The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 1842: The name of the cake is Qingshan Bishuipong, which is as greasy as fat

The appearance of pea yellow is really amazing for everyone.

This thing itself follows a high-value route, not to mention its taste is also rare and refreshing.

The refreshing taste makes you feel soothing, coupled with the aroma of peas and the sweetness of white sugar, and finally the sweet and sour taste of cherry, it can be said that this dish has become a very popular one. .

Especially Liangbing and Queen Kesha, the two top big beauties couldn't stop eating. At this moment, all the concerns and thoughts were thrown away. There was only one thought in the minds of the two people, which was to eat. Eating, eat all the charming little things in front of you.

Jialan is even more rude. Although the amount of food after the change of appearance is indeed much smaller than before, after all, the foundation is there, no matter how it changes, he still swallows the star, a guy who can eat even the planet, The appetite became too small.

Ye Fei's pea yellow is not small. If it is eaten by ordinary people, it will be enough for two or three people to eat, but with these big gods, after a blink of an eye, it will be the same as not eating. of.

By this time, Ye Fei had returned to the operating table, and then cooked a meal below.

Huaxia's ancestors were very intelligent, and they were able to make some surprising and amazing food with many seemingly ordinary ingredients, such as lotus seed cake.

This is a very classic gourmet snack, and this kind of cuisine has also been to the palace.

Ye Fei took out a bag of dried lotus seeds from the storage compartment, then a small bag of granulated sugar and a bag of snow frost flour.

After preparing the ingredients, Ye Fei introduced: "Friends, the pea yellow just now seems to be more popular, then we will make another kind of pastry, that is lotus seed cake, which is also a famous Kyoto dish. Pea yellow has different similarities and similarities. The first is lotus seeds. If there are fresh lotus seeds, it is best to use fresh lotus seeds. This will save the hair. Without fresh lotus seeds, you can only use dried lotus seeds. They are packed in our bags. These ones."

"Dried lotus seeds must be foamed before use, and then peeled and cored."

Talking, Ding Peng poured the dried lotus seeds into a large basin, and then foamed after adding water.

Like white peas, these dried lotus seeds provided by the system blew shortly after being put into the water. Ye Fei directly peeled the lotus seeds, then removed the bitter cores after opening, washed them with water and put them again. Into the cauldron, add water and start cooking.

After the water is boiled, change to a low heat. After the lotus seeds in the pot are thoroughly cooked, they are removed and placed in a large pot.

Then Ye Fei took out a stone mortar, and this thing was smashed.

After the lotus seeds were slightly cold, they were put into the stone mortar, and then all of them were slowly pounded into lotus seed mud.

This is also an individual effort. Don't look at the pounding with a mallet and it seems that it doesn't require force, but the arm will be counted even if it is long.

After the lotus seed mud was done, Ye Fei paused and said, "Today we make this lotus seed cake as a family practice, because considering that many viewers in our live broadcast room try to learn to do it at home, So it ’s simpler. Of course, there are business practices when there are family practices. If it is a commercial practice, we need another thing, that is, agar or fish gel. The use of these two things is mainly for stereotypes. The role of agar or fish gelatin is not cheap, so this has caused many businesses to substitute other things to reduce costs. Although the lotus seed cake made in this way can also be eaten, it is not recommended to eat more. "

"We don't need these things for the home version of lotus seed cake. After all, we eat it by ourselves. Simple and delicious is the most important thing. Now we have made lotus seeds into lotus seed puree, which is lotus seed, and the next step is to make pastries."

Ye Fei took out a pot and put it on the stove, then took out a bottle of olive oil, and said, "In order not to affect the taste and taste of the lotus seed cake after it is made, so when using oil, it is a bit particular, the taste is too heavy. Oil ca n’t be used, it will affect the taste of lotus seeds, so be sure to use light animal and vegetable oils, we can choose unsalted butter for animal oils, olive oil for vegetable oils, of course, you can also choose relatively light corn oil or sunflower seeds Oil, try not to use peanut oil or rapeseed oil, both of which have a strong flavor. "

"Put cold oil in a hot pot. Put as much oil as possible. Of course, this depends on how much lotus seed cake you make. If you make more, put more oil. If you make less, put less. What we do n’t do today Less, so a little more oil, to what extent? Too much to dilute flour as well. "

With that said, Ye Fei picked up the frost in the snow. There could be a small half bag. The dry flour Ye Fei was poured directly into the pot. After being diluted with oil, it quickly became batter.

