The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1714: I have no face to live with this story

The Elven Gods, Duckside, Zaya, Bingo, and Silver Shadowman, these people can be said to randomly pick one of them is a strong party, but they never expected that they would one day become the labor of others.

"Xiaoyin, can you do that? You can't go down for a while while you move a table. Can't you come down and walk for a while? Life is in sports. It's not good for you to stand on a surfboard. You look at the table. A little strenuous. "Ye Fei whispered in the back.

Silver Shadow: "..."

Like the Elves, he really wanted to turn around and shoot Ye Fei on the table. Are you Lory? Don't you bother with me? You know, I won't come back.

The old Mo group saw Ye Fei's sturdyness completely.

What is God-Man?

This is the God-Man, Ye Shen is the real God-Man.

In front of these people, no one can coax it, only Ye Shen dare to yell at them, this is too crazy.

Finally, a few people from the spirit **** moved all the tables and chairs Ye Fei used to go upstairs, and then a few big gods sat on a luxurious chair and turned black.

"Ye Xiaozi, you have gone too far."

Ye Fei sat on a chair and was teasing Sauron. He raised his eyelid and glanced at the elf god, and said, "What's wrong?"

"You asked us to move. You're resting here. Is there anything like that?"

"At first sight, you are a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and you do n’t know people. Why do I let you move myself? I am completely for your good. I ’ll do a few treats for you right away. You can eat more at a time, unless you don't like to eat my food, otherwise you will never blame my good intentions. "Ye Fei bluntly bluntly.

Spirit God: "..."

This shipment made Ye Fei's words straight away.

"You look at you, you still don't believe me. The two of us are still old acquaintances. Do you still know who I am? Can I pit you for such a small thing? Exercise consumes energy and burns calories. You can only feel hungry if you consume it, so you can eat a little more when you eat, more, right? "Ye Fei continued.

Elven God again: "..."

He really wanted to go back to Ye Feiyu, don't you say that people are pitted on this little thing, you pit people everywhere, accidentally fall into the pit.

Bingo nodded at this time and said, "Yeshen is right, I now feel a little hungry. Yeshen, can you make something to eat?"

In a word, none of the elven gods could say anything.

Ye Fei nodded decisively: "Of course, fire now."

Just do it, Ye Fei directly pulled the stall out of the door again. He not only had to do it for a few people, but also those people outside. Through this time, Ye Fei found that these people really did n’t think about themselves. It must be said that people have given their lives to themselves, and not just talk about it, it is true, just do not say a meal at this point, even if in the future every day the best ingredients are waiting for their own hearts are happy.

Yiqiu Priceless Treasure is a rare lover. Ye Fei is not a big girl, so this simple feeling is even more precious.

Ye Fei roared, and a group of Lao Mo outside the door immediately started to act.

There is everything for the large cooktop, just clean it up.

For a moment, the whole Pearl Island seemed to have life, and there was laughter everywhere.

It ’s awkward, it ’s awkward, it has all the bird language. Although it does n’t understand, Ye Fei, one of the interstellar languages, still understands it. It ’s a smile. Everyone is talking and laughing. This is happiness.

This time can be said to be the most magnificent one of Ye Fei, all the ingredients were purchased from the system.

"System, thirty rosin pigs."


"Ten blue feathers."


"500 red-tailed chicken eggs."


"Two pounds of beef."


"One hundred and eighty cabbages in Phnom Penh."


Ye Fei reported the same, the system was silent all the way.

After Ye Fei reported all the ingredients he needed, the system's voice came out.

"Big order."

Ye Feizhi exclaimed: "Nonsense, in the future, I will not only be your host, but also your biggest customer. Don't fool me if everything is fine. The customer is God. You must treat it kindly. How much is it? "

We have money, what are we afraid of?

The system was silent for a while, and the total price was reported.

"Three thousand two hundred and seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand nine hundred and eighteen one hundred and fifty cents."

Ye Fei: "..."

