The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1166: The most powerful brutal sports skills Daquan

All knew Ye Fei was crazy, but they didn't expect him to be so crazy.

One live broadcast, more than 20 billion rewards, in fact, this can no longer be described as crazy, this is a change too ah, such as a fake replacement super big change too!

Ye Fei was still sitting in front of the computer when all the stars in the world were fooled by the goods.

He finally recovered from an unbelievable mood, then rubbed his face fiercely, and suddenly smiled.

"Amazing, myself, I can do all this, come on!"

You look at this thick-skinned guy, no one praises him, he praises himself.

But as soon as he was finished talking, a systematic voice came to his mind.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the first jump after becoming the Star Anchor. Now the system rewards a spree, do you receive it?"

Ye Fei: "....."

This item first blinked, then laughed.

"Hahaha, system, your assist is really too 6, you must receive it!"

The system gave a big gift again. It hasn't been given for a long time. It seems that the performance system this time is also very satisfactory.

"Ding Dong, the auxiliary skill package has been distributed. Is the host open?"

"It must be opened."

"Please ask the host to play the cards and answer yes or no."


"Fuck, come back to this, yes, yes."

"Please ask the host to play the cards and answer yes or no."

"Your sister, haven't I answered? Yes, yes."

"Please ask the host to play the cards and answer yes or no."


"Ding Dong, the auxiliary skill package has been opened. Please check with the host."

After that, the system dived again.

Ye Fei was a thorough learner of the urine of this product, and sometimes it was really a dead mind, answering four questions by himself was not enough, only one was necessary.

But now I am not in the mood and the system is more real, first look at the reward of this auxiliary skill package is what skills.

He looked at the open gift package in his heart. As a result, Ye Fei almost sat down on the ground with his buttocks. After holding his body, Ye Fei madly said, "The system, the gift package of auxiliary skills issued every time must be so good Isn't it? This ... what the **** is the strongest brutal sports skills? "

"The host checks on its own."

Ye Fei then looked down, and the result was that the more he looked at the corners of his mouth, the more he couldn't help looking at it, and shouted, "Specially, are you sure that this gift package is issued correctly?"

"The system is sure to send it right."

"But this ... what the **** is this cruel planet?"

"The cruel planet is the name of a planet in the interstellar. Just like its name, the people on this planet behave in a brutal way."

"I'll take a day, you have nothing to send me such a broken skill is useless? Big Brother, you also said, cruel planet, this is a comprehensive collection of sports skills of cruel planet, I am a terrestrial person You sent me a collection of sports skills for the cruel planet. Are you sure you ’re kidding me? ”


"Okay, I'm really drunk. I didn't expect you to make a mess."

Ye Fei is completely speechless. He really did not expect that the system would give him such a devil's auxiliary skills. If the skill of the animal trainer that was given was chicken rib skills, then this skill could not even be considered a chicken rib skill. This is a useless skill, because it is not a skill on the earth at all, and there is nowhere to use it if you want to use it.

Besides, there is another cruel planet in the interstellar world. Is this name so scary?

Also, the behavior of people on that planet is extremely brutal. By the way, I really feel sad for the people on that planet. I must have never felt tenderness from an early age.

But just when Ye Feiya was so painful, the sound of the system came over again.

"Please ask the host to accept the mission."

Ye Fei: "..."

This product is directly aggressive, the system gives the task? This has not happened before, just like the last time I went to Cangshan to find the red-tailed chicken, but this kind of situation is rare, the system rarely gives the task, and it is usually done on its own It is enough to complete the live broadcast, how can this be returned to the task?

"You ... can you say it clearly?" Ye Fei asked with black lines all over his head.

He knew that the goods would not be given to the task, and if given to the task, it would not be completed in three or two days.

The system said: "The host has now successfully promoted to the Star Anchor Army, and the Host is now a little famous among the Star Anchor Army. In order to further expand the host ’s influence among the Star audience and increase the host ’s popularity, , The host needs to travel to different planets from time to time to conquer the audience of each planet. "


Ye Fei heard this sentence from the system, and this product was just a fool.

He sat straight on the chair without moving for a long time, just like a corpse.

After almost three or four minutes, Ye Feiyong jumped up.

"What did you say? What did you say ?!"

"From time to time to different planets to conquer their audience."

