The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1037: Drive around

A group of Lao Mo stayed on the island. To be honest, Ye Fei would never agree without considering that a person is really boring.

But since it has been promised, now it is not only to settle the eleven people, but also to get a bunch of pots and pans over the farmhouse, or it will definitely cause doubts among these guys.

Speaking of his intentions, Lao Mo patted his chest and said, "Yes, this is all a small matter, just leave it to us. If you rest, we will get it for you, not a bunch of pots and pans ?"

Ye Fei jumped as soon as he heard it, just hand it to you? A ghost, if you mess up a few bowls for me in the process of moving, I'll have to lose everything.

"I still need to take a trip in person, but there must be no one here, Lao Mo, who you see is left, the others will come back with me."

Lao Mo finally cut it directly from the middle and looked at the island on the island. The other five people and he followed Ye Fei to get the pots and pans.

Only one, two, three, four and five did not let them idle on the island. First, the first floor of the entire building was opened, and the pillars were removed to form a space the same as the first floor of the bamboo house in the farmhouse.

It was a trivial matter to move things. With the support of the army, it was quickly completed, and even the locker of Ewha Wood was moved over.

In fact, these are all allowed by the system, otherwise these things will become ordinary items as soon as they go out.

Many people are good at things. After everything is done, Ye Fei arranges for everyone in a barracks far away from him. In fact, these people can live anywhere. After all, this condition is better than the conditions when performing the task. Too many.

After everything is done, Ye Fei tells them that they can come and eat every day. Of course, these meals are ordinary ingredients delivered from the outside, and in order not to cause everyone's doubt, Ye Fei will be all of them in front of them. Sorted into different storage compartments, he knew the system would handle the later things.

at night.

A group of Lao Mo all came to Ye Fei's residence. After eating, Ye Feidao said, "Everyone, you should know what the main reason for you to stay is to protect those aliens who might come. There is an accident, so if there are times when an alien spacecraft lands, do n’t panic and communicate about all these things with me. You just have to guard against the situation outside the island. In addition, I also know that the main thing for you to stay is to Protect the alien technology that can be obtained from the aliens. If I can get it, I will naturally contact the above, but there is one point I must explain. Without me, no one can move aliens because I Don't want to cause unnecessary trouble. "

Although a group of people were laughing and laughing together, Ye Fei felt that some things had to be said in the front, so as not to be stubborn afterwards.

A group of Lao Mo all understood Ye Fei's meaning and knew what he was worried about, saying: "Relax, Ye God, we are not three years old. Our mission is to protect the safety of this island, everything else It's up to you. "

"That's fine."

"Yes, Ye Shen, didn't you say that you picked an alien the last time you picked a lucky guest? Why haven't you come yet?" Zero Zero asked excitedly.

The others also looked at Ye Fei with their eyes shining, and they all wanted to see what this so-called alien looks like.

In fact, Ye Fei is even more confused than them. It stands to reason that since the twists and turns promised to come over to participate in the show, he should be able to know the time of arrival. Since he did not say that it will take a long time, it should be faster. But it's been a few days, why haven't we done it yet?

Ye Fei wanted to call Ma Qingyun's phone to ask about the situation, but he took out his mobile phone and put it back, because he knew that Ma Qingyun was so helpful to others, and it would not be clear. After all, this is an alien, not an earth person.

But you have to come or when will I come to know, otherwise how else is this live broadcast? Just who to ask?

Ye Fei thought for a long time. When his eyes lighted up, he flipped Johnson's phone out directly. He had stored the old man's phone. After all, he was the president of the International Live Broadcasting Association, so that he could use it one day.

Johnson was actually very anxious, because he just communicated with the five people just now, knowing that they had already sent the coordinates of Ye Fei's residence to the curve, but there was no news for Mao?

At this time, Ye Fei called and asked about the situation. Johnson explained the situation. Of course, he didn't talk about the Star Live Broadcasting Association, but said that the coordinates of your residence had been sent to the curve by special channels. The twists and turns should come soon.

It's just how fast this can be, it can be said that the ghost doesn't know.

Anxious here, a group of policemen in Gantiandi and neighboring cities in Yinzhou were relieved because they already knew that Ye Fei had left Yinzhou and the next live broadcast was not here. This is the biggest good news, because they don't have to tighten their nerves anymore, they don't have to worry about it anymore.

