The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1656: Simple and rude, 1 kiss affection

Seeing that Ye Fei didn't tell herself what this second dish was, Dory went away with a pout.

Ye Yefei smiled, then picked up a rose from the stand and smelled it, saying, "Do you know this kind of flower?"

All the people on the earth have been asked by Ye Fei, nonsense, roses, this is too much to know, many people can not know peony, do not know celosia, but absolutely know roses, this is a symbol of love, who Haven't you come from a young age?

"Yes, don't be funny, please tell us what is going on with this rose." Sanhua Fairy said with a smile.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "The rose flower, the interstellar audience may not understand this flower, but the earth audience must be no stranger to it, because it is a symbol of love. No matter which country it is, this flower is on Valentine's Day. It is the most popular. Whether it is a man or a woman, they have a soft spot for this kind of flower. It is the happiest thing to be able to receive a rose from a boyfriend or husband. "

"However, many people only know that a rose is a flower, and flowers are used for appreciation. Few people know that it is also a food ingredient. It contains many nutrients and is very rich, especially vitamin C. More than some vegetables and meat, so diet experts call roses the king of vitamin C. You haven't heard it wrong, you are the king. You can see how high it is. In addition, it contains vitamin A and vitamin B. It is also very impressive. Remove these vitamins, it also contains a lot of soluble sugars and alkaloids, as well as trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. The most important thing is that it is a high-protein and low-fat food because it has Such a high nutritional value, so in addition to appreciation, people also use rose flowers to do something to eat. The rose dew and rose sauce we are most familiar with are representative. "

"I said that its edible value may be seldom known. The best you know about it is that it can be used to make perfumes. Yes, roses can be used to make perfumes, and they are the best perfumes. Extracting essential oils from roses is extremely difficult, not technically difficult, but because there are very few rose essential oils in roses. According to relevant departments, only 500 kilograms of roses can extract 0.5 kilograms of rose essential oil. In other words, it is one thousandth. Because of this, it is said that the same amount of rose essential oil is more expensive than gold. Friends of the developing country should be very clear. After all, the perfume industry of the developing country is more developed, many of them The masters will be proud and proud to have a small bottle of real top rose essential oil, after all, there are times when this thing is not available for money. "

"In fact, the edible nature of roses should be the earliest in my live broadcast. When I started the live broadcast, the old audience knew that we used a special cooking oil at that time, that is, rose special cooking oil. The reason why this kind of edible oil is scarce and expensive is because I have already told you that because the essential oil of rose is so rare, what we said above is the edible value of rose. As a herb, the medicinal value of rose is also Very high, there should be a traditional Chinese doctor in the live broadcast room. You should know how important roses are in Chinese herbs. Roses, sweet and slightly bitter, mild temperature, the three classics of liver, stomach and spleen, feasible blood and gas, treatment. Some gynecological inflammation is precisely because of this. Some girls like to drink tea with roses, which is not only sweet but also good for the body. Teacher Li Liping, a famous Chinese dancer, has a hobby of eating roses. Do n’t eat big fish, just eat a few slices of rose petals to keep your face young and smooth. "

"OK, let ’s talk so much about the benefits of roses. It has many other functions. We wo n’t talk about it first. Next, let ’s talk about what food we use roses for today. There is a very special kind of food called chaise red, also called red meringue or flavored red meringue. This is a gourmet baked in the oven. It tastes crispy on the outside and tender on the outside. It is delicious. When it comes to things like roses, we will show you how to do it next. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Feiyang raised Yang's hand to squeeze the juice, and said, "Everyone should know this thing. We used to squeeze the lotus juice when we made lotus cake. Today we will use it to squeeze the juice of roses. . "

榨 If you want to squeeze the rose juice, you must remove the roses first. There are too many roses. Ye Fei takes a little time to pick them up, so let these people help.

"Let's take a hand and help take the rose off. It's best to have petals like this."

Ye Yefei picked up a rose and made a demonstration first, took the rose petals one by one, and put them into a pot.

When I saw such a good rose, the petals were taken out three or two times. The dolls and imi flowers on the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

"I trust, was it really ruined?"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hat, when I ’m gonna say, rose, leaf god, is it really good to spoil it?

