The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1000: Ye Shen Coffee, that's it!

Ye Fei finally knows why the system wants to make itself the most powerful anchor in the world first. This is accumulating capital for itself. This product definitely knows that one day in the future will definitely make the world boil, and when it will Be the target of everyone's attention all over the world. These people are not only their fans and audiences, but also many other forces will want to make their own ideas.

Now there are more than 1.6 billion fans and spectators who are constantly rushing up. There is such a large group as their backing. No matter what kind of forces want to find themselves, they must weigh it.

Especially now that Solova has become his own fan, and he has experienced the kind of life and death moments here. Presumably, he also knows his strength and influence, and believes that he cannot be disturbed. As the world's number one If the rice nation of the powerful country does not move itself, then the other countries will not to mention.

Why grab it and slice it for research? !!

Suddenly, Ye Fei believes that these things he experienced are as if they were doomed, and maybe it was the hands and feet of the system guy.

不管 However, no matter what will happen tomorrow, you should be safe unless there are really organizations or individuals who do not know how to be superior.

I figured it all out, Ye Fei's heart suddenly opened up.

Do live broadcast, yes, I will still do live broadcast, I want to join the so-called Star Anchor Army, even if you are the bottom most garbage anchor, you have to have their own personality garbage!

What's more, the system has already made it clear that the so-called aliens in the cosmic sky are not all those alien aliens, and many of them are immigrants from the past. Their dietary habits and ingredients are the same as those of the earth, and they just do it. The food is different. In this case, they will open up their dusty diet history and let them know that there are still people on the planet and their compatriots.

The heart of beauty is shared by everyone. As long as you like good things, Lao Tzu will not believe you and conquer you!

At this moment, Ye Fei was suddenly full of pride and couldn't help laughing.

Ma Qingyun looked at Ye Fei and sighed suddenly, and said, "I shouldn't tell you this and see that you are crazy."

Ye Yefei: "......."

"Uncle Ma, you think too much, I'm just happy."

"you are happy?"

"Yes, when I think of cooking with countless stars, I can't help but be excited. If you think about it, what could be more exciting and fun?"

"Exciting? Fun? Ye Fei, aren't you stupid? You have to know that the food you make is even the best, but that is something on earth after all, other people ... you look at this product, you Do you think that creatures that grow into this ghost will eat spicy chicken? Will they eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes? "

Ye Yefei stared at the ET-like alien, nodded earnestly, and said, "He will."

Ma Qingyun: "......."

He really didn't know how to persuade Ye Fei, and now he felt a little regretful. He regretted that he should not tell Ye Fei about it, although Ye Fei would know it sooner or later. It might be better if he knew it later You see now, this child seems a little abnormal.

"Forget it, since you want to do it, let's do it, old man, I have lived for most of my life. To be honest, I haven't seen aliens. This is also borrowed from you, and we will know these aliens. Anchor, see if they are great or if we are strong! "

Ye Ma Qingyun was also infected by Ye Fei at last, and the arrogance said was soaring.

At this moment, Ma Qingyun's phone rang and it was some of the friends he was looking for.

"Come on, everyone from the judicial department and the industrial and commercial department is here. This time Snow Cafe is going to be unlucky." Ma Qingyun said with a smile.

Ye Yefei was very relaxed now, and he got out of the car, and the two saw three cars parked not far away, and then two or three people got on each car.

Ma Qingyun stunned and said with a smile: "The people from the food safety department are here too. It's hard not to close the Snow Cafe now."

Seven people came from a distance, three of them in front, all wearing glasses.

After they came to Ma Qingyun, they shook hands with Ma Qingyun, and then a group of people all looked at Ye Fei with their eyes bright.

"Leaf God!"

"Mr. Ye."

Ye Fei did not recognize them, but they knew Ye Fei and all greeted them very kindly.

Ye Yefei also greeted them with a smile, and said, "Troublesome."

A middle-aged man with short hair laughed: "This is what we should do, and thank you for your report."

Another middle-aged person looked up at the Snow Cafe sign and said, "This should be the shop with the oldest five?"

"Oh? Director Wei, do you know this person?"

"Several times, people are cunning."

呵 "Oh, this time the evidence is conclusive, even if it is no more cunning, everyone, Mr. Ma, Ye Shen, let's go in and see."

After speaking, Director Wei was in front, others followed, and opened the door to enter.

The waiter looked at so many people, all of them were not ordinary people, and greeted them with a smile.

"Welcome everyone to Snow Cafe, how many?"

"I'm counting ..." Director Wei was just the same, counting backwards, saying, "Nine, are there any seats available?"

这个 "This ... let me see, there are still a few places over there, please follow me."

The waiter brought the crowd to the place, Ye Fei kept his head down, and the waiter didn't see his face, and said, "Some drinks?"

Director Wei Wei said, "Is there a list? Let us choose."


The waiter brought over a list and pointed directly at the top picture, saying: "You can taste our specialty coffee, Yeshen Coffee. This is the coffee you must order every time Yeshen comes."

"Really? But it's too expensive."

