The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1276: I know you can't do it, I did it on purpose

Treat friends as warm as spring and treat enemies as cruel and ruthless as winter.

This enemy that Frank has in Ye Fei's eyes is so irritating. How can I offend you? How did Chinese food offend you? If you do n’t like it, you do n’t like it. No one blame you. Do you need to bury it?

The worst people in the world are not bad people, but villains!

Because the bad guy's bad is in the light, and the villain's bad is in the dark, the so-called bright gun is easy to hide from the dark arrows.

This guy Frank is a complete villain to Ye Fei.

For such a person, Ye Fei would never be polite at all. Don't you want to be famous? Then I will make you famous, so this product is directly mad at Frank in front of thousands of people, and finally I was afraid that the IQ of this product could not be understood, and I called it directly, yes, I mean you, White-haired guy named Frank.

Ye Fei was really angry.

Ye Fei, who was angry, also saw who scolded others.

After Ye Fei finished speaking, the whole scene was silent.

That's right, the scene of thousands of people can't wait to drop a needle to hear it.

No one had expected that Ye Fei would actually give Frank to the uncle's body in front of so many people, and the whole body was bruised, not only that this guy was ignorant, but also that the goods were mentally handicapped. This is really too harsh .

However, no one said that Ye Fei was too much, because everyone could see clearly through the course of the matter. It was the contradiction that this guy named Frank first picked up. This deserves it.

Frank was also aggressive, and he never expected that Ye Fei would not give him a little face in front of so many people.

Who is Ye Fei?

That's a world-renowned gourmet master.

It's a god-like being in people's eyes.

The reason why he met Ye Fei, just like Ye Fei said, he wanted to borrow the power and become famous by the power of Ye Fei, but he did not expect that Ye Fei was completely different from his imagination, and what he saw in the live broadcast room It's not the same. Ye Fei in the imagination is gentle and elegant. Ye Fei in the live broadcast room is polite and thoughtful, but now?

Ye Fei is now like a dragon that has been violated by the inverse scales, raising his head high in front of himself, raising the dragon's claws high, can't wait for a claw to give himself to fear of death, how can it be fun? how about this?

I don't understand this product.

He doesn't need to understand.

Because Ye Fei didn't intend to make him understand at all. His purpose today is to make this face shameless. Today, he wants to tell everyone that not only Chinese food is not insultable, anything in China is insultable!

Do you dare to insult?

As long as I know, it's absolutely snoring!

The next thing Ye Fei had to do was to snooze Frank directly.

how to spell?

Ye Fei certainly has a solution.

Aren't you a Michelin Samsung chef? Explain that your cooking skills should be very good, so let's compare them.

"Frank, you don't have to look at me. I said you were looking at you. I believe everyone at the scene thinks so, because you are cheap, you owe it, do you admit it?"


"Do n’t be me, so, if you dare to say Chinese food like this, it means that you should have good cooking skills, otherwise you do n’t dare to say that, since this is the case, I ’m not willing to do so. Please ask, yes, let's try it in front of thousands of people, how dare you ?! "

Ye Fei's last three words were almost roared out, frightening Frank directly.


"You don't need to say anything extra, just answer dare or dare!"

"Yes, I ..."

"Yes God? Mr. Frank, I don't dare to call God in front of you, you are God."


The white skin that Frank was told by Ye Fei turned red, and the goods were sweaty.

"Don't you want to step on Ye Fei to become famous? Now I'll give you a chance. It's better than one match. It's better than whatever you choose."

When Frank saw Ye Fei pressing hard, the goods clenched his hands.

The people around were completely excited. You should know that they used to watch Ye Fei's food in the video, but today they want to see it on the spot. It's like being a guest at the scene. It's no wonder that they are not excited.

"God, it's really unexpected. It's really unexpected. I didn't expect to come around the Food Street today and meet Ye Shen to make gourmet food. It's so happy."

"Hurry up, call my cousin, cousin and cousin, they are all Ye Shen's iron powder."

"Yes, this opportunity is rare to see. If you miss it, you don't know when it will be next time."

"Hey hey, husband, come here right, right, right, this is the food street here in Chinatown, Ye Shen is going to start making food on the spot, yes, it is our favorite Ye Shen, come here, ah Ah, I'm so excited. "

It can be said that more than half of the people started to take out their mobile phones to call their relatives and friends, telling them that Ye Fei came over.

on site.

Frank was sweating all over his head, and he didn't dare to compare with Ye Fei. Although he said so, he also knew that he was definitely not Ye Fei's opponent. He just said that he was very happy, because he really Ye did not expect Ye Fei to be here. If he knew Ye Fei was watching him next to him, he would not dare to say that by giving him 10,000 guts.

But now seeing Ye Fei's cold eyes, Frank was even more panicked, but the goods soon calmed down, because he thought of what Ye Fei just said, as long as he compared with him, regardless of winning or losing, You will be famous.

"Ye ... Ye Shen, really compare?"

"Of course, than you say."

"I ... my swordman is OK ..."

"It's better than a knife."

Having said that, Ye Fei didn't stay at all for a moment. As soon as he turned to the booth of Nishikawa Noodles, he took out a knife on the countertop as soon as he reached out, and immediately grabbed a deep-fried fry from a bowl Peanut, this is a classic ingredient in Nishikawa Noodles.

Just when everyone was puzzled, they saw Ye Fei's suddenly fried peanuts in his left hand scattered towards the sky.

A handful of peanuts, like the flying elves, sprinted quickly and then sprinted. When some peanuts reached their highest point, they began to fall.

At this time, the knife in Ye Fei's right hand had begun to move.

