The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1161: Are you a monk or a matchmaker?

Shen Yue really did not expect that robberies would still occur on Ye Fei's site. How big is this island? How can there be robberies?

She was really puzzled.

She was tied tightly face to face with Ye Fei. She was a little bit confused, but she also had a hint of unexplainable excitement. She felt that her heart was beating much faster than usual, and the blood was flowing faster. After a lot, she knew that she was blushing, and she also knew that she was upset.

This is the first time she has been in close contact with a man.

A strong masculinity emanated from Ye Fei's body, entering her nostrils, she was a little intoxicated.

Ye Fei was even more depressed. He had to know that the last two guys would run away. He really wouldn't agree to do this. Now it is better to face Shen Yue face to face, even to make the two of them tied tighter Ya also let herself hug Shen Yue, his face was in Shen Yue's ears, and even he could see Shen Yuejing's ears and lips turning crimson.

With Shen Yue at such a close distance, to say that Ye Fei's heart is calm and calm, it is simply a ghost, and this goods also has a speedy jump.

"Uh ~~ Sauri, it's a bit unexpected."

"Why is there any robbery here? Besides, why did they just tie us together without robbing them?"

"I don't know about this either. It seems that when I'm free, I will take a good turn on the island and arrest all the criminals."

"You have to do this. It's too dangerous. What do we do now?"

"I ... I don't know. There aren't many people on this island. It is impossible to wait for someone to save us. We can only help ourselves."

"How to save?"

"There is a stone over there. Go ahead and break the rope."

Shen Yue looked aside and found that there was really a big stone by the side of the road, which had edges and corners.

"it is good."

Speaking, Shen Yue moved to the side, but Ye Fei didn't keep up, and the two fell to the ground. Ye Fei happened to be up and Shen Yue was down.

You look at me, I look at you.

Ye Fei has an urge to run nosebleeds, because Shen Yue is really perfect when she looks at it from a close distance. This woman doesn't know how to grow, too delicate.

"Uh ~~ You're on it." Ye Fei didn't know what to do. He said so.

Shen Yue's heart was completely chaotic, and she gave back a sentence: "You are also good on it."

Ye Fei: "......."

Shen Yue: "......... I ... I didn't mean that, oops, I'm really angry, why is this so?"

She really has no room for self-confidence. Today was originally good, but now things are completely beyond his expectation. What should I do?

"Oh, let's go, I shouted one, two, three, and rolled over there, not too far away."

"it is good."

"One, two, three, get out."


This was a bit awkward, but now I can't control that much anymore, they shouted the slogan and rolled forward to the stone.

In the woods not far away, two figures hid behind the big tree and peeked here.

"Xiao Wu, can this be done?" Ling Ling asked with a grass in his mouth.

"Let ’s rest assured, such a great beauty cannot be cheaper than others. It must be Ye Shen."

"But Ye Shen knew it would hit us."

"You're stupid, he already knows well."


"Ah, what? There are just a few of us on this island, not who else can we be?"

"Then we're finished?"

"How is it possible that Ye Shen can take advantage of us? Can we still thank us? Hey ~ How did it fall? You are a second-hander, how do you tie their legs? You have to let them walk Ah, you can grind it like that, do you still have a hammer? "

"Uh ~~ why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Fuck, is this still accountable? Go get them."


Speaking, he put the hood back on again in 2004, then came out with a gun, ran to Ye Fei and Shen Yue, then squatted down, and in the dumbfounded, loosened the rope on their legs. It opened, tied it up again, and then the goods ran away silently.

Shen Yue looked at Ye Fei, Ye Fei looked at Shen Yue, the two were completely aggressive, I rub, what kind of trouble is this going to make?

I was wondering. I ran a few steps over there and turned back: "Okay, so you can stand up and grind."

After speaking, I turned around and ran.

Fifty-five almost hit the tree behind the big tree, zero-four, what do you want?

"So strange robber," Shen Yue mumbled.

Ye Fei also shook his head and said, "The world is as big as it is strange."

Of course, he now knows what happened, but he really couldn't say it. If he said it, Shen Yue would definitely get angry, just these bastards, too. You have nothing to do with robbery? If you want to play, please tell me in advance, now that this matter is done, I have to cooperate with you.

The ropes on the legs were loosened, and the two slowly stood up, and now they were able to move.

When they came to the stone, the two squatted down together and began to grind the rope.

One up, one up.

Shen Yue broke down a bit.

Although the two were wearing clothes, it was uncomfortable enough to grind.

