Detonating the tunnel and causing seawater to backflow is indeed a good idea to stop Yasha. The structure of the tunnel is fragile. Although Mikael seems to have only blown a small hole, the chain reaction caused by the explosion soon crushed the entire tunnel.

The Honkai Beast is a silicon-based creature, and Mikael is not sure whether it can breathe. Anyway, he can do without it.

So Mikael is not sure whether blocking the road with seawater is effective.

But he believes in Yasha's intelligence. After being attracted by such a wave of hatred, he should probably chase after him without thinking, instead of running directly to Luluye...

And Ying, although she was a little angry that Mikael made such a dangerous move without saying hello to her in advance, her response was surprisingly calm: standing there quietly, anyway, since Mikael dared to do this, he must have a way to get her out.

Until this idea slowly emerged in her mind, she felt a little resistance belatedly-what was my mission when I came to the fifth team?

But this resistance was quickly defeated by the subconscious dependence on Mikael.

And Mikael did not disappoint her. The seawater poured into the tunnel, but it did not cover their feet. Instead, it accumulated in a strange arc. It was not until Mikael pulled her out of the tunnel that she could see clearly that there was a spherical barrier composed of a hexagonal matrix between them and the seawater. No, it was not a barrier, but a semi-permeable membrane, which not only isolated the seawater but also allowed oxygen to enter.

The only flaw was that the semi-permeable membrane emitted a faint blue fluorescence, which made the figures of the two people as dazzling as stars in the dark seabed.

After a brief moment of daze, Yasha chased after the "star" without hesitation. It was trembling with anger, and even the seawater around it was rippled by its high-frequency vibration. The ripples swept across the spherical semi-permeable membrane where Mikael and Ying were, and instantly tore a hole. Fortunately, Mikael reacted quickly and patched it up almost at the moment the hole opened.

The speed of Yaksha was getting faster and faster. It did not use its limbs to paddle, but used its three pairs of wings as oars. Its spine, dragging its tail, kept rising and falling, swimming like a fish.

While Mikael and Sakura were rising purely by buoyancy, how could their speed be compared with Yaksha?

Fortunately, Mikael was still prepared. With a wave of his hand, four or five unmanned mechas blocked Yaksha. These unmanned mechas moved very slowly in the water, but it would take Yaksha a few seconds to tear apart the defense line they had built.

When it broke through the first line of defense formed by the unmanned mechas, it found that more and more mechas were surrounding it. Some pulled its wings, some hugged its thighs, some pulled its tail, and naturally, some grabbed its ears.

But in just a blink of an eye, Yaksha crossed the mecha and bit Mikael's back tightly. As for the mechas that stayed in place, they had already slowly disintegrated from the joints. A finger of the mecha fell and hit the swimming fish on the side. The fish looked alive, but when the mecha's fingers touched it lightly, the whole fish exploded with a "bang" and merged into the cold sea water, leaving no trace of blood.

"Is it using the ability to freeze space again?" Mikael's heart moved, and he waved his hand again, and another group of mechas surrounded it.

This time, it entangled Yasha for a long time, until the angry Yasha tore all the mechas to pieces, and then caught up again.

"Huh? It didn't freeze the space immediately... When we first met, it could use it twice in a row... Because after it completely evolved into an emperor-level Honkai beast, the power of freezing space is stronger, but the consumption that comes with it is also stronger. Does it need time to recover..."

Mikael did not make an arbitrary judgment, but waved his hand again, continuing to harass the mecha.

At the same time, Ying felt that the space around her became brighter and brighter, and even the schools of fish around her increased visibly.

She raised her head, and the ripples on the sea level were clearly visible.

"Aili, what's going on in the engine room? Why did it take so long?" Himiko kept urging. Ai Li groaned, her whole body had been soaked with sweat three times, but she didn't answer Himiko's words immediately. Countless purple ribbons lingered around her body, which was extremely rich Honkai energy. Each seemingly weak ribbon contained enough energy to give birth to a lower Honkai beast. Honkai energy reactors are different from nuclear reactors: nuclear reactors can maintain a controllable self-sustaining chain nuclear fission reaction, so they can work for a long time after adding fuel once. Although Honkai energy reactors are more efficient, they are far less durable than nuclear reactors due to technical limitations, especially the giant Moonlight Engine, which requires manual input of a large amount of Honkai energy every time it is started. If it were usual, the staff should put the Honkai energy storage tank into the robotic arm, and after the staff left the engine room, start the automation device, and the robotic arm will dock the storage tank with the reactor in the engine, and then open the storage tank and input Honkai energy. Mikael thought so, so did Himiko, and even Airie thought so—until she came to the engine area.

She did not find the Honkai Energy storage tank, and after a quick look at the log, she realized that the Moonlight Engine consumed far more Honkai Energy than expected. In order to ensure that there was enough Honkai Energy for the next start, and because it was convenient to obtain materials, the crew directly took the empty Honkai Energy storage tank to the underground reactor to recharge it.

And then - there is no return...

But the sun still rises, and Zhuhuo No. 1 still has to take off.

Mikael may be fighting hard with Yasha who has been promoted to the Imperial level Honkaimon. What if when he lures Yasha out, Zhuhuo One ends up sleeping in the airport?

Ellie was running around in a hurry, really like an ant on a hot pot.

