The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 956: Are you a little fart?

There is such a person in the world that with one year's effort, they can be compared with others for a lifetime. This is talent, and jealousy is useless.

The demon boy is undoubtedly such a person. After a child-like simple introduction, people know that this is simply a demon. It is too scary. It can be said that IQ can absolutely crush 99% of the world ’s people. .

In two years, I won the highest Lingtu Award in the computer industry.

Even at this moment, Solova looked at the cat guest as if he were watching a ghost. As the commander of the Rice Kingdom, he also knew many things about the country, and their country also had the best genius. Bah, this girl is out of the realm of human beings, it's terrifying.

The cat-hip hippie smiled and greeted everyone, giving way to Solova.

"Come out and see if it's the one." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"It must be."

"Not necessarily. There are many more names in the country. My son can call his grandfather's name. It is memorable, unlike China Huaxia."

"That's right, just look at it."

Ye Fei laughed: "Mr. Solova, please."

Solovard nodded and sat in front of the video, but as soon as he sat there, the live broadcast room was completely boiling.

"I'm going, is he really?"

"Solova, the boss of Rice?"

"Oh, Ye Shen is so awesome. Even the first person in the world to watch this live broadcast?"

"I think this is absolutely a miracle, and it is impossible to reproduce it in the future."

"Solova, this is the real Solova, which is a fake replacement. Is it too exciting? This kind of thing can also happen?" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Although the audience knows that it is true, when they see it with their own eyes, one by one still feels a little incredible. After all, a character like Solova cannot have time to watch such online entertainment programs, but now he is I watched it and became a guest of Ye Fei.

In fact, some people who knew the inside of the live broadcast behaved very calmly. They said that Solova is a hair, and Rhodes is the iron powder of Ye Shen. What kind of onion can he be considered?

They also guessed why Slovakia did not give up or sell the quota, because Ye Fei is the idol of several big wealthy bosses, do you dare not care about this kind of idol show? I think your boss wants to do it.

Solova put her hands on the table, and then smiled and said to the video, "Hello friends of China, hello, friends from all over the world, hello, my name is Solova, I am very glad to be able to join Ye Shen This is my honor. My identity is very clear to everyone, but I do n’t talk about it today. Actually, I still have an identity. This is an identity that I have hidden for a lifetime, even my closest ones. Do n’t even know. ”& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

咦 ~~

Not to mention, as a boss, this product really speaks well, at least it will hang people's appetite and attract people's attention to themselves.

Sure enough, many people are beginning to be curious about another guy who has hidden his identity for a lifetime.

"Mr. Solova, do you have another identity? What identity?"

"Don't tell me that you have become a Chinese citizen."

"Ah ~~ ha ha ha, brother, you have no one in your brain. Can you think of this situation?"

"Solova, as the boss of the rice country, this situation is absolutely impossible. In my opinion, his identity that has been hidden for a lifetime should be gay, yes, this identity is generally not even the closest people. Will know. "

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>


"God, kill this group of unreliable people, can you still have a good chat? You are talking about an eggplant? Can you be more reliable?"

"Stop talking, what's the point?"

Ye Fei was also ridiculed by the audience in the broadcast room. He said that this group of people is really superb. Anyone's jokes are dare. Please, everyone. This is Solova. You guys ........ Gay, what is gay, can't you mess up?

The cat guest kept laughing and covering her mouth, even Wenwen and relaxed grandma and her granddaughter laughed.

Solova's face was almost green, and in his heart, almost 10,000 alpacas ran past him. He was also ridiculed by the audience of Ye Fei, but he had to admire these people and know his identity Dare to say that, Daner is really fat. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In fact, he still does n’t know much about Ye Fei ’s audience. In the eyes of these people, there are only equal audiences in the live broadcast room. There are no bosses and rich people at all. They can't chat so hot with people who have eaten all over the world and I'm food Zhang Junwei.

Qiuqiu backstage,

Ma Qingyun and a group of directors were thoroughly sweated by Ye Fei's audience. One by one, it can be said that the eyes are about to fall to the ground.

"The mouths of these audiences ..." Ma Qingyun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said half of what he didn't know.

