The First Dragon of All Ages

Chapter 277: I don't need to explain to you

   "Did you see clearly?"

   "This is the proof!"

   "The points of Long Qingchen and others occupy the top ten. Where do so many points come from?"

   "He must have hooked up with Ren Qingxue secretly, using the captives of the Hanging League and Shengmeng to earn points!"

   Looking at the standings, he is so angry that he can't stop, like an angry lion.

   Dozens of people who supported Long Qingchen remained silent.

The female disciple who supported Long Qingchen discovered the anomaly, "If he and Ren Qingxue are secretly colluding, then among the top ten, there should be Ren Qingxue's name. However, Ren Qingxue is not in the top ten, but in the top ten. I won the eleventh place, and I didn't get the place for promotion to the defensive battle today. This is a suspicious point."

  弑chen said coldly, "I don't know, maybe he and Ren Qingxue had an infighting!"

   The female disciple still doesn't believe it, "This is just your guess and there is no evidence."


  Kun Jiutian laughed, with an ironic meaning, "Kill the dust, kill the dust, you have tried so hard to attack our Hanging Alliance, but in the end, you let others pick up the bargain."

   was speechless and sneered, "Kill Chen is really a good person, he works for others, and he doesn't want to be paid."

   Chenqi trembled all over, but there was nothing to say, he has now become the laughing stock of the holy courtyard.

  Long Qingchen and the others walked towards the people of the Saint League, and when they saw him appear, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on him.

   Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, "Look at how you explain it!"

   "I don't need to explain anything to you."

   Long Qingchen looked indifferent, looked at the dozens of people who supported him, and only needed to give these people an explanation.

   "Everyone, I have not betrayed the Holy League, nor have I betrayed you."

   "You may be wondering why I got so many points. This is because I found the hidden place of Ren Qingxue and others, defeated Ren Qingxue and others, and captured the prisoners. It's that simple."

   He glanced at Ge Ning and other eight people, "Since there are only ten places a day, I can't bring you all. I can only bring Ge Ning and others. Please forgive me."

   Although the dozens of people who supported him are a bit disappointed, they can understand his approach. There are only ten places. It is impossible for him to promote everyone to the defensive battle. He can only choose a few people.

  弑chen said coldly, "You found Ren Qingxue and others, but you didn't tell the Saint League, but you used it to earn points. This is betrayal!"

   "Whatever you say, if it is you, you will also score points and pretend to be you."

Long Qingchen didn't bother to pay attention to him, took out the IOUs written by Ren Qingxue and the five people, and handed them to the female disciple, "I didn't give the quota to my brothers, I'm sorry brothers, these six IOUs, each of which is 10 million spiritual stones, is divided into Give it to brothers."

   The female disciple did not answer, and sighed, "There are dozens of people who support you, but there are only ten places. You always have to make a choice, and you are not sorry for us."

   Long Qingchen said involuntarily, putting the IOU in her hand, "Take it, it's a little compensation, and I feel better in my heart."

   "Where are Ren Qingxue and others?"

   Xiao Chen asked, although Long Qingchen and the others were hateful, but he also hated Ren Qingxue and others for playing him like a fool.

   Long Qingchen didn't tell him, it is expected that in the next scoring battle, Ren Qingxue and others will be very difficult. They can no longer return to the Saint League and become "discrete people."

  嗖! ......

The Hanging City Lord appeared on time, flew in from the sky, hovering in the air, looking at the handsome and beautiful ladies, there was a rare smile, "Yesterday's points battle, you performed well, the holy courtyard is in need of this kind of competition, in the competition. , You can improve yourself."

The Toshihiko and beauties looked bitter. Yesterday, the various alliances were involved in a melee. Six to seven hundred people were killed in the battle, and as many as thousands were injured. Everyone may encounter danger at any time. They must guard against attacks from other alliances and also Beware of being tricked by people around you.

   Hanging City Lord said a few more words of encouragement, looked at the ancient stone tablet, and read the top ten names, "Today’s promotion to defend the battle of the places, they are Long Qingchen, Long Jinxuan'er, Ge Ning..."

   Then, he read the bottom 100 and announced his elimination.

Unsurprisingly, the bottom 100 were the prisoners of the Xuankong League and Shengmeng. They were first taken away by Ren Qingxue and five people to get their points. Later, they were scored by ten people including Long Qingchen. Individuals are all minus 16 points, directly at the bottom.

  Kun Jiutian, Silent Sorrow and others of the Hanging League didn't look good. They worked hard to defeat the Sword League and caught these prisoners, but in the end, Long Qingchen and others scored their points.

   Yesterday’s scoring battle can be regarded as the biggest twists and turns in these 25 days!

   During the day, the Hanging Alliance took the lead in attacking the Sword Alliance, and the Xuannv League and the Heaven Alliance jointly attacked the Hanging Alliance. Other alliances were also involved, causing melee.

   With its powerful strength, the Hanging Alliance defeated the Sword Alliance, defeated the Profound Girl Alliance and the Heaven Alliance, captured more than 80 prisoners, and stunned the other alliances.

  At night, the Jianmeng, Xuannvmeng and Tianmeng united and wanted to counterattack the Hanging Alliance. The Hanging Alliance asked the Shengmeng to assist in the defense, but the Shengmeng took the opportunity to attack the Hanging Alliance.

   And, no one expected that Ren Qingxue and others betrayed the Holy League and took away more than 80 prisoners, and also took away the prisoners of the Holy League.

   Long Qingchen and others find Ren Qingxue's hiding place and become the real winner!

   The whole process is like this. Therefore, in the points battle, it is not whoever is strong will get the spot, and everyone's strategy must be tested.

   "You follow me."

   Hanging City Lord said to Long Qingchen and the others, and flew towards the inside of Hanging City.

   "After I'm gone, the position of deputy leader will be handed over to you. I hope you can lead your brothers to be promoted to the defensive battle. I will wait for you."

   Long Qingchen asked the female disciple to get The female disciple nodded slightly, "I will try my best."

   Xiao Chen opened his mouth and seemed to want to oppose it. Unfortunately, there were dozens of people who supported Long Qingchen, accounting for half of the Saint League, and it was useless for him to oppose. In the end, he could only have a sullen face and did not speak.

   "My name is Fengming Jing, from Feng's family, remember me."

   may think that Long Qingchen can't remember her name, the female disciple yelled at his back.

   "I know."

   Long Qingchen did not look back, waved his hand, in fact, he really did not remember...

  Long Jinxuan'er tilted her head, her beautiful eyes glanced at him lightly, "It seems that Brother Chen has one more admirer."

   Long Qingchen helplessly, "Sister Xuan knows, she just wants to build a relationship with our dragon clan and make friends."

   "For the sake of your explanation so seriously, I won't pursue it."

  Long Jin Xuaner pounced and laughed.

   Like a peony in full bloom, the group smiles with jealousy, and the group refers to those beauties. They ask themselves to look good, but there are always some flaws that can't be so perfect.

   is like a fairy who has fallen into the world, in fact, she is indeed a fairy, or the female emperor among the fairies.

Long Qingchen, who has been used to seeing him for a long time, is also slightly fascinated. After he is promoted to the battle, he will have to wait for the point battle to end before the guard will begin. There are still more than two months left, and he is determined to practice "Natural Taoism" more. , Enhance strength...

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