The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 787: Everyone is their own person, who are you to show you like this? (3

The color is golden like bright sunshine.

This is the beef pot sticker made by Ye Fei.

After the camera gave a close-up to the pan, when the eye-catching color appeared in front of people, it can be said that the live broadcast room exploded again.

"What do you do? What the **** do you do? Hungry wow."

"Grumbling has never stopped."

"If you look at the frying on the back, you can see that the golden color is sure to be crunchy and crazy."

"Suddenly I heard a crackling sound, and then I smelled the extreme aroma of beef. It seems ... I seem to have seen the oily meat fillings and tender beef after the pot stickers were bitten. , The tender fragrant parsley section, eating in the mouth full of fragrance, can't wait to melt the tongue. "


"Come on, brother, it's like you've eaten."

"Everyone is your own person. Who are you to show you like this?"

"That is, as a well-mannered and good-quality food, you are definitely offending public anger when you say this."

"Everyone, I didn't really say anything because I ... I'm really eating pot stickers now. I'm from Jingnan. There is a pot sticker next to my house. Envy? Haha, laugh and cry."


The audience in the broadcast room was completely irritated by this guy, and some of them started to scold.

But cursing and cursing, what this audience said is still very attractive, that is, this product is really eating pot stickers.

Although the potstickers he ate were 108,000 miles worse than those made by Ye Fei, at least there was a temporary solution to it? In any case, this thing is also a pot sticker, which is better than those seeds and peanuts.

When I ate it in my mouth, I was thinking about the pot stickers made by Ye Shen. That was just to the utmost in my spirit.

South of the capital of Sujiang Province.

Suddenly, a lot of shops selling beef pot stickers somehow received orders like snowflakes, and some of them who came near them rushed over holding their mobile phones.

"Boss, a pot of beef pot stickers."

"Ah? One ... one pot? Dude, I have twenty-five pot pot stickers. Have you finished eating?" Lao Hu reminded the owner.

"I can't take it if I can't eat it, can you handle it? Nonsense, hurry up, I can't stand it."

"Can't stand it? Khan, I said brother, don't you do this well? The ingredients in my pot paste are all regular, and there are no addictive messes in it. What can you stand? Others heard, who would dare come to me to eat? "

"Oh, I'm hungry, can you just numb?"

They make a lot of ingredients for pot paste, which are already prepared very quickly.

A pot of paste can be done in ten minutes. As a result, the pot didn't come out at all. Lao Hu looked up. His scared legs and stomach were a little cramped. He quickly took a greasy apron and wiped his face, looking at his booth In a queue like a dragon, his face was white.

"You ... what do you want to do?"

The little girl in front of me said, "What else can you do here? Eat pot stickers, don't talk, just do it, so many people are waiting."

"Ah? You guys all eat pot stickers?"

"Nonsense, who is standing here without potstickers? Smokey and fun is fun? I said, can you hurry up, my boss is hungry, and if you do n’t hurry, I will eat elsewhere . "

Lao Hu nodded quickly and said, "Just right away, right away."

After speaking, Lao Hu hurriedly shouted to the back: "Mother-in-law, don't go to sleep. Hurry up, I can't be too busy."

An impatient voice came from behind: "Is there anybody who has just passed lunch at this time? Last night, you thief and old man could hardly get out of bed, could you not let me take a good rest?" "

Hu: "..."

A few young men and women waiting at the front of the pot: "..."

"噗 ~~~"

"Boss, terrific. Did you eat beef pot stickers?"

"Well, you can't tell, this fat man is still a fierce man."

Lao Hu's face turned red, and he didn't say so much to the men and women. He shouted at the back: "Did you hear what I said? Come out soon, I can't be alone."

Not long after, a middle-aged woman from behind the shop rubbed her eyes and walked slowly. As a result, when she saw the situation in front of the stall at the door, the woman was so scared that she almost sat on the ground and hurriedly supported her Shouted, "Lao Hu, what the **** is going on? Did you offend someone? Is this a mess?"

Lao Hu said impatiently: "What smashing the stall, this is all for pot stickers, you do it quickly, I can't afford it here."

The middle-aged woman stunned and said, "Eat ... what to eat?"

After speaking, the middle-aged woman quickly washed her hands and came over to take out the basin and started making pot stickers.

As he did it, he whispered to Lao Hu: "What's going on? Why is our store's business suddenly so good? Is it possible that we have become a net red shop? Otherwise, how can there be so many people?"

Lao Hu was sweating on his busy forehead, and said, "Why do I know that there are so many people coming out of the cold?

Man, oops, I said you stop talking nonsense, and make two less pot stickers in one sentence. I'm out of here. Hurry up. "

On the other street, the same situation is happening at a hot pot shop.