The director's fat body is a bit shaky.

"Ye Shen's audience, you need to give a good guide in the future, how dare you say anything?"

The other directors are also very painful. They don't dare to speak in front of Solovar, it's too crazy. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the food section group, Feng Tianlai almost laughed, and tears came out.

And Liu Ping's group of people even jumped out of the snot bubble, and howled at the table one by one.

A bunch of anchors in the anchor group of Silver Star are all staring. No way, their fans are definitely afraid to say solova.

"Kneeling, this time I will not kneel to Ye Fei, I kneel to his fans, this is too powerful."

"Emma, ​​when I saw the news, I was sweating all over. I really sweated Ye Fei."

"This fan ... why dare to say anything?"

"Gay? Haha, do Ye Fei's fans be so good? Look at Solova's face, it's almost green."

Justin Bieber and his agent Pete are also watching Ye Fei's live broadcast, because they know that their boss is going to participate today, they are quite comfortable, drinking coffee, putting their feet on the table. A large display, yes, it's time to change the device. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The two were chatting while watching the show while drinking coffee, and they were talking. After seeing the news, they didn't hold back, and the coffee in their mouths was sprayed on themselves.

"Ahem, am I ... am I right?" Jardin Bieber rubbed his eyes and stared at the screen carefully, asking.

Pete also coughed for a long time, and then wiped his tears before saying, "You're not mistaken, my god, Ye Fei's group of fans ... Is this too powerful?"

"Solovar is gay? Hahaha, I'm drunk too. How did they come up with it?"

"God, fans of other anchors don't even dare to say it when they think of it. This is why Ye Fei's audience fans dare not be so afraid."

"Pitt, seeing no, Ye Fei is my goal in my life. As long as I am mixed with a cow fork, fans are dragging it up. Believe it or not, even if these people say so, Slovakia doesn't dare to fire. ”& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Hide characteristics nodded.

This must be believed. Ye Fei's show is the best show that Rhodes has participated in. How many heads does he have? Could it be worse than Rhodes?

Sure enough, Solova was like a big face. His expression turned sunny from cloudy to cloudy and then drizzle, and finally he smiled hard: "I'm a normal-oriented person. Okay, don't let everyone Guess, now I tell you that my other identity is ... food, I am also an authentic food. "

Yes, Solovar was afraid of Ye Fei ’s audience. He dared to throw anything out of his mouth. Do n’t dwell on his appetite. If he goes on like this, maybe these people will talk nonsense again. What is it? Although I am a guest of Ye Fei today, in the final analysis, I am still the boss of the rice country. If you keep talking to this group of people, do you have to lose face? So this product is no longer dare to carry on like this. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In fact, Solova still murmured, I am not afraid of thousands of horses and horses, and now I am afraid of Ye Fei's group of fans.

Not only did I dare not lose the appetite of everyone, and even sitting in front of the computer for a while, Solova was a little panicked. He hurried to say a few words and flashed people. Hemp eggs, if not yet, if you give another sentence The words are astonishing, and my face is completely lost.

Ye Fei sat in front of the computer with a smile and said, "Okay, my friends, just kidding and joking, don't overdo it. Mr. Solova looks like a macho, how could it be what you think? "

The audience in the broadcast room instantly started to make funny faces.

Ye Fei went on to say, "Friends, all of the four live guests have seen it, oh, by the way, actually there are five people today, and one grandmother grandson Qingsong. Everyone knows that the grandmother is old. I need someone to take care of me at all times, so I allowed her granddaughter to come together. I hope everyone can understand this. "

It turned out that Ye Fei didn't say anything. As soon as he said this, the live broadcast room, which had just subsided a bit, became messy again.

"Is this OK?"

"Oh, hey ~ ~ Grandma, grandpa, you win the prize quickly, so that I can get all of it."

"There is an old family, if there is a treasure, it seems true."

"Ah, it's a pity, my grandparents are gone."

Yao Xiaoming: "So painful, should I dig out my grandparents again?"

Yao Jianshe: "........ asshole!"

Peerless pheasant: "........ you little **** baby is endless?"

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