This product is a little sweaty. Although he is arrogant, he really grins after seeing the total price, more than 30 billion? What about more than 30 billion yuan for a meal? Want to be so exaggerated?

"So what, can you make a discount?" Ye Fei asked weakly.

The system fell into silence again, saying: "Discount is impossible, but you can erase the fractions, even if it is 3,257,427,119 yuan."

"Uh ~~ just wiped Wu Mao's fraction?"

"Otherwise? Are you sure you want to buy?"

Ye Fei was in trouble. The Nima Hao uttered all the words. Is it for sale? Not selling is very shameless.

But if you bought it? This is too much.

"Hahaha, my third son, hurry up, you and your fourth son with a few brothers clean up the long table and bench."

"Brother, I saw you when I started. It's fierce. I broke that guy's iron shell with one punch. Doesn't my hand hurt?"

"What about the pain? I just want everyone to see, no matter who it is, as long as they dare to break into Yeshen's island, Lao Tzu will return him to the west with a punch."

"Did you say that Ye Shen was true? Did we really get killed once by those guys?"

"Is there anything false about what Ye Shen said? Even if it doesn't, I would rather die for Ye Shen once, and following such a person would be happy even if I die."

"Brother, you're fine with this. If you don't have enough food for a while, I'll give you one."

"Rest assured, the food made by Ye Shen has always only supported us, and there is no case of insufficiency."

Ye Fei stood at the door and looked at a group of people talking and laughing outside. He could hear many people's words clearly, and the goods grinned.

"Receive money, delivery!" Ye Fei said directly in his heart.

Money is a good thing. It is a penny that stumped the hero. This thing can let you enjoy a different life and make you look infinite.

However, in Ye Fei's view, sometimes money is just a bastard. If you spend it, you can still make it. No matter how much money you have, just leave it alone. It is no different from waste paper, but it is valuable when you use it.

In Ye Fei's view, although this time he spent more than 30 billion to invite these people to dinner, but happy, the money has not been spent, let alone more than 30 billion, Ye Fei even believes that even if it is more than 300 billion, he will today It was thrown out for these brothers who had once died for themselves.

"Ding 咚 ~ The system has successfully deducted the charge. The ingredients have been distributed. Does the host need drinks? 20% off." The voice of the system came from his mind, confused.

Ye Fei: "..."

He really missed this stubble. He bought the ingredients just now, but didn't buy the drinks.

"Your sister, why can't you get a 20% discount on drinks?" Ye Fei protested.

This **** system is really too much. It turns out that your things are not discounted, but you are not discounted.

"Drinks are special ingredients, of course, they need special treatment. Host, do you need drinks? 20% off." The system again bewildered.

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and said, "How about 50% off?"

"Twenty-five percent off."

"40% off."

"30% off."

"Sixty-five percent off."

"The deal."

Ye Fei is not a grind, but he knows that drinks are indeed much more expensive than many ingredients. This is not a small sum.

In the end, the goods and the system were soft and hard, and I bought a top 500 Maotai at 65% off!

Each altar is made of top-grade ceramics, an altar with three pounds, fifty-three degrees, and a century of aging.

This wine Ye Fei was provided by the system during the live broadcast in front of it, 100 million altars!

Ye Fei took five hundred altars in one breath, that is 50 billion yuan, and even if they hit a 65% discount, that would be 32 billion yuan! It's almost the same as the vegetable money just now, and the two add up to 70 billion yuan!

If this price is known to others, I don't know what it will look like. With a banquet of 70 billion yuan, this Nima is simply a loser to the extreme, and there is no second such crazy person in the world.

There are too many things, and Ye Fei has already planned for overnight.

After all, he is still a mortal, so many ingredients he will not be able to complete in a short while, it will certainly take a long time.

But what about that?

If you iron to me, I can spit blood for you, and Ye Fei has said this before.

A group of people were still packing up, and Ye Fei beckoned the five people of Elf God and Daxide to the shouting house.

