The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Chapter 130: Li Xiuning returns to her heart (four updates for subscription)

The Evil Emperor is in the cave, the emperor steps on the peak, and the stream on the west side.

In that creek, Yang Zheng was cultivating with the world's number one fairy, Concubine Xuan.

Originally, he wanted to go boating in the water town with Shi Qingxuan in the outside world, but he did not expect that all the boats in the town would be called, saying that he was going to hunt on a big lake.

So, he bought an independent courtyard in the town and lived in it with Shi Qingxuan. However, the relationship has not reached that stage after all, and he also wants to have a heart-to-heart love with Shi Qingxuan.

Therefore, Shi Qingxuan was in one room, and in another room, when Shi Qingxuan fell asleep, he entered the Evil Emperor Cave and cultivated with Shi Fei Xuan.

The two of them are cultivating here. Both of them are celestial and human beings. Now every time they practice, as long as they are willing, their primordial spirits can leave their bodies and go to the empty outer space to cultivate the purest yin and yang avenue.

In the creek, wave after wave, in the woods over there, two women were peeking over here.

"Bah! This bastard, Yang Zheng, didn't teach me kung fu for several days, and he only knew how to hang out with women every day! It's abominable! Sister Hongfu, look at this guy, he actually bullied Fairy Shi like that, and this girl wants to be Fairy Shi. It's a shame!"

"My dear Master and Young Master Yang, you love me, but it's not something we can interfere with. Xiuning, it's inappropriate for us to look at it like this. Let's leave."

The two girls peeking at the stream here are Li Xiuning and the Red Buddha girl. At this moment, the two women's pretty faces were blushing, especially Li Xiuning. Since following Yang Zhen to this side, his eyes have been falling on Yang Zheng.

"Sister Hongfu, don't be afraid, this **** Yang Zheng doesn't dare to do anything to us! Today, this girl must let this **** taste the power of this girl! Humph! If I don't teach this girl the peerless archery skills, this girl will You have to kick him hard!"

Li Xiuning snorted softly, and continued to stare at the practice over there with wide eyes, but the next moment, the figure over there suddenly flashed, and Yang Zheng and Shi Feixuan in her sight suddenly disappeared!

"Huh? What about people?"

Li Xiuning exclaimed.

"Xuning, are you looking for me?"

The next moment, just behind her, a familiar voice sounded.

"Yang Zheng bastard?"

Li Xiuning turned around and saw Yang Zheng at a glance. He pouted in anger, and was about to hit Yang Zheng with both hands, but he was caught by Yang Zheng.

"Haha! Xiuning, today the young master of Japan will teach you the strongest martial arts in the world!"

Yang Zheng smiled, Li Xiuning in his left hand, and Hong Funu in his right, disappeared from the spot, and when they reappeared, they were already by the stream.

"Yang Zheng, you're such an asshole! Hmm..."

In a coquettish scolding, the figures were stuck together, making Hong Funu sigh for a while.

"Fallen flowers are not heartless things, into Chunni more quadrangle......"


Three hours later.

In the guest room of Emperor Stepping Peak, Yang Zheng was talking with Li Xiuning and Hong Fu.

"Telescope? What kind of novelty is this? Yang Zheng, you have a lot of weird things in your hands. If you have any fun, you must leave it to me! Otherwise... otherwise, this girl must be kicked hard. you!"

Li Xiuning glared at Yang Zheng and began to play with the binoculars. She was originally a little girl, with a hint of cuteness in her saucy. Therefore, even though she has become Yang Zheng's woman, her charming personality has not diminished.

"Hongfu, your martial arts talent is very good. You can practice "The Secret of Heaven". With the help of Yin Yang Qigong, it is not a problem to practice "The Secret of Heaven"."

Yang Zheng said to Hong Fu.

Hongfu girl's martial arts talent is extremely good, and she has the strength between first-class masters and second-class masters.

Now, Yang Zheng has taught Hong Fu Nu the "Jade Maiden Heart Sutra" and "Yin and Yang of Heaven and Earth". Especially after cultivating with Yang Zheng, the meridians in his body have become extremely open. In terms of the openness of the meridians, he is already comparable to a master. All that is missing is a strong mind.

Therefore, Yang Zheng asked Hong Funu to practice "The Secret of Heaven".

"Do you practice "Secret of Heaven"?"

Hong Fu sighed lightly, and the eyebrows were a little more feminine than before.

"Hongfu, you are such a lovely person."

Yang Zheng couldn't help but admire.

"Hmph! Sister Hongfu is a lovely girl, what is that girl?"

Li Xiuning heard it, put down the telescope, and stared at Yang Zheng with his hands on his hips.

"Xuning, she's also cute!"

Yang Zheng laughed loudly.

"Humph! This girl bites you!"

Li Xiuning seemed to be jealous, very lively, he threw himself into Yang Zheng's arms, and really took a bite on Yang Zheng's shoulder! However, the bite was very light and did not cause any harm to Yang Zheng, not even a scratch!

"Yang Zheng, from now on, treat me and Sister Hongfu well! Otherwise, this girl will definitely bite a piece of meat off you!"

After Li Xiuning finished playing, Zhen leaned his head on Yang Zheng's shoulder, became quiet and said softly.

"My son swears to God that if he dares to treat Xiuning and Hongfu badly one day, this son will be struck by thunder!"

Yang Zheng's face was straight and he made an oath.

"It's good like this, you, everything is good, but it's a little too feng shui."

Li Xiuning nodded with satisfaction, and then took the initiative to send Xiangwen.

"The reward is for you! Yang Zheng, remember, if there is something good, you must think of this girl and Sister Hongfu first!"

Li Xiuning smiled and jumped out. She ran out with the binoculars and went to discover the new world.

In the room, only Yang Zheng and Hong Fu were left.

"Hongfu, it's not impossible if you don't want to practice the magic door, only the exercises. If you want to practice the "Cihang Sword Canon", you can also worship in Cihang Jingzhai. Anyway, Cihang Jingzhai has to pay the rent of my son every year. Asking Cihang Jingzhai to take in a few disciples should be regarded as paying the rent to my son."

Yang Zheng said with a smile.

The so-called rent refers to the Cihang Jingzhai and the Emperor Tafeng, occupying the space of the Evil Emperor's cave. In Yang Zheng's view, this must be charged!

"Let's practice "The Secret of Heaven". Jingzhai's exercises are not suitable for me."

When Hong Fu heard the rent collection, he also smiled and nodded slightly.

"So good! Hongfu, it's still early, let's practice a few rounds first! Haha!"

Yang Zheng laughed, picked up Hong Fu, walked to the couch, and started a new round of cultivation.


The night was hazy, and in the waterway of Changxun Town, a lonely boat slowly glides.

There are two people on the bow, one is a gallant young man in brocade clothes, and the other is a beautiful woman in elegant green clothes. In this night, the young master in brocade supported the boat, and the beautiful woman played the jade flute.

Two companions, night tour of the water town! ..

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