The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 990: Lafite 82

After Ye Fei and a group of Lao Mo merged, the sky was completely dark.

"Leaf God."

I saw Ye Fei coming back, and a group of people hurled around all around.

"Yes, how are you? Are you all right?"

呢 "Where's the bandit leader?"

"What kind of bandit leader, let's look at Ye Shen's situation first."

"I have medicine here, Ye Shen, did you hurt me?"

"Sit down, old seven, get some water."

"Where is the old ten? Where is the old ten?"

"He went to collect information."

I looked at a group of people busy, Ye Fei suddenly grinned and laughed.

I saw Ye Fei laugh, a group of people were relieved, and it was all right to laugh.

"I'm fine, don't be nervous, everyone." Ye Fei said with a smile.

Lao Mo asked at this time: "Yes, what about that three-legged guy?"

Ye Yefei: "........"

Three-legged guy?

〇08 Hehe laughed: "This is the name given by the boss to the guy with few arms."

Ye Yefei was speechless by this group of people's brains. People have only a few arms. How can they become three legs?


Ye Yefei just said two words, and the others never asked anything again.

I all understood that since Ye Fei said he was dead, it must be dead.

Qi Ye flew around and saw that the corpses on the ground were gone, and asked curiously, "What about those corpses?"

Lao Mo pointed at a large bag covered by snow, not far away, and said, "Where are they all? There are 176 in total, many."

In fact, Lao Mo didn't make it clear at all, because some corpses had been worn out by a group of bear blinds. There were several roots that could not make up a complete corpse. It seemed that some things were eaten by the blind bears.

"Yeshen, what do you do next?" Zero 202 asked aside.

Ye Yefei cried and pointed at Lao Mo, saying, "I should ask Lao Mo about this. How do I know?"

Lao Mo hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Yes, please let me go. Now we all listen to you. We will do whatever you ask us to do."

The others nodded quickly.

They all understand that although the organization sent them over to perform this task, they did n’t deal with it at all, just came over and cleaned up. Almost all the gangsters were killed by Ye Fei and the gang of bear blinds. This is absolutely It's a big credit, they didn't dare to grab it.

Xie Yefei shook her head and said, "I'm not familiar with this matter. You should arrange it, but I know that we need to go into the snow cave for one night now. No matter what, we must wait until tomorrow."

"Yes, I think so too." Lao Mo hurriedly said.

A bunch of people all laughed, and then all went into the learning hole.

Ye Fei, the tall bear blind, also let them leave, but when he was walking, did Xiao Hei turn around one step or three times, and it seemed that Ye Fei couldn't bear it.

Ye Yefei waved his hand, and Xiao Hei left with a group of bears.

There are no cave days in the Xuexue Cave.

特 "Specially, these **** will enjoy it too."

05 Lying down on a large leather sofa, anxious that the whole person would be trapped in it, terribly comfortable.

Two guys, 02 and 零 06, fumbled back and forth in the hole, and finally they carried back a wooden box and laughed cheaply.

"Lao Mo, Ye Shen, brothers, guess what we found?" Zero Two said with a mysterious smile.

Many people gathered around, staring curiously at this big wooden box.


"Sink, so heavy?"

"咦 ~ 叽 mile 咣 rang, is there a glass bottle?"

"Glass bottle? I rely on, won't I?"

Some people seem to have guessed something, and their eyes can't believe it.

He nodded, and said, "Yes, good wine, brothers!"

He said, holding up the small punch in his hand and smashing the wooden box twice with the butt, the lid was broken open, and then everyone saw a box full of red wine.

我 "I'm going, it's really good."

"Red wine? Hemp eggs, with the perseverance of these people, it is definitely not bad."

As soon as Lao Mo reached out of the box, he took out a bottle and looked at it, and said twice, "It's not bad, it's superb. Rafael in 1982, a box!"

A group of people hurriedly took all the wine out of the box. At first glance, they were all the same. They were all Rafael in 1982.

Lao Mo raised his hand and threw a bottle in his hand to Ye Fei, saying, "Yes, drink a warm body. This thing is not common. I heard that there are 45,000 or 510,000 bottles in the market."

Ye Yefei reached out to catch the red wine, looked at it, and said, "Fake."

There are a few people who just started to drink. After hearing Ye Fei's words, they couldn't drink anymore.

咳 "Cough, Ye Shen, how do you know it's fake?"

"Yeah, but this case is unopened."

"Can these guys still buy fake wine?"

A bunch of people were so curious, they all looked at Ye Fei.

Ye Feidao: "The eighty-two Lafayette refers specifically to the red wine made from the eighty-two years of grapes. Why is this wine so expensive and so famous? This has to do with the environment of eighty-two years. It is said that The climatic environment in Bordeaux, where the country is a developing country, is very difficult. The grape production has been greatly reduced, which has led to a sharp decrease in the output of red wine. However, those grapes that can survive are all the best choices. At the top, another point is that this wine is made by Lafayette, the top winery in the country. No matter the brewing process or other conditions are extremely mature, this has made this wine become an international red wine. The best in the world, but the production of red wine was so small. Why do you still hear the name of this wine everywhere? Many people take out a bottle of red wine and say it is Rafael in 1982. Actually, it is Rafael in 1982. Ninety-nine percent of them are not Lafayette in 1982, because Lafayette has become a brand and also produced by Lafayette, but with Grape is not the year, but this year, or after 2082, but also a good wine. "

Briefly introduced the situation of Bayer Lafite, Ye Fei opened the red wine, took a sip, and the smile on his face became stronger.