"What?" The elf **** asked warily.

Ye Fei pointed to his locker and said, "Help me get things, do you think there is something to eat if you don't take out the ingredients?"


Elf God's popular vomiting blood, lying on the trough, what a special labor, brother, can you change people? Anyway, we are also a great god, do you really treat us as slaves?

"So many people outside, why don't you let them help?" Said the Elf God, depressing, pointing at the group of people outside.

Ye Fei laughed and said, "This is all the best ingredients, I can tell you all, just for this meal, I took out almost all of my best ingredients, and sometimes they will be flabby. I'm distressed to waste a bit, and only your power like you can take these ingredients out steadily. I can assure you of everything. "

Horseshit is a good thing, as long as you shoot it right, no one can resist it.

What else did the Elven God want to say? As a result, Dakside said, "Ye God is right."

So when the elf **** came to his mouth and tried to pinch Ye Fei, he swallowed it again, then gave him a sharp glance at Duckside, and said, Can your IQ be online for three seconds, this is a tired fool? You are right.

He looked at Bingo, and then at Zaya and Silver Shadow Man. Seeing a few of them were silent, the elf **** nodded and said, "Let's get what ingredients?"

As soon as Ye Fei stretched out and opened an oversized storage compartment, he saw an air-conditioner rushing out of it, and then several people saw the ingredients in the storage compartment, and then all of them were calm.

"Fuck, won't you? You let us carry this thing?" The elf **** almost jumped up and frantically said.

Even Bingo's mouths were twitching one by one. Daxside really wanted to give himself two slaps, his sister, what he said was too fast.

Ye Fei laughed: "What's wrong? This is a rosin pig. If you don't carry it out, you'll do it in a while. Don't * spirit god:" ... "

The nose of this cargo smelled, and there really was a gentle scent of scent coming out of it, but even if it was a rosin pig, it was also a pig. If someone knew that the supreme ruler of my first universe came to You're carrying pork here, you must not be laughed at by others?

He resisted, someone carried it.

Druckside felt that what he had just said was his own, so he had to be the first to do his work, so the child reached out and picked up two fan pigs, resisted directly on both shoulders, and strode out.

Then Zaya also carried two fans of pork, followed by Bingo and Silver Shadow.

The **** spirit really wants to run, MMP. You just have to eat this meal if you want to know. What's going on? And the work is to carry pork, do you say irritating but not irritating?

However, he watched several people in Dakside begin to operate ~ ~ He pointed at Ye Fei fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you are ruthless, let some of the universe's lords carry the pork you are the first."

After speaking, Ye Fei reached out and picked up a fan of pork. Just before leaving, Ye Fei shouted directly.

"Hey, everybody has two fans. How about you?"

Fairy God: "......."

"If it weren't for the crowd, I would really like to kill you with a pig leg! Do you care about me ?!"

After that, the fairy **** still took another fan of pork, and then carried one fan of pork on each of the shoulders and went out.

The pork was a little frozen at the beginning, and it melted after going out. The pig blood made all the spirits of God, so that the spirit of God was uncomfortable. He really has cleanliness. Otherwise, it is impossible to wear white clothes every day. White shoes too.

Now seeing that his body was almost white and red, the elf **** wanted to die.

A group of people from Lao Mo and Tianzhu were cleaning up the field outside, and then they saw the power of the elven gods coming out of the house carrying two fans of pork, and then ... and then everyone again Petrochemical.

"I'll take it. Ye Shen is going to play these powers today? I just moved the table and chair, and now I'm letting the pig carry it."

"Oh ~~ I opened my eyes today. I didn't expect the leader to be handsome in carrying pork."

"The clothes are wet with pig blood, lord, come on."

After a group of people came back, they hurried to cheer the Elven God.

The elf **** gave a fierce glance at the group of people and said, "None of you have seen this today, or you will be conceited!"

Damn it, this thing must not be passed on. It will be a shame if you pass it on.

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