"I go to your uncle, are you playing with me? I go to other planets? Outer space? Go play with aliens?"

"The host's understanding is correct."

"I'm right, your sister, right, brother, your joke is really overdone. I'm doing a good live broadcast on the earth. I will live broadcast them and see that there is no need to go to other planets to toss, really."

Ye Fei really needs to pee. The system that appears today makes people want to kill it with a cannon. This is too fucking. I first gave myself a collection of sports skills on what a cruel planet, and now let me go to interstellar. People who conquer other planets in space can think of it with their butts. This first stop must have thrown themselves at the cruel planet.

Ah, just now you said it yourself, the people on this planet behave in a brutal and abnormal way. If I were to go, would there still be a small life to come back alive?

Brother, you are not giving me a mission, you are giving me a death course.

Ye Fei is really going crazy. He never thought that he would need to go to an alien planet someday. People from other planets came to the earth to be aliens. Is it also known as aliens to go to other planets? What about people?

"Please ask the host to accept the task." He no longer crooked with Ye Fei, and the system repeated again.

Ye Fei was completely babbled.

"Can't you accept it?"

"Please ask the host to accept the mission."

"Come on, come on! Isn't that just going to an alien? I'm afraid that it won't work? I've really convinced you that this system is broken. I've never seen you so trouble-free."

"The Cruelty Planet is going to host a global games, please host to the Cruelty Planet to participate in the Games and successfully won the first place, when the entire competition process, the system will broadcast live to the earth through the invisible camera."

"........ Still live?"

"Yes, you need a cheerleader, and the Earth audience is your cheerleader."

"I @ # ¥ ..."

Ye Fei really wanted to die. I went to the aliens to participate in the sports meeting, and then let the earth people do cheerleading for me on the earth. How did you come up with it? Are you sure I can hear them shouting?

At this moment, Ye Fei suddenly had a sense of fear. He wondered whether the system would be able to arrange such a task for himself in the future. The reason why this product believes that it is not a host is to let himself enjoy it first and then Play yourself to death?

If that's the case, then there is nowhere to cry.

This is a super big pit.

"So what, can I do a few things myself before going to Cruelty Planet?"

"The host can prepare for the day and wait for the Star Courier to pick up the goods and leave with the Courier."

"I ... let the courier take me to the courier?"

"Suffice it to say, after all, the system did not prepare an interstellar ship for the host."

Ye Fei completely obeyed the goods. He didn't want to talk now. He didn't want to say anything. He just wanted to sit down and be in a daze. He didn't want to ask anything. He just wanted to be a living dead.

I had been sitting in a chair dumbly until it was dark, still scared by something coming in from the outside.

The sky outside was dark, and the starlight in the sky was faint. There were sounds of waves and woods in the distance. A group of Lao Mo might have done bad things today. It was dark and not seen yet. The whole area was strangely quiet. .

But in this quiet atmosphere, a shadow came in from the door ~ ~ Ye Fei didn't turn on the light, but by the light of the weak computer, he could see the fuzzy appearance of this shadow.

But because he couldn't see it clearly, this product was frightened directly from the **** of sacrifice, because the shadow was really too high, if the height of three meters is already exaggerated, then this person At least five meters!

This is a super giant.

After he came in from the door, the whole man was bent over, and moved forward little by little, and slowly moved in front of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei's eyes moved with his figure, not even a blink, he even forgot to yell, he even forgot to ask who you are.

When this super huge figure came to his own table, Ye Fei looked up at him, only one glance, Ye Fei was almost frightened.

This so-called person is really too people to find a sense of direction.

A long face, a pale face, and no black eyes, all white. The key is that the person's nose is surprisingly small, but the mouth is very large, and it is even more crazy that this person's tongue This girl's tongue is very long and long, and it can be more than half a foot long when it is spit out of her mouth, and she is pulling at the corner of her mouth, like a dog.

Seeing Ye Fei look at himself, this thing smiled at Ye Fei's teeth, exposing sharp teeth full of mouth.

Ye Fei couldn't calm down anymore, he suddenly remembered something, and fell straight from the chair with a plop, and then ran towards the back with a crawl.

As he ran, he shouted: "Lao Mo, 0123, 24, 5568, 80, 90, come here to fight impermanence!"


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