For this reason, Qiantiandi paid for a large table at Tianhe Shanggong, the most luxurious five-star hotel in Yinzhou, and banqueted several colleagues from neighboring cities. The banquet also included the Deputy Director of Yinzhou City and another Several captains.

"Hahaha, director, you do n’t know. I have never dared to relax in the past few days. The whole thing is going to lose sleep, but now it ’s okay. Ye Shen changed the live broadcast location, then Regardless of our affairs. "A deputy director of the neighboring city shook his head and said with a smile.

Captain Xiao who accompanied the drink also laughed: "Who is not the same, I tell you, these past few days are for the alien guest of Ye Shen, but I did n’t even eat well, I did n’t sleep well, and I lost weight. Five pounds, I must have a good meal today. "

Gantiandi also laughed and said, "Everyone, I know you have been working hard these days, so everyone can eat and drink casually today. I'll tell you, in fact, it's not just you who are nervous, I'm even more nervous than you. The arrest of a Class A wanted gunner is even more tense, and if Ye Shen does not leave, we will be so nervous every day, but now it ’s okay, but it ’s also a pity that we ca n’t see it for the first time It ’s been to the aliens. To be honest, I have n’t seen that thing for so many years. I ’m curious. ”

Another deputy director next to him laughed: "The director said, as if we have seen aliens, we have n’t seen each other, let alone us, even if our ancestors have not seen However, if I hadn't been born with Ye Shen in this life, I would have no chance to see it. "

"You're right, in fact, I think, that the aliens coming are still very good for Yinzhou, at least it can make Yinzhou's fame even louder."

"You can pull it down, I tell you, as long as Ye Shen is there, it's more useful than aliens. I can exaggerately say that now Yinzhou is absolutely famous all over the world. Haven't you heard of it? Since the emergence of Ye Shen, Yinzhou ’s investment promotion has been extremely smooth. Many of the world ’s top 500 companies, the leaders of the Yinzhou Investment Promotion Bureau have no idea at all, they have come to their door. Those who are soft and hard are settled in Yinzhou. "

"It's true. I have a classmate of China Merchants. I also said that I had dinner a while ago. The other people ’s investment bureaus in the other cities were all worried about their investment and their hair was gray. Leaders of large and medium-sized enterprises are busy with white hair. This is the attraction of Ye Shen. You can't accept it. "

When I saw a group of people talking about this topic, he at least smiled and didn't speak, because he knew Ye Fei's energy better than anyone else, because he had seen it with his own eyes, and it was said that it was only a small part It ’s only a few people, specifically some entrepreneurs in China. The rest of the world did not come at all. Ye Shen now has more than two billion viewers in the live broadcast room. There are definitely more powerful characters in it. It is strange that people are so busy with their white hair that they are fatal if they are not busy!

While a group was eating and talking, all of a sudden, everyone heard a loud noise coming from outside.

This voice is like a galloping horse, and like a river overflowing, it's like a thunderous roar.

Banging ~~~

Huh Huh ~~~~

As soon as this voice came, everyone heard that the outside world exploded, and the outside was a mess, people screamed and shouted, and some even took photos and short shots against the sky with their mobile phones. video.

"What's the matter?" Gantian asked for a moment, wondering.

Captain Shaw was his man. He stood up directly to the window and looked out. Seeing that everyone was running and screaming and pointing to the sky, he also hurriedly looked up to the sky, and suddenly the whole person was stupid.

"Xiao Xiao, what's going on?"

Seeing Captain Xiao go and see the situation, standing directly at the window, everyone knew there was a problem, and all of them ran over and looked out.

As a result, they looked into the sky along the line of sight of Captain Shaw, and everyone did not move directly.

At this point, the world outside Yinzhou City has been turned upside down. People regardless of their status, regardless of their identity, are running, screaming at the sky one by one, and many people shouting at the sky.

"Ahhhhh ~ ~ Look, what's that?"

"Oh, this is too big. What the **** is this?"

"Blue fire? Blue fire?"

"You look at the outside, it's all light, like countless lights."

At this moment, it can be said that many people don't even do business, they all look up at the sky.

The whole world in Gantiandi was aggressive, he looked a few times, then slowly turned around, and suddenly growled, "Dote, don't watch it, all the police who will be removed will be arranged again in place, God, Is n’t Ye Shen going live in Yinzhou in the next issue? Why is it still in Yinzhou? Hurry up! ”

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