"Sir, Ye Shen Coffee is different, of course it is expensive."

At this time, the leader of the food safety department said, "Yeshen Coffee? And this coffee?"

The waiter laughed: "Yes, because Ye Shen is a frequent visitor to our shop, so in the end, our shop asked Ye Shen to cooperate, and the two parties signed the contract."

这样 "So? But Ye Shen and I are good friends, and I haven't heard him talk about it."

"........ is ... is it? Oh? It's okay, after all, who will make money and hang on to it every day, do you mean it?"

Ma Qingyun said cheerfully: "What you said makes sense, then you can give us a few cups of this leaf coffee first."

The waiter went down, not long after the two waiters came over and brought nine cups of coffee with the tray.

When a few people drank it, they almost spit it out. This is not coffee at all, because it is too light and too light. There is no taste of coffee. Don't even think about it. This is a little coffee that is definitely a pot of water.

"This coffee ... doesn't it taste right?" Ma Qingyun asked with a frown.

The waiter laughed, "Yeshen Coffee, that's the taste."

Ye Yefei couldn't take it anymore, suddenly raised his head and said coldly, "Yes? Why don't I know it myself?"


"Ah ?! Ye ... Ye Shen? !!!"

The waiter was a little aggressive, she didn't expect Ye Fei to come over, and ordered a cup of Ye Shen coffee, which was so special.

After a short while, the waiter reacted and hurried to the help desk. As a result, he was given a young man by Director Wei to give him the uniform just two steps later.

At this moment, the police outside the cafe screamed loudly, and the director Gan came with a group of policemen.

As soon as I entered the door, a group of policemen shouted, "Don't move!"

The service staff and lobby manager of the Cino Snow Cafe were dumbfounded.

I rub, what the **** is going on here? Why did the police suddenly come over? What's this for?

在 At this moment, Ye Fei stood up and turned around, letting everyone see his face clearly.

When everyone saw Ye Fei, they were all excited, howling one by one.

"Yeshen? Ahhhh, I saw Yeshen."

"I did not expect Ye Shen to be a frequent visitor to this cafe."

哎 "Hey, I'm so disappointed, I think this is a pit coffee cafe, this coffee is really bad."

"Why did Ye Shen cooperate with such a cafe? It's sad."

Ye Fei heard everyone's words in his ears and exclaimed, "Everyone, listen to me. I have been to this coffee shop a few times before, but I just came here for a cup of coffee and talked about it. Working with them, not to mention what Yeshen Coffee was signed to launch a contract, all these are their own claims. They deceived customers with my name, Ye Fei. I am also a victim. My reputation is damaged, and my Rights have been violated, so today I specifically brought people from the judiciary, industry and commerce, and food safety and health departments to collect evidence. "

After Ye Fei said, several other people also stood up, and then made their identity clear. Director Wei said, "Social development, we want to see that all walks of life can also flourish, but this development needs to be established. On observance of laws and regulations, such treacherous enterprises are absolutely not allowed to exist, so this time we take joint action to ban such illegal enterprises and bring their responsible persons to justice. Now everyone also has Understood, this matter has nothing to do with Ye Shen, all this is the self-assertion of the cafe owner. "

The leader of the judiciary stood up and said, "We have obtained the evidence, and Ye Shen has also found a lawyer to bring Snow Cafe to court."

Director Gan Gan and Ye Fei nodded, directly asking people to control all the staff first, and then let others go up and down to find the boss.

It was n’t long before Tu ’s fifth child was brought out. The goods were soft as soon as they came over, and he fluttered and sat on the ground. He said pitifully: "Everyone, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I was blinded by money, I I really shouldn't have to do these unscrupulous acts. Give me a chance. I will never dare. "

After speaking, he saw Ye Fei, and he just got up and trot ~ ~ He hugged Ye Fei's leg and said, "Ye God, Ye God, I am your iron powder, you Do n’t you have the heart to watch your iron powder end like this? ”

Ye Fei sighed and said, "I can't bear it, but if I can't bear it, it will chill more people's hearts. Is your name Tu Laowu? I think your cafe is open for a short time. Now, you should also be a veteran in the shopping mall. You should also know what money can be made and what money can't be made. You are swaggering under the banner of my banner. If I let you go, then it is me Ye Fei and you who are in love Do you think this is possible? "

"Yeshen, I'm really wrong, please give me a chance."

"It's not that I don't give you a chance, but that the law doesn't give you a chance. For the sake of being a fan of me, I can withdraw the charge against you, but I can't help you because of everyone else. They all looked at it. If I let Ye Fei let you go, how could I explain to these people? "

After speaking, Ye Fei pushed away Tu's fifth child, and nodded with everyone, and left Snow Cafe directly. He knew that these people would take care of the following things.

Ye Yefei walked out of the coffee shop, and there was a burst of cheers inside. Many people were chanting slogans like Ye Shenwei, and even more people apologized to Ye Fei.

Ye Yefei smiled at the corner of his mouth, pulled the car door and sat in. He started the car and left directly. He was going back and going back to prepare for the Que Que broadcast tomorrow ...

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