The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 954: I can't even make a facelift.

Ye Fei entered the live room and opened the video.

Five microphones were snatched by the instant he appeared. One of the microphones that was eaten all over the world could not be thundered. The other microphone was almost unthunderable. The degree of the scattered flower fairy was definitely not covered. It was snatched again. Helping people spit blood, all know that the girl is beautiful, but how did this hand come out? horrible.

The other three microphones were childishly stolen, and the Persian cat and His Majesty snatched them. These three people are estimated to have been around for at least 20 years, like lightning.

"Wow, click your hand, the microphone is in your hand, Ye Shen, can you hear me?" The Persian cat who grabbed the microphone for the first time howled.

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course, congratulations to the Persian cat for grabbing a microphone."

"What about me, Ye Shen, what about me? I am Your Majesty."

Ye Fei: "........"

"Long live Your Majesty, I can hear your voice."

After speaking, Ye Fei paused and said, "You can hear childlike simple voices."

Childlike simplicity: "........."

"Yes, I haven't spoken yet."

"噗 ~~"

The live broadcast room just laughed, please, Ye Shen, is it really good to lie in front of more than a billion people?

Ye Fei laughed, "I heard your breath, and I heard your heart."

Childlike innocence: "You ye, you ye ye, but Ye Shen and I are sympathetic, you are weak."

As soon as the words of this article were spoken, the scattered fairy, the Persian cat and His Majesty all started to poke at him, and even the audience who did not grab the microphone in the live broadcast room began to poke.

"Is there anything to be proud of?"

"I have a liver."


"Make spleen!"

"......... cross ... kidney!"

Ye Fei: "......."

Looking at the live broadcast before it was broadcast, it was already a mess. Ye Fei's head was big, and he pressed his hands quickly, saying, "Stop! Let me tell you. I don't have any parts on my body. Now. "

The audience in the live broadcast laughed crazy, and they liked the joyous atmosphere.

"Well, friends, it's still the old rule. Before today's live broadcast, let's welcome three live broadcast guests!"

"Oh ~~~ Yeah, is it wrong, Ye Shen?" Suddenly, His Majesty shouted.

Ye Fei froze and said, "What's wrong?"

"Isn't that four guests? How do you say three?"

Ye Fei hesitated. Then I remembered that the last time it was said that there were four live guests, and there were still four places drawn. There was another one?

Ye Fei started to count, the first one was the 95-year-old Qingsong, and then the Solova. I want to continue to fly, and there is one ... Cat Cat!

What about cat customers?

Ye Fei directly threatened, and he got used to smoking three audiences at a time. Why did he lose one?

"I ... shit."

This product is directly swearing. There is no way. There is a guest who did not come. It should not be the case. If he did not come, he would have sold the quota. Why?

I have eaten all over the world and wondered: "Great, my cat guest, I knew this person was not an ordinary person at first, but I didn't expect it to make me guess right. A place worth hundreds of millions. He did n’t even sell This is crazy. "

Everyone else was crazy.

"This cat guest is really ...

"Well, I'm going, isn't this occupying that pit? Why don't you talk about him? If he doesn't come, he should sell or let him out, this is this ..."

"Who the **** is Cat Cat? This is too much."

"It's a terrible thing, it's a pity that place."

Ye Fei was really aggressive. He didn't expect his live guest to have an appointment. This is really the first time. What is going on?

He hurried to call Ma Qingyun's cell phone.

"Does Cat Cat contact you?"

Ma Qingyun is also now stupid. They just let Solova's affairs torment their heads, and they thought that this cat guest had already gone to Ye Fei, but he didn't expect to go. What happened?

"Ye Fei, don't worry, I will have someone call you."



Ye Fei was really anxious. He felt that this should not be the case. When this cat guest was drawn, he was rewarded with a bunch of luxury items, indicating that he did not intend to sell the quota, that is, he would Come here, but what about this person?

The audience in the live broadcast room also knew that something might have happened. One by one, talking and waiting, there is no way to be anxious. You have to determine where this guest has gone.

Not long after, Ma Qingyun's call came back.

"Ye Fei ..."

"Are you connected?"


"where is it?"

"On ... outside your farmhouse gate."

"... why didn't he come in?"

"He ... he couldn't get in. He was stopped by people. He refused to let in life and death, saying that he was afraid of accidents."

Ye Fei almost lay on the ground, yes, it ’s true that the people around this farmhouse are under surveillance today, for the sake of Solova, but you watch the bad guys, what do you stop my live guests?

Ye Fei was crazy and said to the audience in the studio: "Friends, wait for me."

After that, I ran out.

As soon as I ran to the gate, I heard a noise outside.

"Why don't you let me in? I'm Ye Shen's live guest and I'm a cat guest."

A Chinese voice stiffly said: "Sao Rui, you can't go in. No one can go in here until now."