Ye Fei took a shovel and stir-fried it like a vegetable. Put the right amount of caster sugar into it while stir-frying. After the batter is even, put the lotus seed puree into the pot and stir-fry.

At first, this mixed material was a little thin, and Ye Fei kept frying it until it became a ball.

Turn off the heat, and then look at the ingredients in the pot has turned into a light yellow dough like kneading.

Let it cool for a while, Ye Fei took the dough out of the pot and put it on a cutting board, and then took out the mold.

It's similar to the mold of pea yellow just now, except that the shape of these molds is lotus shape, which is also to get close to the name of the gourmet of lotus seed cake.

The ingredients are divided into small portions, and each portion is placed in a mold, flattened and firm, with a lotus pattern printed on it, and placed directly into the refrigerated storage compartment to begin refrigeration.

Ye Fei's speed is very fast, and soon the ingredients are finished. It can also be put in the front. After taking it out, open the mold directly.

When the lotus seed cakes appeared in front of everyone, people exclaimed again, because this lotus seed cake and pea yellow are really like two brothers.

The texture of pea yellow goose yellow is like jade, and this lotus seed cake is also similar. The round lotus seed cakes are surrounded by lace shapes. From the side, you can even see that the lace is like jade carving. Some faint gloss.

"Float, so beautiful!" Liang Bing couldn't help but sigh.

Just as pea yellow has an irresistible magic for girls, this lotus seed cake also has a lot of appeal for girls.

Queen Keisha also laughed: "These two dishes really give people an incredible stunning beauty. Even the top chefs of our Angel Universe can't make such delicate and attractive food, I really want to What is it like? "

Jia Lan opened her mouth, and he also wanted to exaggerate two words, but he didn't remember the words, but fortunately he didn't say anything.

I didn't think so much about it, he was attracted to the lotus cake in front of him. He felt that this thing was a kind of beautiful beauty, so he had to boast.

"Ah ~"

This product was so cold that it scared Ye Fei several people, all of them hurriedly turned to look at this guy, and saw that they twisted their hands behind their backs, and stretched one hand forward, this was to sit wet The rhythm.

"Ah ~~"

There was another twist, and then ... and then there was no more.

The goods kept this posture for a long time, and everyone looked at it for a long time.

In the end, the bald could not help but asked, "Aren't you going to write poetry? Writing, what do you mean for a long time?"

He twisted his mouth and opened his eyes, his eyes turned round, and suddenly he felt like a deflated ball. His head sank and he sighed. "I don't know what to do. I saw the wet brother doing well in the previous issues Yes, it turned out that I could come by myself, but I couldn't do it. Depressed. "

Ye Fei looked at each other suddenly, all of them suddenly laughed.

This product is also a living treasure. You can't make it. What do you do for a long time? What you know is that you have a poetic sensation, and those who do n’t know think you have a toothache.

The audience in the broadcast room also laughed and followed, one by one.

"Wet man, did you see that? You've taken the kids away."

"Hahaha, wet man, come out quickly and help make a poem, otherwise you're sorry."

"Wet man, come one, wet man, come one."

"Brother wet, at this moment I think you really should come to a poem, otherwise we despise you."

The wet man made a sweaty expression, weakly, "I have no inspiration today."

The gifted brother gave a scornful expression, saying, "Brother wet, we believe that even if you have no inspiration, your poem is better than us. Don't be humble, let's get started."

Others followed.

In the end, even the scattered fairy and several people with microphones all over the world followed suit.

Ye Fei heard the voice of the live broadcast, asked what was going on, and laughed when he was clear: "Brother, if you can make a poem that pleases everyone, then I will send you five yuan after the live broadcast How about lotus seed cake? "

In fact, Ye Fei is also to raise the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention, this trick is really useful.

When the audience heard it, Shi Yefei wanted to eat lotus seed cake. This reward was too tempting. It was more exciting than rewarding tens of thousands of dollars, so all of them were eager to try.

"Yeshen, are you telling the truth? If I can make one, will I also give five lotus cakes?"

