The final gentleman

Chapter 957 Script

【City of Shells】Emergency Teleport Area

The intelligence officer found Tianzun anxiously.

"The True Gold Haohua Lung Emperor, the World Observatory has confirmed that [The Tenth Disaster-Michael Myers] is carrying out its main body activities in the ring world where the murderous nightmare is.

He has cut off the emergency channels of the current world.

We are currently chasing someone, probably the patient team you sent there. "

"What! Revealed completely so soon? Can you deduce why the tenth plague went alone? Is it because of the murderous nightmare or other reasons."

"It is most likely related to the moon anomalies in this world and surrounding worlds."

Tianzun took a deep breath, "Moon... no wonder, the place where the tenth plague is located is always dark, and the moon is probably his favorite decoration. What is the current situation? Is it possible for those little guys to escape to the surrounding world?"

"One of them is trying to establish a dimensional passage through the connection of Yue, and the remaining people seem to be trying to hold back the Tenth Disaster.

It is worth noting that there seems to have been a conflict so far, and there have been no casualties among the patients. "

"If you can kill phenomena, you can naturally persist for a while, but in the end there is only one way to die... Many self-righteous gods have died at the hands of the tenth plague.

Since he does not have the means to fight against the army, the country and the border, he is put at the end, but he has almost no solution in a one-on-one situation!

In this way, once the group of young people escape to the nearby world, they will notify me immediately and I will go and pick them up personally. "

"Tianzun, think twice! If you are "marked" by the tenth plague, you will be restricted from staying in the divine realm. If you are endlessly hunted by this thing, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if you rescue them, as long as you are sure that they are marked, you cannot return to the City of Shells! "

"Everyone is mortal. The value of these little guys is greater than the risk I need to take. Regardless of whether they are marked or not, save people first."

【Deep Sea Death Palace】

One minute ago, the tenth plague hadn't caught up with him.

The black knife that Nash transformed into made sounds. "Boss Yi, can't your left arm reconstruct the concept of death?"

"The knife just now was not the conscious slash used for testing before. This pure and direct slash was indeed different, and it fit very well with the literary carrier corresponding to its evil nature.

I could feel some real restraint, and there were even crew members and directors whispering in my ears, asking me to stand still and be split in half by the killer.

Even if I focused on one point and broke through this constraint and rewrote the script of "Cleft in Half", I still couldn't get rid of the result of being chopped. I just changed the script to "Cut off the left hand".

At present, the broken left hand has been written in the script and has become a fact that is difficult to change. If you want to restore your left arm, you need to achieve the priority of completely changing the script, and I am afraid that only Leni can do it.

[Disaster] indeed all have this in common, the forced occupation of concepts,

Either it is used as an ingredient like before, or it is fixed in the script like it is now. "

"Boss Yi, do you want to deal with this guy with one hand!?"

"There is no one hand or two hands, or even no hands.

The key to dealing with this guy is whether he can break through the script formed by the opponent's killing obsession. As long as he can break through without being hit, everything is easy to say.

Of course it won't be that easy. In the next fight, I'm afraid it won't be as simple as just breaking off my left hand. "

At this moment, Huang Pi, who had always been taciturn, used silk thread to outline words on Yi Chen's retina.

≮I will try my best to help you realize this process. ≯

Yi Chen was a little surprised by Huang Pi's assistance. After all, it was not very proactive when following William, and all its actions were based on the premise of becoming the factory director.

I am afraid that there is only one reason why I am willing to help now, and that is because I feel that my death is coming. Once I die, I will not talk about becoming the factory director at all. Even the door of the leather factory cannot be seen.

for a time,

Yi Chen's suit was removed, leaving only a white shirt and a black vest, making the whole look more restrictive.

If you look inside the shirt, you will also find that every silk thread representing the yellow cranial nerve is connected to Yi Chen's body, forming an external skin with 100% synchronization rate.

As the large leather shoes appeared outside the temple, Yi Chen's eyes became solemn.

"Sure enough, the other party has a targeted spatial transfer and can continue to track the marked object. As long as my concept still exists, he will keep chasing me, no matter where he goes.

Even if I escape back to [City of Shells] and return to the hotel, the other party will knock on my door a few seconds later.

A conclusion must be made here. "

Focus and immersion,

When Yi Chen sat on the throne of the gallows, his artistic conception as a king instantly condensed, and two important women stood behind him to provide spiritual support.

Tap~tap~tap~ The sound of heavy footsteps kept approaching.

None of the dead people kneeling in the main hall stopped them.

The Tenth Plague came to the gallows, ready to step on his giant leather shoes and walk up to kill Wang Shi on top.

Looking up, the king had disappeared.

A black knife wrapped with endless death energy, carrying the king's pressure, slashed down heavily.

The movements in The Tenth Disaster are still as slow as in the movies, completely unable to keep up with Yi Chen's swift movements.

The black knife landed firmly on the head of the Tenth Plague, cutting into the white human skin mask, trying to cut the mask and head together.


This black knife, which can threaten Yat, the most evil source of disease, and can fight against the emperor, carries the death energy of the new Hanged King at this stage, but it is unable to cut through this seemingly ordinary white mask.

The blade that scratched the face only left a shallow black mark.

However, the lower blade successfully cut through the opponent's electrician's clothing and skin.

"Can hurt the body, but can't cut the mask?"

Huangpi once again sent words, ≮This is no ordinary skin, it is something I have never seen before, it is a higher-level, more delicate, and perfect expression of skin! I'm afraid the underlying concept has changed. If I can kill this guy, please let me touch and feel this mask. ≯

"Stop talking nonsense, it's coming, Huangpi!"

After completing the attack, Yi Chen felt 'restrained' again.

His body fell in front of the Tenth Disaster and was unable to move. He vaguely felt that there was a skilled crew around him, and the lighting engineer specially lit the two people.

The director came over with the script, put his ear to Yi Chen's ear, and preached sternly: "Next, don't make any more unnecessary movements. Just stand where you are, open your mouth wide, and let the kitchen knife in Miles' hand cut your mouth." It runs through the entire brain.

If you dare to make any more unnecessary moves, you won’t want today’s lunch! "

It even felt like I was hit on the head by the director with a club rolled into a newspaper, which deepened the fixed effect of the script.

Yi Chen couldn't move at all, and even his mouth began to open automatically, unable to control it.

Since the script had been affected last time, the constraints on the script this time were even stronger than expected.

Even if Huang Pi Mao exerted all his strength, and even if Yi Chen focused on one point, he would only be able to deflect his body slightly and would not be able to avoid it completely. He might be able to avoid his brain, but his mouth would definitely be cut open.

crucial moment.

The sound of two women communicating could be heard in my ears.

"Miss Xinzhi, you are really laughing. My Yibao is not in good condition today...let us help him together."

Two pairs of cold arms stretched out from behind Yi Chen's head. One hand covered his eyes, while the other covered his ears.

The demands of the script were instantly suppressed.


The silver light penetrated, and it did not penetrate into Yi Chen's mouth as in the script, nor was it contaminated with brain matter, it just cut off one ear.

Yi Chen, who closed his eyes, turned his head perfectly to avoid the blow.

No hesitation, no thanks, only determination to kill the enemy!

Huh~ A mouthful of thick black mist came out of his mouth, his clothes were further tightened, and the white tie around his neck was further tightened.

"a flash"

The body with its center of gravity lowered already appeared ten meters away.

In the main hall, the body of the Tenth Calamity was split into two and fell heavily to the ground.

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