The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1210: Howling and madness only

Sensation before broadcast!

This is the situation of Ye Fei's live broadcast this time.

At this point there are seven or eight minutes before the live broadcast, but the entire world and even the entire interstellar space are shaking.

Because the increase in the number of viewers for this product is a bit too outrageous, everyone else has increased by 110 million, which is good. The first two live broadcasts have increased by 1 billion billion. I have n’t seen it yet. More than 3 billion people have been added here. What kind of interstellar joke is this?

The north and south gates are in a bad mood. He now knows what happened on the Green Star, Ye Fei has blacked out the system of the Green Star Energy Station. As a result, this pot made his cousin Xibo back, and now Xibo It has been thrown into the death prison. It is definitely a prison where all Green Stars do not want to go and dare not go, because although going there is still alive, it is no different from being dead, because going There is never a day for the first time, only to slowly pass the time in it, until they die, and many die before they reach the age of death.

He only has one cousin, and he has a good relationship with Xibo, otherwise it would not be so painstaking to help him become the supreme anchor.

But now?

Cousin is gone.

It's all because of Ye Fei! It is no different from being sent to prison by Ye Fei himself!

A little supreme three-level anchor, so crazy, so lawless, you want to detonate the entire Star Broadcasting Army know? If I do n’t clean you up, you wo n’t know how many pounds or two.

So when it was learned that Ye Fei was broadcasting today, the North and South Gates were ready for battle early. Although he knew that the Star Broadcasting Association did not give the book to Ye Fei, in his opinion this live broadcast was a This silent declaration of war!

He wants Ye Fei to be defeated. He wants to announce the behavior of this product after the defeat of Ye Fei today, so that everyone in interstellar space knows the face of this villain. He wants Ye Fei to be the anchor in StarCraft. There is no place in the army!

But now the entire north and south gates are aggressive.

Since entering Ye Fei's live broadcast room, he has looked at the number that does not become larger like woodcarving clay sculptures. Until now, he has never looked back.

"Uh ~~ his sister, isn't this product the Supreme Level 3 anchor? In other words, there are only 5 billion viewers, but this ... How did this become the Supreme Level 4 anchor?"

The number of digital brushes has increased dramatically.

"Uh eh ~~ Extreme 5th level ?! Why is this catching up with me! How is this possible ?! Still going up?"

The number of digital brushes has increased dramatically!

"Nervous! How did this become a first-class anchor? It's so eight billion people? Why is it still going up ?!"

The whole person at the north and south gates is not good. The whole person is completely covered.

There are more than 8 billion people. How can I challenge Nima? How can this win?

"Stop, stop, stop, you give me!"

The north-south gate shouted silently, but the number in Ye Fei's live room was not under his control at all, and it was still rising coquettish.

8.2 billion?

8.3 billion?

8.4 billion?


The North and South Gates just watched this number rush to 8.6 billion, and the goods immediately fell on their knees.

8.6 billion, the key is that this number is still rising, brother, you have no end? You have to have a head!

There was sweating on the forehead of the north and south gates, sweating on the body, sweating on hands and feet, and the clothes were very uncomfortable against the body, but he couldn't move, he couldn't move, now he doesn't say the whole person, his whole soul They are shaking.

Ye Fei's number between live broadcasts caught him by surprise, no, even if he was prepared, he had to kneel! Because this number is really strong, he wants to die.

"Cousin ... cousin, what kind of existence did you offend?" For a long time, the north and south gates only said to themselves with their lips pursed.

He was really scared now. He wanted to run away.

"Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, that book of war did not reach Ye Fei's hands. If Ye Fei really accepted his challenge, he himself ... he would definitely lose even the slag. Ah, this **** is not human at all, it's too crazy! "

Suddenly thought of something, the North and South Gates hurried into a group and sent a message directly: "Did you see it? Did you all see it?"

An anchor who has a good relationship with the North and South Gates is also a fifth-grade anchor who smiled and asked, "What do you see, North and South Gates?"

"That person, that person!"

At this time, many people's interests were suspended, and someone asked, "Who is this?"

"That earth anchor, that earth food anchor called Ye Fei!"

"Uh ~ what's wrong with him? I've heard of this person, and it seems to be a little bit powerful, but I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, it's just a person who just joined the Star Broadcasting Army, and it will be so powerful."