This is an extremely ordinary knife, which is a large wide kitchen knife often used by people in China, and even the knife surface is a little black.

Everyone saw a cold light just flashed in the air, and then saw Ye Fei's right hand swept across, and the kitchen knife drew a straight line in the air.

When Ye Fei's movement stopped, the crowd burst.

Can't break! Because they found that the rows of peanuts were neatly arranged on the surface of the kitchen knife, as if they were deliberately placed one by one by one.

"Oh, that's a god."

"Will Ye Shen be so awesome? This ... How did this get up?"

"Fuck? Would you use words? It's fussy? Let me look at it. It's called sticky, sticky."


"It's so neat, it's really so neat, you don't need to say anything, just sprinkle the peanuts on it and then appear across the knife neatly across the knife surface. Ye Shen, the swordman, will dominate the world."

"Crap, don't look in whose hands this knife is."

People were all blown up, one by one excited. Almost everyone pulled out their phones and took pictures of the kitchen knife and Ye Fei kept taking pictures. Some even took out the phones earlier. They just took a video and just took the video. The video went to his social software.

Frank was a little bit embarrassed. He just told Ye Fei that he was good at knives. He was still thinking about competing with Ye Fei in knives. This is special ... Ai Ma, Ye Fei, can you give me a shot? You're so good, what else do you want me to do?

The cargo stood there as if a small grass shaking in the cold wind looked up at a towering tree.

"It's your turn."

With that said, Ye Fei looked at Frank, and then passed the kitchen knife forward, which meant you also used this knife.

Frank didn't dare move, and the cold sweat on his head dripped down one by one, wet his clothes.

"No answer?" Ye Fei laughed.

Frank looked up at Ye Fei, then slowly extended his hand. His hand had not touched the knife yet, Ye Fei spoke again.

"I don't want you to do any difficult moves, as long as I am, I will give in."

"I ... I'll do my best."

This time Frank used all his strength to say that I did my best, not me, because he was really not confident.

Ye Fei's knife was not clear to others. He still understood it. Although he saw the kitchen knife move forward quickly, he paused slightly under each peanut rice so that he could tidy the peanut rice neatly. Yards together.

Pause, move fast, pause, move fast, pause again, move forward ...

Although it is only a short distance, Ye Fei has repeatedly performed these two actions more than ten times. This is where Ye Fei's knife was really scary. This is why Frank saw this. The real reason for sweating after a knife.

Because he really can't do it!

"I try my best."

Frank still said this.

Everyone looked at this guy coldly. He looks very poor now, but no one has pity on him, because poor people must have hate. The performance of this guy just now is too hateful. His current situation is him Sin deserves it.


"Hurry up, don't ink."

"That is, Ye Shen has shown the swordman and won't let you be better than him. As long as you can do like Ye Shen, even if you win, you are cheap."

"Frank, you are a Lanci warrior, so hurry up for Lao Tzu."

"Can you lose even if you lose?"

"Fuck, sir?"

In the ridicule and contempt of everyone, Frank finally grabbed and received the kitchen knife in Ye Fei's hand.

He slowly took the kitchen knife, carefully, as if he was afraid that the peanuts on it would fall.

Finally, he received the knife in front of him, held the knife in his right hand, and placed his left hand underneath. The knife face tilted slightly, and he wanted to pour the peanuts on the knife face into his left hand, and then spread it up to catch it Don't say it's over, even if he can catch half of it, it's not too ugly to lose.

Wow ~~

The peanuts slipped off the blade, and then each one fell cheerfully in his left hand.

Just when everyone thought Frank was going to throw up the peanuts, everyone who saw Frank's peanuts in his hands screamed.

"I wipe, what's going on?"

"My eyes, is this special ..."

"Flowers? This ... What is this?"

"How did this happen? How did Ye Shen do this?"

"God, miracle, this is absolutely a miracle."

"A miracle hair, this is a special miracle."

People are boiling.

When Frank saw the peanuts falling in his hands, he felt that the qi in his body seemed to be taken away by people, and his body was instantly softened.

When 啷 ~~~

The kitchen knife fell from Frank's hand on the red floor tile, a little spark appeared, and then bounced a few times on the ground to calm down.

Frank looked at the peanuts in his left hand stupidly. He thought that those were just peanuts. If that was the case, he could still challenge it, but when he saw the peanuts in his hands, Mi turned into a flower at the moment of contact with his own hands. The petals of these flowers were a little big ~ ~ all drooping slightly, and there was a heart in the middle.

Seeing such a small flower carved out of peanuts, let alone Frank, all of them are calm.

"Is this ... vetiver iris?"

"My aunt, the national flower, is this the national flower of the country?"

"Ye Shen ... for such a short period of time, so many peanuts, how did he carve out?"

"Khan, I wonder if Ye Shen is a magician now, this is an exaggeration."

Frank was utterly nagging. He looked at Ye Fei weakly and said, "I ... I can't do it, I lose."

Ye Fei just smiled, and then stunned directly, saying: "I know you can't do it, I did it on purpose."


"Hua Xia has more chefs than my knives, so ... I think you should apologize to them to all Hua Xia chefs. What do you think?"

Frank looked at Ye Fei again, then looked at the people around him, suddenly bowed continuously in all directions, and kept saying "Bahe moving" in his mouth.

Ye Fei was a little depressed. He really could n’t accept the apology of many foreigners. They did something wrong to apologize to the Chinese people, so they apologized in their native language. Speaking in a language that Chinese people do not understand, can that be an apology?

So he glanced at Frank and said lightly, "I think it would be better for you to apologize in Chinese, wouldn't you think? Mr. Frank."

Frank: "..."

"I'm ... sorry!"

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