The first dragon of all time

Chapter 1,289 Three major unsolved cases!

"How about it?"

Seeing Long Qingchen come out, Huang Cheng, who was waiting at the door, came over and asked, "Why did my boss leave you alone?"

Of course, it was impossible for Long Qingchen to tell him the real reason. He said casually, "What else could it be? Of course he fell in love with me. He begged and begged to marry me as a concubine. Unfortunately, I am not a casual person, so I flatly refused." Got her."

"Can you go a little further and slander me? It's not very good to slander me in front of my house, right?"

In the Immortal Palace, the voice of the woman in red dress came out.

Long Qingchen was a little embarrassed, and then he remembered that this was at someone else's door.

Huang Cheng's face turned red from holding it in, and he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

The two of them bowed to the inside of the Immortal Palace and left in a hurry.

After leaving the small world, Huang Cheng couldn't help but laughed, "Elder Yang really has no taboos and dares to make any joke."

Next, Huang Cheng took Long Qingchen around various cities and checked the tax situation.

Of course, during the audit, Long Qingchen also found excuses to make things difficult for each city lord, forcing each city lord to use their cultivation resources to "honor" him.

Some city lords were very stingy and wanted to use beauties to make up for their losses, but he sternly refused. He was not stupid. How could beauties be as important as cultivation resources? ...

Huang Cheng said, "Elder Yang, we have finished inspecting the mines and checked the taxes. It's time for me to take you to the place where the guarding elder handles affairs."


After this round of inspection, Long Qingchen already had a general understanding of the entire Hengdao. From the current point of view, Huang Cheng was very obedient and did not play any tricks with him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Huang Cheng led the way, taking him towards the center of Hengdao.

When we arrived at the center of Hengdao, there was a canyon with five immortal temples in it.

Huang Cheng pointed to the Immortal Palace in the middle, "That's where the guard elders handle affairs. The other four Immortal Palaces are the Island Master, Deputy Island Master, Law Enforcement Hall, and Supervisory Hall."

Long Qingchen was a little emotional, "I didn't expect Hengdao to be so well-equipped. It's so small but has all the internal organs."

Huang Cheng smiled and said, "Hengdao is not a small one. As one of the eight subordinate territories of the sect, the sect is very fond of Hengdao. It is fully equipped according to the equipment of a small sect and has everything it should have."

Buzz! ...

Long Qingchen flew into the canyon, but was blocked by a barrier. He was a little surprised. After all, he was also proficient in formations, but he couldn't see that there was a barrier here.

Huang Cheng quickly made a secret seal, opened the barrier, and explained, "This barrier was personally arranged by an ancestor of the sect. If Hengdao is attacked by a powerful enemy, we can hide in this barrier and wait for the sect." With the support of the gate, the secret seal to open the barrier is known only to me, the deputy island master, the law enforcement hall master, and the supervisory hall master."

Long Qingchen said angrily, "Why don't you teach me the secret seal quickly?"

Huang Chengdao, "The token of the guarding elder is a pass. You can come and go freely without a secret seal."

"All right."

Long Qingchen was a little helpless, he was embarrassed again...

Upon learning that the guard elder had arrived, the deputy island master, law enforcement hall master, and supervisory hall master quickly came out of their respective immortal halls to pay their respects, and kept saying complimentary words.

Long Qingchen waved his hand a little impatiently, "Go and do your business."

The three of them then resigned.

It is worth mentioning that these three people are all at the ultimate level of half-step eternity and have not yet reached the eternity realm.

Entering the immortal palace of the guardian elder, Huang Cheng moved a thick stack of case files from the bookshelf and said with a smile, "According to the sect's rules, all death row prisoner's case files in the attached territory require the personal approval of the guardian elder. Execution, because the last guard elder died too suddenly, these case files are backlogged here, and those death row inmates have lived for a few more months, which is an advantage for them."

Long Qingchen picked up the big seal on the table and stamped all of them, "Tomorrow, at three quarters of noon, all of them will be beheaded in public."

Huang Cheng looked at him strangely and said, "Elder Yang, don't you take a look?..."

"Nothing to see."

Long Qingchen said calmly, "I believe you will not make a mistake."

"Thank you Elder Yang for your trust."

Huang Cheng smiled and took out three more case files from the bookshelf, his expression became solemn, "These three case files are unresolved unsolved cases."

Hearing what he said, Long Qingchen was a little curious and started reading.

The first unsolved case was the death of the previous guard elder. This made him a little nervous. He couldn't afford to offend Tianxiu Palace. He frowned and said, "Shouldn't this kind of case file be reported to the sect?"

Huang Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "I reported it to the sect a long time ago, but the sect sent someone back and asked us to handle it ourselves..."

Long Qingchen understood that the sect did not want to start a war with Tianxiu Palace, so he simply pretended not to know.

The second unsolved case happened a few years ago. On a thundery and rainy night, all the people in a city on Hengdao died tragically. Every corpse was drained, and even the soul was taken away.

"Who did this?"

Long Qingchen looked at Huang Cheng.

Huang Cheng shook his head slightly, "No one saw it, but there are rumors that it was a monster sacrificing a weapon."


Long Qingchen's eyes narrowed, "Does it have anything to do with Tianyao Tower?"

Huang Cheng sighed, "I also thought it might be related to Tianyao Tower, so I didn't dare to investigate further."

Long Qingchen was also helpless, so he could only throw the case file aside, picked up the last case file and looked at it, and found that it was a case file related to the mineral vein.

A few months ago, an old mine was dug deep into a deep area, and strange sounds were heard. The stewards, guards, and miners in charge of this old mine all committed suicide. Some hanged themselves, some threw themselves into wells, and died. Different and creepy.

At that time, this incident caused panic in Hengdao. Some people said that they had dug up mineral essence, while others said that there was a demon king buried under the old mine veins. There were different opinions.

"What's going on?"

Long Qingchen frowned.

Huang Cheng said, "I sent several groups of people in to investigate. When they came out, there was nothing unusual. However, after a few days, they also committed suicide. After that, no one dared to go in. Find Shuyuan "

Long Qingchen asked, "Didn't you go in and see for yourself?"

Huang Cheng smiled bitterly, "How dare I...I haven't lived enough yet."

Long Qingchen pondered for a moment, "What did the groups of people who went in to investigate say when they came out?"

Huang Cheng shook his head, "They said they found nothing unusual."

"This is strange. Nothing unusual was found. Why did they commit suicide?"

Long Qingchen couldn't figure it out.

Huang Cheng put the three case files back on the bookshelf and said with a smile, "These three unsolved cases are very hot and cannot be solved by us. I just gave them to you to take a look at. You just need to have an idea in your mind. You'd better take advantage of them." Don’t worry about Hengdao’s cultivation resources. Anyway, it all happened during the tenure of the previous guard elder, and the sect can’t blame you.”

"..." Long Qingchen touched his chin, "It makes long as these weird things don't happen to me, I don't need to pursue them."

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