"Yeshen, you have to talk."

"Brothers and sisters, I asked Ye Shen whether this reward should be made?"

"Ahhh, finally I have the chance to taste the food made by Ye Shen. I want to write poems, I want to write poems, brothers in the world, please help me convey them to Ye Shen."

I ate all over the world with a smile: "No problem, Ye Shen, how about? Who made the best poem with five lotus cakes?"

Ye Fei originally said to the wet people, but seeing that so many audiences are interested, he simply expanded the scope, so he smiled and said, "Yes, whoever does the best, there are five lotus cakes."

"Okay, my friends, everyone heard what Ye Shen said. Hurry up to write a poem. I will pick up some interesting help to convey." Eat all over the world said.

The audience in the live room was instantly lively.

"Brother in the world, brother in the world, help me to convey it quickly. I just had an idea and a wonderful poem."


"Little red girl, sitting in the middle of the water. Wearing red cotton jackets and putting on fragrance. How about? Help me quickly, I want to win the championship."

Eat all over the world: "......."

"Brother, are you sure to praise the lotus seed cake? Are you serious about the little girl wearing a cotton jacket and sitting in the middle of the water? Aren't you afraid of drowning?"

"Uh ~~"

"Hey ha ha, brother in the world, listen to me, there is a dragon in the mud, a puff over his head, body by body, covered with small holes."


"Please help the brothers in the world to convey to Ye Shen. There is a bowl in the pond. The heavy rain is dissatisfied. The light rain is falling, and the pearls are stringing."


One after another poems have been written, and I have eaten all over the world without asking the sky, is this really a poem about lotus seed cake? How can this be conveyed?

But let's not say, just a few of these are slightly decent, others are even more unbearable. Some people are just trying to make fun of it.

He conveyed these poems to Ye Fei. Ye Fei was standing there crying and laughing, talents, all talents. This poem is a bit interesting, but it doesn't match the theme.

"Oh, my friends, are there any poems? If we didn't, we would choose from these songs. Although they are out of the subject, we still try to find the most suitable one."

The audience in the live broadcast room all waited quietly, while the aliens were anxious to curse their mothers one by one. They would not write poetry. This activity was not fair to them, but there was no way.

A minute passed, when everyone thought that no one was writing poems, suddenly the wet man gave a sigh expression, saying, "Let's do it, you poems ... what a **** mother thinks ... People commit suicide! "

Eat all over the world with a smile: "wet man, do you have a better one?"

"I'll do my best. Actually, I want to be low-key for a while, but I can't bear to see your poems. You're forcing me to be in the limelight."

"噗 ~~"

Sanhua Fairy laughed and said, "Wet people, hurry up and let them see what the true talents of Huaxia look like."

Ye Fei heard that the wet man was about to write poems. He came directly with all the lotus cakes and put them on the table. He said to several guests of Jialan, "After reading the poem of the wet man, let us try this lotus seed again. The smell of cake, okay? "

Several people in Jialan agreed.

After the wet man stopped for a while, his news came out when everyone thought the guy couldn't do it.

"The cake name is Qingshan Bishui Peng, the taste is as greasy as the fat color, and the fragrant and pure is sure to be blessed.

This is the poem of the wet man. After the poem was issued, the live room was quiet for a while, and everyone was excited immediately.

"Sink, so wet, so wet, wet man, so wet!"

"See? Did you all see it? This is a classic that a wet man should write."

"It's not because of the Chinese Cultural Association, it's just different."

"Qingshan Bishui ~ ~ It makes people feel relaxed and happy at the first sight of these four words."

"The taste is delicate, such as fat, and the color is 琮, 琮 乃 玉, beautiful!"

"Xiang Jie knows that God is suffering. This is absolutely impossible. The gods cannot help but seduce."

"Awesome, that's amazing."

Ye Fei nodded after seeing this poem. Although he was not very good at this stuff, but the poems can still be seen to some extent. The previous ones can only be regarded as oil poems. It ’s so wet, so I laughed, “I do n’t think my friends have any opinions? Does anyone have to challenge the wet man? If not, then these five lotus cakes are the wet man.”

No one spoke, and finally gave it to the wet man, and then Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "Taste what it tastes!"

Liangbing and Queen Keisha hurled over and came over.

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