"You are solova ’s bodyguards, aren't you? But even bodyguards, you have to let me in. Solova is Ye God ’s live guest, so am I, you stop me like this, believe me or scold?"

"We will hit people."

"....... gentlemen do not speak, I am not afraid of you, I think you come to Huaxia, if I hit you, the impact is not good, in fact, I also understand you very well, It should be, but you are really worried about being superfluous. I am a good person and I am a guest. "

"Nonono, you are a good person and you can't go in."

At this time, two police officers came over.

"What's going on? Who are you?"

"I'm a cat guest, Ye Shen's live guest."

"Really? Where is the cat?"

".... who specifically stipulates that a cat cat should bring a cat? I said if you are all sick? You can call Ye Shen and he knows me."

"Sorry, we don't know Ye Shen's phone."


"Ye Shen !!! I'm a cat guest !!! Can you pick me up, I can't get in, there are a few two out of stock at the door, life and death won't let me in!"

The cat guest is about to explode. What are you talking about? I ran over by myself, and all of them came to the door of Ye Shen's house.

With a click, the door opened.

Ye Fei came out with a serious face, looked at the two tall bodyguards of Slovakia, pointed to the distance, and said, "How far away you are, you can roll me far!"

Solova's two bodyguards: "....... hat?"

"Hat a hair? Come on, brother, I know you are worried about Solovar's personal safety, but you can't stop my guests."

"That is, are you doing this to disturb Ye Shenzhuo, do you know?" Cat Guest said.

Ye Fei looked at the goods. The cat was very young and thin, but very spirited. His head was short. The shirt was a short sleeve with flowers. The lower body was a pair of denim shorts. A pair of white shoes on his feet. The key was the ears. There are also a pair of glittering earrings.

Seeing this dress and this dress, Ye Fei directly remembered eating her husband, yes, it is a guy who is hard to distinguish between male and female, these two really have a fight.

Seeing Ye Fei look at himself, the cat guest fangs smiled and said, "Ye God, I'm sorry, ha. Actually, I've been here since last night. Happy, who played with two girls last night, oversleep in the morning."

Ye Fei: "........"

I rub, can this work?

"Hey, come in, the live broadcast has begun, there are indeed many accidents today, and you can't blame them."

Talking, Ye Fei and Mao Ke entered the farmhouse. The two bodyguards of Solova did not leave, and they all stood at the door with their hands behind them, just like the two door gods.

"Yeshen, I'm really embarrassed." Came to the farmhouse, the cat guest said.

Ye Fei laughed: "It's nothing, everyone will have something temporary, but you must be careful with your small body."

Cat guest laughed.

The two came to the house, and the cat was familiar with it, and greeted everyone, especially when they saw Solova, the goods ran quickly, and then put their heads on Solova's shoulders, took out the mobile phone and clicked. After taking a photo, Zizi said, "I am also the person who has taken a picture with the first person in the world. Hey, that's the unnatural expression. Come, let's take another photo, Solova, eggplant ~~"

Ye Fei's group of people: "........"

Emma, ​​this is a living treasure. Here, how about eggplant, don't you say a hammer?

"Okay, come and say hello to the audience, our live broadcast will start soon, and time has passed a long time now. Who will come first?"

"Respect the old and love the young, senior Green Pine comes first." Cat off.

Wenwen and Solova also agreed.

Ninety-five-year-old Qingsong laughed: "In that line, I will come first, but my pleated face should not scare the audience."

"How is that possible? Grandma, you are kind-hearted, and just like Bodhisattva, they don't like it too much time." The cat guest said quickly.

"Haha, this cat guest is sweet."

The old lady was amused by the cat guest, and sat down in front of the video.

The audience in the live broadcast was talking about it. When they saw an old lady appearing in the video, they all stunned, and then all greeted one by one.

No way, this has nothing to do with status and money, but has to do with age. Respecting the elderly and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Even a grandmother from a rural area must be treated politely.

"Hello Grandma Qingsong."

"Grandma is too charitable."

"I also remembered my grandma when I saw Grandma Qingsong."

"I wish my grandmother Fu Ruru a long stream of water in the East China Sea, and I will live longer than Nanshan."

The audience in the live broadcast room is still very uniform. For the elderly, whoever you are, you must put down everything ~ ~ to give respect.

Ninety-five-year-old Qing Song smiled and beckoned toward the broadcast room, and said, "Hello, I'm Qing Song."

"Grandma, are you really ninety-five?"

"Yeah, the ninety-fifth birthday has just passed."

"Emma, ​​you look too young, like thirty or forty."

Everyone sees the news, it all hurts, brother, boasting people is okay, but you boast ... Is it a bit too much?

At the age of ninety-five, you can boast to thirty or forty, even if you can't make a facelift.

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