The final gentleman

Chapter 937 The Late Dead

【Yundian Hotel】

Jin Lung Tianzun came here early,

The application submitted by him to allow these 'typical patients' from the disease to be exposed to the disaster has been approved, and they can officially go to the seventh-level heaven today.

The team led by the Emperor has gathered in the hall. Whether it is the aura they exude or the appearance they reveal, the residents coming and going look surprised, wary and even shocked.

Among the thousands of worlds managed by the main material plane, life in no world can express such distinctive and strong biological characteristics.

After Reagan and Fay finished their meal in the hotel, they followed them to the lobby.

Tianzun put his hands behind his back and asked with a smile, "Isn't Yi Chen here yet?"

Reagan shook his head, "I'm not sure. He's usually pretty punctual."

"Then just wait a little longer."

Half an hour passed and there was still no sign of Yi Chen. The anxious Tianzun obviously couldn't wait any longer, "I'll go to his room to see what's going on. Please wait a moment."

Just when Tianzun was about to knock on the door in person, Reagan suddenly stepped in front of him and said, "I'd better go up. When we parted a week ago, I remembered Yi said that he needed to retreat."

"What does that matter~ He has accepted my incarnation, Purple Lung, and his breathing is in sync with mine. I can judge his specific state just by breathing. If he is really in an important retreat stage, there is no harm in waiting for him.

Let's go up together. "


Just when the two of them stepped into the elevator and the door closed,

Tick! A drop of blood fell between the two.

In just one breath, the blood transformed into the handsome appearance of the emperor with long flowing hair. One hand was arranging the red tie on the white shirt, and the other hand was pushing the hair behind the ear behind the eyes.

"What kind of retreat would actually forget the agreement with me."

The Emperor joined in like this, and the Heavenly Lord on the side was quite surprised at such a rapid and perfect blood transfer.

In the Sanqing Heaven, there are many people who claim to be Blood Demon, Blood Lord, and Blood Ancestor, but in the eyes of Heavenly Lord, they are unable to transfer the complete body perfectly with just one drop of blood like the Great Emperor, and this process does not rely on Any so-called 'divine power' is simply a purely biological condition.

"Which floor does Yi Chen live on?" the emperor asked.

"The top floor," Reagan replied.

"Then I'll go up first. This kind of mechanical vehicle is too slow."

Just when the emperor was about to turn into blood and flow out of the elevator car, Reagan suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it against the metal wall.

The elevator that was originally pulling normally suddenly began to increase in speed, reaching twenty times its original speed without stopping at any intermediate floors.

Ding dong!

The elevator stopped steadily on the top floor. When the door opened, Tianzun's beard was slightly askew, and the emperor cast an approving look.

The passage in front of him was filled with evil spirits, but these evil spirits were nothing compared to the death in a certain room.

The emperor's twin pupils instantly locked onto the door that was already pitch black and should have decayed and disintegrated long ago. The stability of the door was ensured only by a strange magic circle drawn on the door.

Tianzun had already arrived at the door in one breath and looked at it carefully, "Who painted this formation? The level is very high. Otherwise, the entire top floor of the hotel would have turned into a death cemetery."

Tianzun looked at the formation on the door in surprise, and even picked out some gold powder used to draw the formation with his hands.

"Little grape?"

"This is not the formation of your disease, but something from our side... Whether it is the drawing materials or the formation style, I remember where I have seen it before, but suddenly I can't remember it."

At this moment, the door to the adjacent guest room opened and a woman pushing a stroller came out.

The woman made a very elegant greeting gesture,

"I have met Tianzun. The little girl is an inner disciple of Demon Lord Ni Ying. She is currently staying here temporarily. A few days ago, she saw a strong death energy escaping from the adjacent room. Considering the importance of the hotel, the little girl tried to draw a picture. Formation to suppress it."

"Demon Lord Ni Ying! No wonder I said that the gold powder used in this formation is so special... Thank you so much. How is Demon Lord Ni Ying doing now?"

"Master is also in retreat, and may take action at the last moment."

"Say hello to Him for me."

"Okay, then I'll leave first!"

As the woman left, Jin Lung Tianzun had no doubts.

The people who can live on this floor are relatively famous disciples of the evil god. Even if this woman doesn't take action to suppress death, the residents in other rooms may do so.

Moreover, Tianzun's thoughts were all on Yi Chen, and he was very curious about what kind of state the other party had reached.

Breathing in sync,

But no matter how much Tianzun breathed, he couldn't get an internal response, as if there was no incarnation of the Purple Lung inside, or the entire Purple Lung had withered.

When he thought of the incarnation organ he had given him being wasted, Tianzun couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"No induction, let's go into the house and have a look."

Similarly, neither Reagan nor the Great Emperor could sense anything. When their twin eyes looked through, they could only see a dark outline of a man hanging, unable to see the specific situation clearly.

Reagan stepped forward and put his palm on the door lock, "Try not to disturb Mr. Yi!"

The door lock opened silently under his mechanical control, and the surrounding airflow was no longer used as a sound transmission medium under Tianzun's control.

As the door slowly opens,

Tianzun immediately took out the cloth bag prepared in advance, and all the death breath that overflowed from the door was sucked into it, but the entire cloth bag could no longer be used due to aging.

Before Tianzun had time to feel distressed, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

At the same time, his face began to overflow with moisture, and at the same time, a strong desire to hang himself overflowed from the depths of his soul.

Not only Tianzun, but even Reagan, who had fully ascended, had a string of location codes in his body, which translated to 'hang himself'.

The emperor's eyes widened, "Have you become so powerful, Yi?"


Tianzun exhaled suddenly to eliminate the suicidal desire in his body, and at the same time sighed, "Have you seen the Hanged King before?"

inside the house,

Yi Chen, hanging on the rope, was like a mummy that had been dead for thousands of years.

The feature that made people want to hang themselves was his sunken, circle-shaped face... but it was different from the Hanged King's completely empty face.

Yi Chen's face did not become a hollow, but a pit that sunk inward. It even felt like some dead bacteria were crawling between the pits.

Perhaps sensing the arrival of outsiders, the arms like dead wood slowly began to move, lifting and grabbing the rope,

As Yi Chen's head was gradually removed from the rope, his body also changed from a thousand-year-old mummy back to its original shape, and the hollows on his face were filled back.

Death all around is being recycled at this moment.

The guest room became normal.

"Sorry, I forgot the time!" Yi Chen looked at the three people in front of him and knew that he must be late.

"It doesn't matter, it's just an extra hour of waiting... Your state is more suitable for contacting the imprisoned [Disaster].

You actually arrived inside the Death Palace so quickly, faster than we expected, and you also gained some insights from the Hanged King. "

"You have known about the Hanged King's departure for a long time, right?" Yi Chen asked.

"Of course I know... Otherwise, when you break the seal, there will be at least three supreme gods and more than a dozen self-created godheads to suppress you.

If the Hanged King had not left, it would have been impossible for us to give you such a dangerous forbidden rope that could quickly approach the Sunken Palace of Death. "

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