It didn't take long for the rope to break, and both of them were sweating.

"Okay?" Shen Yue asked.

Ye Feidao: "It should be almost, hold on for a while."

Up and down, up and down ...

Four hundred and four and zero five looked anxiously behind the big tree.

"What's going on? Why doesn't Ye Shen attack?"

"Strange, isn't it tied too tightly?"

"I'll go loose again."

"Loose a ghost, if you loose it again, it will show the filling."

"Will I send them a knife?"


"Don't talk, just watch for a while, it won't work."

The two looked at it for a while, and through the telescope, they could see that Ye Fei's face was sweaty, and Shen Yue's clothes were wet.

"Hey, you can still be so calm at this point?" Zero zero five bit the straw in his mouth and admired it.

"Did Ye Shen dislike this girl?"

"How is it possible, who doesn't like such a beautiful girl? Ye Shen is also a man."

"But they are almost face-to-face, why don't they even fight?"

"... don't worry, the clothes are wet, and it's easy to do below ... I depend on it, how did the rope break?"

"Uh ~~ really worn out?"

Beside the stone, Ye Fei and Shen Yue finally broke the rope.

The two hurriedly took off the rope from their bodies and tossed it aside. Shen Yue took a step back, lowering her head and not daring to see Ye Fei, whispering, "Let's go back ..."

Ye Fei kicked the rope under his foot and said, "OK."

The two people hurried back, no one spoke, and no one mentioned the matter just now, it was like a dream.

Watching them slowly disappear at the end of the road, 04 and 05 came out, not long after Lao Mo also came out with 0123.

"how is it going?"

"Yeshen is so upright, such good conditions have not been met."

"I rely on, Ye Shen will not have any defects?"

"I don't know, but I would definitely be there if I were."

"Stupid, tie it so tightly to your eggplant."

"What do you do now? Don't tie it again?"


"Don't bother Ye Shen, what should you do? Ye Shen is a gentleman. You think you are like guys like you who haven't seen women in years."

Ye Fei and Shen Yue returned to their residence, but this time, nearly one hour passed.

After they came back, they found that all three aliens were awake. I have to say that these guys are really strong enough. After drinking so much, they were drunk for a while. Master Huineng still snorted and slept. .

"Well, Ye Shen, where have you been?" Wan Wan asked.

Ye Fei laughed, "Why go out? Why are you awake, are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay, I have to say, the wine was delicious just now, Ye Shen, is there still?" Qingpi said excitedly.

Ye Fei shook his head decisively, and said, "No, there is only one bottle."

"Oh, I can't drink it in the future, it's a pity." Star Milk Tea.

Ye Fei laughed: "Come, it's good to be able to drink once. It's okay. The live broadcast is over. Today's task is complete. You can go back."

"Yeshen, are you rushing us?" Qingpi grabbed his little twine and said, depressed.

"No, the show is done, you are all right on Earth, why not go back?"

"Oh, I'm going back, I'm still fighting on the other side ~ ~ Star Milk Tea Ceremony.

As soon as he left, Pentium's quicksand and green skin also had to leave, because the spacecraft of the two of them destroyed the Star Milk Tea, and they had to go with this goods. As for how to get back to Star Milk Tea, they are Things up.

It didn't take long for the three aliens to leave.

Master Huineng didn't wake up until 4:30 in the afternoon. The goods were full and said: "Amitabha, the old man is out of shape."

Ye Fei laughed: "What's wrong, okay, master, get ready, I'll take you to the nearest airport in a while."

"There is a God of Lao Ye."

Not long after, Ye Fei sent Shen Yue and Master Huineng away.

Just while walking, Shen Yue looked back at Ye Fei step by step.

Master Hui Neng laughed and said, "Shen Shen, from the perspective of the old man, there must be a marriage between you and Ye Shen."

Shen Yue blushed, thinking of what happened today, and said, "The master joked."

"No, no, what I'm saying is true, and I have rarely seen anything in this regard."

"Are you a monk or a matchmaker?"


When everyone left, Ye Fei returned to the island and Yangtian shouted: "Lao Mo, you all roll out for Lao Tzu !!!"

No response.

This product took the mobile phone and just wanted to call Lao Mo, but after thinking about it, he smiled and installed the mobile phone again.

It was just that he had just put the phone in his pocket, but the phone rang.

Take it and look at it. Stallone called. He wondered what the goods were calling now.

He connected the phone and before he could speak, Stallone's voice came over.

"Yeshen, hahaha, burst, burst!"

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