The First Dragon of All Ages

Chapter 311: Last 2 stars


The two academicians looked at everything that had happened from a distance, and saw that Long Jinxuan'er had stabilized, they were relieved, and turned and flew towards the holy courtyard.

The fifth race always glanced at the supreme geniuses, "You can go with us."

"Thank you senior for taking care of it."...

The supreme geniuses saluted gratefully.

On the surface, the immortal king who secretly shot was only aimed at Long Qingchen.

In fact, no one knows whether this is really the case.

If the immortal king targeted all the people who received the supreme title, it was just that Long Qingchen had bad luck and was attacked first, this would also be possible.

Therefore, I can't guarantee that the immortal king will not attack them, and it will be safe to follow the dragon clan powerhouses.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ......

Everyone and the dragons flew to the nearest big city together, intending to use the cross-domain teleportation array.

"See you seniors."

Sensing their arrival, the city lord who was cultivating almost fainted, and hurriedly flew out of the city lord's mansion and greeted him.

The fifth clan elder casually took out a bag of spirit stones and threw it to him, "Use it to send a large array across domains."

"The predecessors use this city's cross-domain teleportation array. This is an honor for this city. How dare you collect spirit stones."

The city lord followed the bag of spirit stones, which felt like hot potato, held it in both hands, and handed it to the Fifth Clan elder respectfully, with big beads of sweat coming out of his forehead.

The supreme geniuses couldn't help but smile, but they didn't mean to laugh at him.

This big city belongs to the territory of a fifteen-star sect. The fifteen-star sect has at most a few true celestial beings. One dragon king, dozens of dragon kings, and any one can destroy the sect. He is not nervous. That's the weird thing.

Just like an ant sees an elephant walking towards him, knowing that the elephant is just passing by and not targeting it, it will still get nervous and hide it quickly. That's the truth.

Who knows if the elephant will just step on it?

Or drown it by peeing?

Or, blow it away with a sneeze?

Undoubtedly, this is the natural fear of the weak facing the strong.

"Take it."

The fifth group is a little impatient.

With their strength, it is of course not necessary to give spiritual power, but it will ruin the reputation of the dragon clan and make the major forces laugh.


Only then did the city lord accept, lead the way in front, lead the crowds and dragons to the center of the city, and let the array mage open the cross-domain teleportation array.

The supreme geniuses first use the cross-domain teleportation array to return to their respective families or sects.

Finally, the clan elders, the chief patriarch, and Long Qingchen carried Long Jinxuan'er on their backs to the holy land in the deserted ancient dragon region, where the clan elders lived.

"I will now send an envoy to the major forces to see if I can buy a few gold souls, and at the same time, track down the murderer."

The chief patriarch said to the elders, and finally glanced at the fainted Long Jinxuan'er, and hurried away.

The fifth tribe said, "Putting Xuan'er in the gold vein can delay the injury."

"I see."

Long Qingchen carried Long Jinxuan'er on his back and flew to the nearest gold vein to the holy land.

The fifth elder looked at the sixth and thirty-second elders, "As his protectors, you are too careless, thinking that there will be no accidents when he and Xuan'er go to the sanctuary. As a result, it happened. Such a thing, if you go to the holy courtyard with you, it will not happen."

The thirty-second clan elder explained, "We can't be blamed, it's not that we didn't go, but the sanctuary did not allow guardians to enter..."

The Fifth Clan said indifferently, "You don't need to be stationed in the sanctuary, you can hide around the sanctuary. How did you promise me when you promised to be the protector? You promised him that he won't have accidents, the result? "

The thirty-second clan said in a dull voice, "Our fault, we are willing to be punished."

The Fifth Clan sighed, his words earnestly.

"What's the use of punishing you?"

"If it is useful to punish you, you will definitely be punished. If the clan elders do something wrong, they will also be punished, but it will not help."

"Our dragons, spent a full 3 billion time, spent countless efforts, and finally completed the backlash plan. He is the result of the backlash plan. He has all the inheritance of the Nine Dragon Emperor, and has evolved the first generation of Ancestral Dragon. The potential is unlimited. If nothing happens, in the future, he will definitely become the supreme power of our dragon family and one of the strongest guardians of our dragon family."

"In the entire universe, our dragon race is known as the force of the ninety-eight stars. Compared with the force of the stars, there is still some gap after all. Don't look at the calmness of the universe now, who knows when a cosmic war will occur?"

"When a cosmic war breaks out, if our dragon clan gets involved and confronts the starry forces, our dragon clan will definitely suffer a big loss, and there is even a danger of destruction."

"Being prepared for danger in times of peace, this is the foundation for our dragons to stay strong and stand on the universe. He is the most important chess piece for our dragons to lay out the universe. Only he can make our dragons fill the last two stars and return to the top."

"Almost because of your carelessness, you have disrupted the layout of all the dragon races in the entire universe. Saying a nasty thing and sending you to the Dragon Slashing Platform is not enough to make up for this mistake."

"I don't want such accidents to happen again, no accidents are allowed!"

The sixth and thirty-second elders both had hot faces and bowed their heads guiltily.

The Fifth Clan closed his eyes tiredly and waved his hand, "At any time, anywhere, don't be careless, go."

Whoosh! Whoosh! ......

The sixth and thirty-second clan elders hurriedly chased in the direction where Long Qingchen left.


"I bought this gold vein."

Long Qingchen carried Long Jinxuan'er to the nearest gold vein to the Holy Land.

"How much price do you buy? If the price is low, it won't work."

"What did he do with Long Jinxuan'er, what happened to Long Jinxuan'er?"...

Dozens of Fenglong who were mining gold veins looked at Long Jinxuan'er on his back curiously.

Not every dragon is suitable for cultivation. Some dragons awakening have poorer dragon veins and have little potential for cultivation. Therefore, they are suitable for more ordinary work.

"There are ten million spirit stones in it. It is more than enough to buy this gold vein."

Long Qingchen took out a space ring and threw it to them.

Boom! ......

Regardless of whether they want to they directly played Long Power, opened up a cave in this gold vein, and walked in with Long Jinxuan'er on their back.

Then, he took the fine gold from the gold veins to make a golden coffin, put Long Jinxuan'er inside, and put Jinpo and some holy medicines beside her pillow.

"Sister Xuan, I will gather nine gold souls soon and wait for me."

He muttered firmly with his eyes, closed the golden coffin lid, and exited the cave.

Around the entire vein, dozens of guardian formations are laid.

After doing all this, he turned and left, "The other cave of Emperor Jiu Ni Long also has a Golden Soul, plus one from the Dragon Race and one from the Zhao Family. There are three yuan, which is six yuan short."

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