentally and physically, so she rested in Yi Chen's cross-legged arms.

"Mr. Yi, don't you have a good relationship with those so-called gods now? Wouldn't it be better to let them unblock them directly?"

"You've been moving for so long and you still haven't found any problems?"

"What? I just moved things and didn't think about anything else."

"It is true that some of the seals set here come from God, but most of them are set by the sealed people inside. If you want to meet them, you must break them yourself."

Liu Xinzhi in her arms gently scratched Yi Chen's chin with her hand, "Keep it to yourself? Why?"

"You need to go in and ask for the specific reason. You can continue after you have rested."

Yi Chen has been sitting cross-legged in front of the door with no distracting thoughts, feeling the strong lifeless energy overflowing as the seal is gradually opened.

This feeling made Yi Chen gradually recall the scene when he first saw the Dead Sea Shrine in the small dark room of the orphanage.

"At that time, I was able to cross multiple planes, locate me in the near-death state in the virtual world overseen by the gods, lower the virtual image of the shrine, and lead me to step into the Dead Sea and become a disciple.

This is enough to show that the seals of the so-called righteous gods cannot completely suppress Him, He just doesn't want to leave. 』

Even though Yi Chen had calmed down as much as possible, he was still more or less agitated.

If death had not given me a gift at that time, Yi Chen would not have been able to walk out of the orphanage, nor would he have been able to realize his dream completely when he became an adult. He would not have been able to reach this stage and meet a 'friendly' world like the disease, and he would not have been able to obtain such a Change and become like being close to the sun.

He has always been grateful to the god behind this, but it is a pity that the god behind it is too mysterious. The most Yi Chen can do is kneel down and salute on the shore of the Dead Sea or on a boat.

Now we can finally see the supreme being who created the Dead Sea.

【Day 6】

Due to Liu Xinzhi's hard work in moving bricks, one day earlier than expected, the door in front of her that could welcome the entrance of a huge god was no longer completely imprisoned, but was slightly loose and a small gap was opened.

(The overall seal still exists, and the door needs to be fully opened to allow individuals to enter)

When this gap that even the little finger could not reach was opened, the breath that escaped had undergone a qualitative change. It was deeper than the death Yi Chen had ever been exposed to, and it even reminded him of one thing.

When William and I were still one body, we went to the [Original Tomb] for the first time and saw the original deceased at the lowest level. The other person also existed in the depths of death, very deep.

Yi Chen no longer crossed his legs, but stood up and knelt down.

She was even more pious than when she helped William see the "Tenth Abyss". Even Liu Xinzhi, who was moving the bricks, was completely stunned. She didn't expect that Mr. Yi, who had always seemed aloof, would give such a great gift to others.

She also learned to be pious, lowering her head slightly and moving much slower when moving bricks.

As time passes by,

No matter how devoutly Yi Chen kowtows, or murmurs words, or displays a pure concept of death during the salute,

But no words came out from within the gap, not even a trace of fluctuation.

For a moment, Yi Chen even wondered whether he was not pious enough or opened the door in the wrong way. He should have done it himself instead of using Liu Xinzhi.

These suspicions were quickly denied, because if the being inside was displeased, there would definitely be slight fluctuations.

But now he couldn't feel anything. It seemed that no matter what Yi Chen did, it was meaningless, as if there was no one inside.

It's a pity that there are only the last ten hours left. It is impossible for Liu Xinzhi to open it alone, and there is no way to verify the truth inside.

Yi Chen wanted to give up kneeling several times, stand up and put his eyes against the crack of the door to peek inside, but his clear and pure heart immediately stopped this action.

He still maintained his kneeling posture with no distracting thoughts.

Unknowingly, he had arrived at the scheduled time of [one week]. Logically speaking, the hotel would arrange for someone to come and knock on the door to interrupt Yi Chen's hanging behavior.

But everything was quiet. Yi Chen, who continued to kneel down and worship, had entered a state of "absolute piety". He had long forgotten the agreement with Tianzun and could not remember the time.

I don’t know how much time has passed,

Yi Chen suddenly realized something was wrong. Liu Xinzhi used to come to his arms every two hours to rest for a short while, but now she never came over.

When I looked up, Liu Xinzhi was already gone.

The sealed door in front of him also disappeared. To be precise, it came behind Yi Chen.

He actually arrived inside the temple without knowing it...

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