She suddenly thought of Himihu's Shirtl. When she drove the sword, she first absorbed a small amount of Honkai energy from the outside world and directed it to Shirtl through the "conductor" of the human body. Then Shirtl could emit high temperature. , until a flame ignites.

So theoretically speaking, as long as Alicia becomes a conductor by absorbing it, so that the Honkai in the lavender air can flow into the reactor through herself, wouldn't it be enough?

If Mikael were here, he would definitely praise her for being so smart.

There is an upper limit to the resistance and adaptability of ordinary people's Honkai energy. For example, Himika, as the best among ordinary people, can only absorb a very small amount of Honkai energy for herself. This Honkai energy Not even one thousandth of what Mikael could do with a full blow.

In theory, even Himihu cannot fill up the Moonlight Engine's Honkai Energy Reactor. Honkai Energy that exceeds the resistance limit will turn her body into a dead warrior.

But Ellie is not such a forward-thinking person. This is also her habit. Anyway, even if something happens, Mikael will always help her deal with the aftermath!

With this inexplicable sense of dependence, she allowed more and more Honkai energy to flow into the reactor through her body. She soon reached her "limit", and the skin and flesh of her arm connected to the reactor began to turn into... Ashes drifted away, revealing fossilized and blackened flesh.

"Just... hold on a little longer, this shouldn't be my limit... My Honkai ability adaptability is so much higher than that of ordinary people, so it won't be so fast... Humph... It's okay... It's okay... ...Even if this body turns into a dead warrior, Mikael can still do something, can't he... He can construct a body. When the time comes, I have to ask him to help me make another one... It needs to be taller... I don't want to I have to stand on tiptoes every time I talk to Mebius... I also need to be a little thinner. I have eaten a lot of desserts recently and my clothes are a bit tight..."

Her consciousness gradually blurred, and Ellie's thoughts flew to far away places...

Suddenly, I felt a "crash" in my head, like a fuse being disconnected.

Then the miracle happened.

The stiffened and blackened arms gradually regained their flesh color, and even the skin grew back, becoming as white and tender as a baby.

Honkai was able to pour in hundreds or thousands of times, but Kairi never felt the slightest discomfort.

"It feels like the adaptability of Honkai energy is infinite!"

The reactor was filled almost instantly. Ellie forced her exhausted body to leave the engine room, closed the hatch, and started the engine from the outside.

"Captain...the engine has started..."

Ai Li said weakly. She leaned against the wall, her legs softened, her whole body slid down along with the wall, and she sat down on the ground.

"Ellie! Ellie! Are you okay!"

"It's okay... Captain, take off quickly... Don't let Mikael wait too long..."

"You kid..."

Ellie temporarily silenced the communication. She had always had a knot in her mind. Although her scores in the simulated war room had gone back and forth with Mikael, during the battle, Mikael always protected her.

This kind of protection seems a bit too doting to outsiders.

And she herself felt so.

She is obviously very strong, but she is the one who takes advantage every time.

This made her somewhat unwilling.


"Fortunately, it finally came in handy this time... Well... I'm so tired, I really want to take a nap..."

Drowsily, she recalled the situation just now.

The scene replayed over and over in her mind, until she was almost asleep, when a thunder sounded in her mind, making her unable to sleep again:

"It's like the adaptability of Honkai energy is infinite..."

The testing equipment of Fire Chaser Moth is still a bit poor. It can only measure a person's excellent and average Honkai Energy resistance. He is good, Himiko has just touched the good line, and both Mikael and Ellie are Belongs to the top of excellence.

She always thought that this was because the upper limit of the instrument limited Mikael's performance. After all, Herrscher's Honkai Impact had unlimited adaptability. How could it be the same as hers?

It is indeed possible that the upper limit of the instrument is not enough, but this does not prevent another possibility——

But Alicia shook her head wildly to drive this possibility away from her mind.

"It's impossible. I don't have a core, and I've never experienced the stage where another consciousness squeezes into my mind as Mikael said. How could I be the Herrscher..."

This was indeed an airtight rebuttal, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She habitually touched the crystal rose brooch that Mikael gave her that was pinned to her chest. However, she found helplessly that since the brooch was theoretically a product of Honkai energy, she accidentally took the brooch away just now. It was converted into Honkai energy and invested.

"What should I do? What if I let Mikael know that the brooch is gone..."

Ellie wanted to cry but had no tears.

She suddenly thought that she was actually a Herrscher and could accompany Mikael. It would be better if she could have his abilities - for example, could she make a crystal rose brooch by herself?

Thinking about these things meaninglessly in his mind, even Honkai energy spontaneously gathered towards his palms. But Ellie didn't want to interfere, it was just some meaningless fantasies anyway.

But she was wrong.

The next moment, she caught a pink light in her eyes, more and more Honkai energy gathered in her palm, and the appearance of a rose flower appeared in her blank brain...

Then a rose flower made of pink crystals appeared in her palm.

"Boom", the ship shook violently like a washing machine.

Ellie, who had already experienced it, knew that this was Zhuhuo-1 taking off.

She exerted slight force with her five fingers, and the Crystal Rose collapsed into countless fragments, and then turned into lavender Honkai Energy and dissipated.

I’ve sent it, but I forgot to publish it on time, so I’ll post it first, and if there are any problems, I’ll change it later…

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