"It's so cruel. Ye Shen's heart is really so cruel. Such a beautiful rose is ruined. It hurts."

"There is no way to be distressed, these roses are just ingredients today."

"Yes, Ye Shen certainly has his reason for doing this."

"I just feel bad about these roses, so beautiful roses are gone."

"You are my rose, you are my flower, you are my lover and my concern"

"Sleeping, still singing?"

At the scene, everyone else has begun to take rose petals. Dolly and Emily are holding one each, and they are all tangled.

"What's wrong?" Ye Fei turned his head and asked.

Yun Duoli stared at Ye Fei for a long time and whispered, "Yes, can you not destroy its beauty?"

Ye Fei laughed and said, "Who said that I ruined its beauty? I just let it present another beauty."

"But I still can't get started."

"I come."


"Uh ~"

Ye Fei was about to take the rose from Dolly, but Dolly avoided it, then guarded the rose in her hand, and looked at Ye Fei begging.

Bian Duoli is an extremely beautiful girl, especially with a pair of dizzying eyes.

At this time, Dory's big eyes seemed to be crying.

Ye Yefei sighed and said, "Let's give you this rose for half an hour."

"Ah? What does it mean to give me half an hour?"

Dolly is a little hesitant. I haven't heard of sending flowers like this. Give it, give it, or don't give it. What is the ghost for half an hour?

"You can hold it for half an hour, I will take it back after half an hour." Ye Fei said seriously.

This is the ingredients provided by the system, not a gift for people, and the things provided by the system cannot be taken out unless they are approved by the system, because it will become everything.

There are so many people at the scene now, if the rose really goes out, it will be embarrassing. Someone will definitely doubt something, so that they are likely to expose the filling, so it is impossible to send flowers, even a beautiful woman like Dolly Send, your secret is the most important.

She looked at the rose in her hand, and then sighed, "I'm sorry, I can't protect you forever, I can only protect you for half an hour."

As she said, Dolly looked around. She wanted to find something to put the rose up, but she couldn't find it for a long time. In the end, there was no way. Dolly directly bit the flower stem of this rose in a horizontal position. Mouth.

She just bit the rose in her mouth, and the purple and wind in the live studio and the scene didn't speak. Even Ding Dingge's young people all choked, and then all stared at Dory's intent.

"What's wrong?"

I was stared at by a group of men, Dolly was a little hairy, and she took the rose down and asked.

"Don't take it down!"

Seeing Dolly taking the rose out of her mouth, several people shouted in unison.

At the same time, the twists and turns in the live studio and several other men who grabbed the microphone also shouted.

"Bite it back, bit it back quickly."

别 "Don't take it down, my God, the scene just now is really amazing, it's too exciting."

"I didn't expect such a flower to be casually held in my mouth would be so beautiful, it makes people shine."

"Peerless beauty is holding a rose, and the wild beauty reveals a touch of bleak beauty. It's great, it's really great."

A few people whispered a throat, and the little beauty Dory was frightened, even more nervous.

At this time, the wind came slowly to Dory in silence, and said softly, "Do you know? You look beautiful with a rose, I like you like that."

Biao Feng did not speak this product just like he thought, he was really handsome, and at this time, he spoke softly and softly, the charm value soared.

Not only does Dolly have a snack jump to speed up her breathing, even many girls in the live room are a little addicted.

"I feel so good."

"It's so handsome, Fengbui was really handsome just now. I like such men."

"If it weren't for the **** of leaves, I would definitely be an iron powder without words, an irresistible charm."

"This child is not born at the right time, you have to be born with Ye Shen in a generation, sad."

Bian Feng did not speak very close to Dory, so she sent her face to face, even when the wind was silent, the warm gas could blow to Dory's face.

Bian Duoli's face turned red at once. She could clearly smell a unique aroma from the body who did not speak, and he could feel the gentleness in the words which did not speak.

It is for this reason that Dory hurriedly lowered her head. She did not dare to face the wind and did not speak, she was afraid she would fall.

"I didn't mean it, is it really good-looking?"

Feng Feng nodded fiercely and said, "Good-looking, I have never seen such a beautiful girl except you."