It can even be said that at this moment, all the pot stickers shops in the entire Jingnan area were surrounded by people, one after another screaming to eat pot stickers, so that a bunch of busy shopkeepers beat their heads but were puzzled.

Ye Fei didn't even know that he had made a beef hot pot paste, but he would accidentally let the whole hot pot shop in Jingnan fly up.

Putting the pot on it, Ye Fei glanced at the live broadcast room. The goods are so beautiful right now, because the reward is really one wave higher than one wave, one wave over the other.

The large and small props in the entire live room are dazzling, and even many small props can not be seen at all, all of them are suppressed by the big guys.

Ye Fei was moving toward the live broadcast, and his face was full of Xia Hua's smile. "Thank you, thank you all."

A group of viewers who were giving a prize heard Ye Fei say so, and the reward in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped.

Ye Fei: "..."

What happened? Why did you stop suddenly? Give a reward and continue.

Shibatian said to the microphone dejectedly: "Yes, can you bring more thanks? Men don't like to listen to this, thank you for being unlucky."

Ye Fei: "..."

Hey ~~ Your uncle, I don't really mean that, what do you have to think about me? I am very helpless.

"Thank you, thank you, haha." In the end Ye Fei could only add a word of thanks.

The rewards in the live room started to fly again.

Ye Fei wiped the sweat from his head, and his heart said that it was so dangling. How much less is one word for a while? This is too scary.

"You guys, the time is very tight. Let's make the following dish, a banquet, there are meat, vegetables, and greens. We will make a green dish for this gourmet. It is also a common but extremely nutritious green. Called Tao Ren Fried Kale! "

After that, Ye Fei turned to do it directly.

Just as he was cooking this dish, the presidents of the live broadcast associations in many countries around the world collapsed.

"God, how many waves of rewards are there?"

"Fuck, the wave just now was more than 90 million Huaxia coins. This wave can only be more than the last wave."

"Crazy, this Chinese broadcaster Ye Fei is crazy. His audience is even more neurotic. Watching a show, do you need to be so excited? Money is not money?

"Rhode? Who the **** is Rhode? You are an audience in the United States. You don't support the anchor in your country. What are you doing so hard to give a reward to a Chinese anchor?"

"Ye Fei is completely on the rise, and now he can't hold it."

Hibbert, the president of the Eagles Live Broadcasting Association, is really about to explode at this time. He is standing next to his secretary, impatiently: "Not ready yet?"

His secretary Naris carefully said, "Chairman, it will be all right. Since Ye Fei is to be cheated, the wording must be careful, and I will change it."

"What to change, change, and then the game is over. Ye Fei is cheating. This is something that anchors around the world know. What words do you mean? Hurry up to the presidents of associations in other countries and let them watch. See, all of them signed to President Johnson and passed on. You have to sue Ye Fei. This **** is just awful. It's just a match. Is it so obvious that he needs to cheat? Jumping two levels a day? Believe it? You think you Is it God ?! "

Hibbert was mad, and when Naris hit the Enter key, she said, "Passed."

"Okay, I'll contact them again."

Johnson today has a thorough understanding of what a talent is. No, Ye Fei cannot be called a talent at all ~ ~ This is Nima is a god, and only God can do him. This step is so crazy.

Looking at Ye Fei's lively flying rewards, Johnson's face was going to laugh and blossom.

"Give a reward, don't stop, give a hard reward. The better Ye Fei's performance, the more secure I will be in this position."

Miss Mary laughed: "Chairman, Ye Shen is definitely the most amazing anchor I have seen in so many years. The chairperson's vision is really not ordinary."

"Surprising? No, no, Miss Mary, you used the wrong word, it should be ecstatic, right? I really didn't expect that Huaxia hasn't seen a diamond anchor for so many years, and now there is such a thing It's changed too much, my heart has been throbbed by this guy today and has never stopped. "

The two were talking. Suddenly, a reminder appeared in the bottom right corner of Johnson's computer. There was a new message in his mailbox. The subject was Hibbert.

Johnson froze, but still opened his mailbox, but when he saw the contents of the letter, Johnson's face was cold.

"Asshole, these people are really shameless."

Mary looked at the angry Johnson and asked, "President, what's the matter?"

Johnson gritted his teeth and said, "Falling, this group of people saw Ye Fei's good results, and now he came to my place to sue Ye Fei, saying that he was suspected of cheating in this game."

"Ah? It's awful. How could there be such people? They used to look like gentlemen. Why are they so evil inside? President, what should we do?"

Johnson sneered, and said, "Some things do they think I haven't prepared for? Ye Fei cheated? I put out evidence to see if they face pain ?!"

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