"Nervous! What's so terrible is that also the case? Are you all blind? Are you all thinking that you are awesome? Do you know that you are about to be stepped on by your feet ?!"

What the North and South Gates say makes many people unwilling to listen, because this is already a curse.

"North and South Gates, how do you scold people?"

"What I cursed is your idiots. I want to wake you up, all of you have to go to Ye Fei's live room to see. This **** is going crazy, do you know? He has already rushed to the palace I ’m a class anchor now? Also a newcomer, can this be a newcomer? "



"Is there anything wrong?"


"Ghost shit."

At this moment, no one blame the North and South Gates for cursing, because if this is true, then he is really right.

Don't talk about the anchors at the supreme level, even the temple-level anchors in the group are not calm.

In particular, there are a few who are really concerned about Ye Fei, knowing that this person has joined the Star Anchor Army as a Blue Diamond fifth-level anchor, and now only three or four issues have been broadcast. Why do n’t you tell me now The fifth-level anchor has only been broadcast for three or four times, and it will become the first-level anchor in the hall. Wouldn't you be a fool?

At this moment, it can be said that all but the top anchors in the entire group went to Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

As a result, when they saw the number of people in Ye Fei's live room, a group of people were all confused.

"Fuck, have you become the first-class anchor in the hall?"

"This person ... I heard that this person came in as a blue diamond fifth grade, and now there are only three or four live broadcasts. This ... how does this change? Where is Cheng Diantang anchor? "

"Ye Fei, he went to participate in the Games of the Cruel Planet. I'm sure that the increase in people is definitely from the Cruel Planet."

"But even if it is, it cannot be so fierce. We all know that the cruel planet is like that. It is impossible for so many people to watch the live broadcast."

"Sick, they admire the warriors. Ye Fei was the first warrior at the Games and won three championships in a row. It can be said that this product is too changeable, too terrifying."

"Specially, lunatic, this is a lunatic."

"Brother, the lunatics are not so crazy, this is a super lunatic!"

"Only four or five live broadcasts, actually turned from a blue diamond fifth-level anchor to a hall-level anchor. When did the hall-level anchor advance so well?"

"What are the four or five issues? The key is that this issue has not yet begun. Damn it, my brain, but it is really going to be exploded by this goods."

In the interstellar anchor group, it can be said that it was as if a bomb was thrown in by Ye Fei, with a bang, everyone was blown out. Those anchors who have not dived for a few years can not hide, all of them Jumped out and howled.

I can't help but shout, this is so terrifying.

In a gust of wind, the news that Ye Fei jumped to the third level almost swept across the interstellar space like the same gust of wind.

Many anchors on the planet have exploded.

Many of the planet ’s live streaming associations are about to collapse.

"It's this grandson again, why is it special?"

"He can really toss. He was still participating in the Games on the cruel planet two days ago. I said at the time that a food anchor was not good at cooking ~ ~ It is not interesting to participate in the Games. He hit his face in a blink of an eye. "

"There is a problem, this person definitely has a problem, no, I now directly suspect that this **** is not personal at all!"

"Can't believe it, really can't believe it!"

"Earth? It seems necessary to pay attention to this planet."

"This guy does have a lot of ghost ideas. I saw that the lucky turntable he did in the live broadcast was good and very attractive. Our planet has also been introduced and it works well. When we all use the lucky turntable, his advantage There will not be much. "

"Yes, we have to do this too."

Ye Fei didn't even know that his live broadcast was not broadcast at all. He had messed up the entire interstellar space. Almost all the anchors were paying attention to him. Almost all the peers were watching him. Everyone was scolding him.

You are so cruel, do you make other anchors alive?

He didn't know all this, he just knew that twelve o'clock was up, and he was about to start a video, which was really the big deal for him.

He really wanted to see how the audience would react when they saw that they were right in front of them, and that would definitely be fun.

"Yes, time is up." Rhodes rubbed his hands and said with excitement.


Ye Fei made a sigh, then opened the video directly, and smiled at the audience in the live room: "Friends, we meet again."

All audience: "........"

Click ~~

The whole live room was instantly turbulent!

The sun and the moon are dark.

The world is dim.

Howling and madness only!


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