He said, the wind quietly took the rose from Dolly's hand, and then slowly sent it to Dolly's mouth.

Tong Duoli co-operated again with the rose in her mouth, slowly raised her head and looked at the wind without saying a word.

多 When Dolly had just raised her head, no one expected that the wind wouldn't speak but the ghost made the head drop, and kissed Dolly's forehead directly.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This Emma, ​​what the **** is going on?"

"I'll take it, the wind won't speak, let go of that girl and let me come!"

啊 "Ahhhh, it's over, I smell the sour smell of love."

"The wind is silent, if you dare to continue, I will not watch your live broadcast later, woohoo"

"Little wind wind has fallen."

At the scene, several people in Ye Fei forgot to pick the rose petals, one by one, staring at the wind and watching the wind without saying a word, kissed Dory's forehead, all of them were a little messy.

"Ahem, what kind of trouble is this?" Zi Qing said with a sip.

Brother Tintin depressed: "It's late, I'm late. I didn't expect aliens to find their girlfriends so directly, even more directly than we in the United States, making Bentin unprepared."

The wet man sighed: "Guanguan 雎 Dove, in Hezhou, my lady, gentleman is so good."

He gave the director a wet look and smiled, "You can see this scene today, so please do not hesitate."

Bingo made a big move, a light flashed in his hand, and then two small dagger-like things appeared in his hand. He came to Fengwuyu and Dolly, and moved forward, saying: " Rare witness to a pair of beauties, a gift for you. "

Everyone: ""

Hey, this bingo is really amazing. I have seen flowers and clothes and bags, and even luxury car bungalows. This is the first time I have seen a dagger. Are you sure? Are you blessing them instead of letting them quarrel with each other while fighting? Brother, this gift will kill you.

Ye Yefei was speechless. He wanted to rush up and grab two daggers in exchange for two roses, which was too scary.

The superior was smiling at first, but his face changed after seeing the two daggers. Does the heart say that the alien love is so bloody? How could you give a dagger?

Howling wind and Dolly all stared blankly at the dagger in Bingo's hand.

I saw that these two daggers, although small, were very delicate. The entire handle was decorated with colorful spar. The dagger more than ten centimeters in length dazzled the eyes.

"This is a pair of male and female daggers made from the unique male and female iron on our Titan planet. They are rare and sharp. Each dagger is decorated with 360 natural crystals, and every moment is valuable. , Of course, I'm not telling you how expensive my gift is, but I'm telling you that this dagger made of male and female iron is mostly a gift given by the top staff after the child finds a male and female friend. The two daggers are mutually Attraction, even fusion, is a symbol of love, and I hope you will like it. "

Speaking, I saw Bingo picking up the two daggers, and then leaning the two daggers tightly together. The magic happened. Everyone just watched as if the two daggers were really two together. It was a little bigger than the original, but still sharp.

I heard Bingo ’s explanation, all the people were relieved, and they rubbed it. Your planet ’s customs are too amazing. How can you come up with such a **** gift?

Feng Feng did not speak and looked at Dory ~ ~ Dorie looked at Feng Dou with a blush, then the two took the dagger over.

Seeing that the two men accepted the bingo dagger, everyone knew that it was a relationship.

The aliens are fine, except for Dolly and Feng's silent fans who collapse, everyone else feels normal.

But the earth audience is a bit unacceptable. The relationship between the male and female friends is too fast, right? Is it OK to just kiss the brain? Whoops, this is really simple and rude. Even the audiences in the open western countries are a little unacceptable. After all, it ’s too fast. It ’s not even three minutes before and after. Is this how to find a girlfriend and boyfriend?

"I'm drunk too, I really want to go to other planets."

"I also want to go, with my appearance of sinking fish and geese, closing the moon and shame, and going to the place to bid farewell to the single dog life in minutes."

"Yes, when will your interstellar traffic be opened? It depends on you whether so many single friends can find happiness."

对 "Yes, I'm going to Planet Dwarf, looking for a beauty like Miss Dory."

"I go to the goddess moon ah ah."

"I'm going to the Planet of the Beasts."

"The brothers who went to the Planet of the Beasts are terrific, aren't you afraid of going back or not?"

"What happened to me looking for a pet?"


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