The final gentleman

Chapter 939 Under the Kingdom of Heaven

The Seventh Heaven, also known as The Seventh Heaven

Among the thousands of worlds managed or created by the main material plane, the religious beliefs of most Westerners are based on this divine realm.

A very small number of believers who show strong talents in this religious faith will receive the call of heaven and get the opportunity to ascend to heaven.

The overall appearance is a scene of "six rings and one island".

The six rings below correspond to the six different types of heavens, converging upward, and the top is the seventh heaven, the highest level, in the shape of an island.

This is also the origin of heaven and the residence of the supreme divinity.

Even though the entire heaven is filled with holy light, every doctrine is washing the souls of the devout, and there are holy babies with wings everywhere, responsible for monitoring and purifying.

But there is still a phenomenon of corruption under the wear and tear of time, especially with the emergence of [evil]. Many believers in the kingdom of heaven have been shaken in their beliefs after understanding the fact that the end will inevitably come.

They abandoned their original dogma and actively degenerated into devils.

However, the Kingdom of Heaven did not deny such existence, and even spent extremely important space resources to create a completely equivalent seven-level hell under the seven-level heaven, also known as the [Great Hell].

Fallen angels, or some individuals who believe in the devil and come to the divine realm, will be placed below.

After such transformation and balance, the entire [Heavenly Kingdom] immediately entered a state of prosperity and development, and even reached the first place in the divine domain in terms of comprehensive index in a short period of time.

This also made the gods in the heavens more aware of the importance of balance, and wanted to control the spread of malice through balanced methods.

He advocates equal development with Malice, and is even willing to hand over half of the plane to the other party in exchange for a true balance.

is also like this.

Decades ago, when a [Disaster] representing the highest level was suppressed, the Seven Heavens were willing to take risks and devote a lot of energy, requesting that this [Disaster] be sealed in the depths of the Great Hell.

With the help of the supreme being in hell,

The supreme divinity in the seventh heaven also descended into the incarnation. As an ordinary researcher, he participated in the research, information recording and safety management of [disaster].

He has been in a stable state of detention and has obtained a lot of useful 'information' that still needs to be deciphered.


After waiting for a while, Yi Chen and Reagan officially stepped into the gate of heaven that was radiating platinum light, and in the blink of an eye they appeared in a huge garden that was denser than a forest.

The emperor and others are also gathering here, surrounding the fountain filled with holy water.

There is no change in gravity here, and it even feels like there are a lot more beneficial components in the air.

Just after everyone arrived, babies with angel wings and white halos above their heads flew out from the maze-like garden around them.

There were kind smiles on their faces, but they were holding a strange golden scroll in their hands.

Yi Chen could clearly feel that these Holy Infants were obviously hostile towards their group of patients and himself, the deceased.

at this time,

A ray of golden light that does not belong to heaven shines down,

All the stamens actually began to breathe actively.

Huha~ Just listen to one breath, and the airflow forms a golden staircase leading to the sky.

An old man holding golden Buddha dust and accompanied by a boy and girl walked down the stairs. When everyone looked up, they could even see the virtual image of lungs reflected in the entire sky.

This Huang Ji Taoist robe is a very famous magical weapon of the Immortal Family. The silk threads that make up the clothing are connected to the lungs like the trachea.

With every breath of Tianzun, the Taoist robe will exhale a golden breath and surround him, just like being surrounded by immortal energy, and it seems that Tianzun always exists in his own small world, keeping a distance from the outside world.

This is the true posture of the True Gold Haohua Lung Celestial Lord,

Just when Tianzun was slowly walking down the steps, ready to let these sick little guys appreciate his immortal spirit, a familiar voice came.

"Lao Deng, don't waste time showing off, come down quickly."

"Who dares to disrespect Tianzun!"

The boy who was following Jin Lung Tianzun on both sides suddenly changed his face, his eyes looked fierce, he raised his head and opened his mouth.

The breaths exhaled from their mouths actually formed entities outside their bodies. One person turned into a golden unicorn, and the other turned into a soldier holding a money sword, and they jointly attacked Yi Chen.

"Stop! Don't be rude!"

With a loud shout, Tianzun shook away the avatars exhaled by the two of them.

"Tianzun...this person!"

"If you can kill [Phenomena] within a week and are willing to sacrifice your life to go to the deepest part of hell to contact [Disaster], you can also call me this."

"Don't dare!"

"Okay~ You have nothing to do here, go back."


Although Tianzun failed to show off, he still maintained his magnanimity. He took a breath and took the golden ladder back into his body. The Buddha dust fell gently beside everyone with a wave of his hand.

Then he took out a document engraved with the seal of the Pantheon and showed it to the Holy Infants around him.

"We have obtained the qualifications to go to the depths of the Great Hell - [The Secret Room], why don't we open the passage to hell for us as soon as possible."

The Holy Infants immediately gathered together and tore off each other's skins, revealing bloody angel bones.

They glued each other's skins together to form the structure of the door, and then used blood to draw the symbol that uniquely belongs to the devil.

Then they also removed their own skulls and placed them in different positions in the formation.

However, the formation center is still vacant.

Golden Lung Tianzun released his palm, and the special pass engraved with the seal of the Pantheon floated over and stuck firmly to the center of the formation.

fully activated,

A door to the depths of the Great Hell was opened.

"Let's go!"

When everyone passed through the door again, the scene before them was different from what they expected.

There are no devils, no demons, no magma or any debris, just a red wasteland.

"In order to ensure that [disaster] will not escape through the portal being opened, or affect the outside world.

The portal is located far away, and the containment area is still far away from us and we need to walk there.

Moreover, the walk here is quite special and there is no exact direction. "

"What do you mean there is no exact direction?" Yi Chen asked directly.

"It means that there is no 'road' or 'direction' that leads directly to the containment area. If you want to get there, you must completely lose yourself.

As long as you remember nothing, you will reach your destination when you forget everything. "

"Is there such a setting?"

"This is the rule set by the ruler of the seventh heaven, that is, the supreme being of heaven. He labeled the asylum as a concept of complete loss."


"Then, everyone, see you at the shelter! The time given to you is only 12 hours. If the time is up and you are not completely lost, it means that you are not qualified to meet the [disaster]. The unforgettable memory will only make you fall into Danger."

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