The gang of people who had been yelled at by Ye Fei had all looked down at the wine in their hands.

靠 "Fuck, did you really find a box of fake wine for a long time?"

蛋 "Eggs hurt, these shameless goods, fake wine is still so strict, hurt me and my sixth son for a long time."

"咦 ~~ Ye Shen, how do you know so much about red wine?"

傻 "Stupid? Don't look at what Ye Shen does."

"Oh oh yeah, yes, I'm very curious."

In fact, Ye Fei didn't tell them why they knew so much, because this Lafayette Ye Fei had been drank in the Rothschild family. Why did the Rothschild family have a real Lafayette in 1982?

too easy.

Because Lafayette is the property of the Rothschild family!

That's right, Lafayette is an important wine industry in the Rhodes family. Without their house in Rafina in 1982, there would be no bottle in the world.

When Ye Fei drank Lafay in 1982 for the first time, the truth was really amazing. Although he knew that the wine made with the system is also superb, he had not used the systematic method to make red wine, anyway, at least Among the red wines he drank, Rafael in 1982 was absolutely the best.

But when Ye Fei thought that Lafayette in 1982 was the best, Rhodes brought another bottle of red wine to Ye Fei. It was a long green bottle that had become hazy and opaque. Yes, when Rhodes poured a bottle of red wine on Ye Fei and tasted it, Ye Fei was a little intoxicated. This bottle of Raphael was even better than Rafael in 1982.

告诉 When he asked Rhodes at the time, he told himself that this bottle of Raphael's treasure was much earlier than that of Rafael Lafayette.

Ye Yefei was still confused at that time. Why was Bayi Raphae much earlier than Bayi Rafi?

Rhoades told him that the so-called August 7 Lafite was earlier than the August 2 Lafite because the August 7 was 1787!

的 The perfect red wine stored for centuries, it looks like a rosy spar, it looks dazzling.

It is said that there are only two hundred bottles of Lagoi Lafayette in the world. After being brewed, it was placed in the deepest cellar of Lafayette's winery to avoid the destruction of war. Caused a sensation in the world.

The Eagle Eagle Carlsberg auction house once auctioned a bottle of Lafayette in 1987. The final transaction price was 260,000 meters, and it was more than 1.6 million when it was exchanged for Huaxia Coin!

Yes, it's so expensive!

Lao Mo laughed and said, "No matter what, Raphael in 1982 and Raphael in 1988. I have a taste anyway, just drink it."

After I finished speaking, I mumbled into the bottle for a while.

Several others also took a few sips.

Ye Yefei took another sip with a smile, then closed her eyes and began to enjoy slowly.

When Lao Mo saw Ye Fei a bit weird, he asked curiously, "Yes, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Ye Fei Yang lifted the wine bottle in Yang's hand and laughed, "I said, this is not Bayer Raphael, but Baysher Rapha ..."

Then Ye Fei introduced them to Raphael 1877.

When Lao Mo heard a bunch of people, they were all dumbfounded, then looked down at the wine bottles in their hands one by one, and several people hurriedly found the bottle lid and put it on again.

"Look, you made evil."

"Raphael in 1987? This is so special for centuries!"

"A bottle of more than 1.6 million? I wiped it, I took a few sips just now? Lao, you told me how many sips I just took? How many sips did I drink?"

哪里 "Where do I know, I know that I drank at least 200,000. Grandma's extravagance has killed me. I feel so distressed."

Lao Mo's hand holding the wine bottle was sloppy. He hurried to Ye Fei and whispered, "Yes, this wine is really what you said about Lafayette's 1.6 million in 1987? "

Ye Yefei took another sip, nodded, and said, "It shouldn't be wrong, but just changed the packaging. I didn't expect these guys to be able to store a box of such superb red wine, it's awful."

Lao Mo did not hear Ye Fei's words at all. He could not be wrong when he heard Ye Fei. He directly placed the bottle on the ground carefully, then vomited with his hands in front of his mouth.

A bunch of people were weirdly dying. What did Lao Mo do?

"What's the matter? Lao Mo, poisoned?" Asked 2009.

Lao Mo yanked his throat with his hand and coughed for a long time before saying: "See if you can spit out the drink you just drank and then taste it slowly, otherwise it will be too **** extravagant and will commit crimes."

A bunch of people: "........"

Are you disgusting? !!

At this time ~ ~ ran over and came to Lao Mo, and said, "Boss, all the information was found."

When Lao Mo heard that was the business, he immediately said, "Have you found it?"

"Yes, too many. They have people in almost every province. There are dozens of other assassinations and sabotage outside. Here are their names, photos and locations."

Lao Mo clapped his hands and said, "No one can run away!"

He said, Lao Mo handed the wine bottle to his hand.

I didn't want to think about it, I gurgle a few sips, it feels very good, and gurgles a few sips, but I find that the surroundings are quiet after drinking.

He looked around and found that everyone was stunned and looking at himself. The goods were a little hairy, and he wiped his mouth with his sleeve, and said, "Why ... what happened?"

Lao Mo patted with a smile on his shoulder, and then pointed at the half bottle of red wine in his hand, saying: "Rapha in 1987, more than 1.6 million bottles, old ten, extravagant. . "

零零 十: "........"

卧 "Well, why didn't you say that earlier? Can I still sell for the spit bottle I drink?"

Everyone: "........"

Ramie eggs, another one.

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