The final gentleman

Chapter 947 Reorganization of the Team

Although the purpose of this trip has been achieved and even received full support from the "Seventh Heaven", Yi Chen is not in a good mood at all.

Although he initially did not completely believe that the gods could completely suppress and imprison a [disaster] that represented the most evil for decades.

But considering that it was a joint effort by multiple supreme gods, and that there were such huge and complete facilities at the bottom of the Seven-Level Heaven, Yi Chen still chose to believe it.

But the results he got now made him extremely disappointed. He was even able to glimpse the destruction of the entire God's Domain at one time, and he understood why the Pharaoh he met when he first came here was so negative.

The gap is too big.

At this point, Yi Chen can be completely sure of one thing. The relationship between evil and God is not opposition, but a relationship of restraint.

Yi Chen came to the isolation room where the objects were stored and took all Xiao Putao and others back.

He immediately checked the video tape and confirmed the existence of William. He was a little curious that William did not act privately this time and did not take this opportunity to obtain more divinity from heaven.

After meeting up with the emperor and others in the waiting area, they left the facility together.

After having close or distant contact with the disaster, everyone's mood changed to a certain extent. Only the emperor remained unchanged, his eyes still staring at the horizon.

Yi Chen, who was walking in the passage, took the initiative and said, "Emperor, how long have you been in the first-level contact room?"

"One second."


"Because right now I am not a match for that guy inside. As long as I understand this, the purpose of contact will be achieved."

"Then are you planning to continue to stay here?"

"When the goal is achieved, the lesion will be completely connected to the main material plane and we will have the initiative of 'world transportation'. There is not much difference between going back and staying here.

However, I personally will go back first, to the joint epidemic area of ​​the leather factory and the manor, and strive for the next "qualification" as soon as possible.

And you? Ready to go back? "

"No, I've found my own way."

"That's good."

After a brief exchange, the two walked out of the facility. The incarnation of Jesus had already been waiting here and opened the door for them to return directly. There was no need to waste time traveling through the wasteland.


As soon as I returned to the City of Shells, a soft breath hit me.

The old but powerful palms quickly placed on Yi Chen's shoulders, and even massaged it slightly vigorously, and his breathing was perfectly synchronized with Yi Chen's.

The person who came was none other than Jin Lung Tianzun. Such a big man actually had quite good massage techniques.

"Great job you guys! The Seventh Heaven Kingdom actually fully supports the connection of lesions. In this way, the [World Gate] can be fully opened within a week, and the lesions will also enjoy "unilateral access" authority.

That is to say, the patient can freely travel back and forth between the two worlds, but those of us here need to get the patient's permission if they want to go there. "

Tianzun did not ask what everyone had gone through. All he needed was the result and the integrity of this group of young people.

After experiencing the killing of [Phenomena] and contact with [Disaster], the emperor and others had completely satisfied their curiosity and aroused the long-lost desire for 'biological growth'. None of them had any intention of continuing to rest in the hotel, nor did they The idea of ​​staying here to get the resources of the gods.

Leni's special performance and the fact that they jointly kill with the characteristics of the disease can already show that the life foundation given by the disease is the key to breaking the situation, and even the key to higher places.

Everyone left one after another.

However, one person remained among the disbanded teams.

Leni Histra, she has different ideas from others, she does not have a particularly strong idea of ​​becoming stronger. And this time, one of the reasons for coming here was to replace someone else, and the other was to take the opportunity to find traces of William.

According to Leni's intuition, Mr. Yi, who had almost the same face as William, probably knew something, but the other party didn't trust her yet and was unwilling to say it.

"Mr. Yi, can I stay and follow you? Anyway, the mission has been completed. It doesn't matter whether I go back or not... I will never hold back!"

If it were in the past, Yi Chen would definitely refuse, because a goat like Leni, which symbolizes rebirth, is simply poison to him.

But looking at his right arm, which was completely intact, and recalling the special situation of life and death in the facility, Yi Chen nodded.

Moreover, Jin's departure left a position in the team vacant. The addition of Leni can not only fill the vacancy, but that special new student can also ensure the safety of all members.

The most important thing,

Yi Chen wanted to know why Leni's "fertility" was able to wrest the concept from the hands of "Disaster" and what its underlying root was.

As Yi Chen nodded in affirmation, a new person was added to the team.

Leni, who had been far away along the way, was now quietly approaching with small steps! Until he came to Yi Chen's side, he gently touched the surface of his arm with his fingers.

"Wow! My feeling is correct~ After I gave birth to your arm, the rejection reaction between us both seemed to have disappeared!"


Yi Chen himself was a little surprised. The rejection of life and death was so strong before, but now it has become so peaceful.

Jin Lung Tianzun on the side watched all this silently, taking deep breaths to capture the air flow between the two. The originally mutually exclusive air flow was now completely coordinated by Yi Chen's right arm.

"What does it mean to have a right arm? What on earth have you experienced?"

Yi Chen was too lazy to explain, but Leni, who regarded Tianzun as a good person, told the whole process enthusiastically.

When Tian Zun learned that Yi Chen actually violated the rules and came into contact with [Disaster], and even launched a consciousness-level attack, he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. Later, when he learned that Leni had snatched the arm back from the glutton, he couldn't understand it.

It felt like I was on a roller coaster, and I was almost out of breath listening to this experience.

Tianzun slowly calmed down his breathing and stared at the innocent girl in front of him. He was distracted for a moment and seemed to have thought of something.

Just when Tianzun was in a daze, Yi Chen suddenly asked,

"Lao Deng, how is Lorian's situation? He has been in that world for a long time, right?"

"Don't worry, I arranged for him to go there. I have always been concerned about this matter. As long as there are any abnormal changes in that world, the world inspector will notify me as soon as possible. There has been no notification of any situation yet."


"Then you go back to the hotel to rest first, and then I'll invite you to the restaurant for a meal after I've taken care of the connection with the lesion."

Tianzun suppressed the joy in his heart, and as a ray of golden breath floated away, his body had turned into a godless puppet.

When the team returned to the hotel again, Yi Chen's stress disorder about the 'hotel' had disappeared. This was the biggest gain from this trip to the Seventh Heaven.

The three of them rode in the elevator together,

Reagan's guest room was on a lower floor and he left early.

When the elevator door is about to close, Miss Faye, who is made of wires, can even be seen through the crack in the door. She can't wait to show up and get close to Reagan in the aisle.

Ding dong!

The elevator stops at the 51st floor, which is the godless floor where Leni is located.

"If there is anything you need to handle, Mr. Yi, please remember to call me."

Just after Leni lowered her head to say goodbye, she unexpectedly found that the elevator in front of her became empty. Mr. Yi actually walked out of the elevator and stood beside her.

"Can we go to your room to talk? My room is too dead and not suitable for you."


As usual on weekends, I take a break and take my kids to the zoo.

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