The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1325: The Ruins Surrender (One More)


"The Ruins King!"

"It's gone! It's empty! It's actually empty!"

"We, after guarding for so many years, the king we wanted to wake up turned out to be empty!"

"It turns out that the king we are guarding is just a set of stone armor!"

"We, are we really not the descendants of the king..."

The Giant King cracked and revealed its true colors. It was not the real Ruins King, but a part of the heavenly armor, just a part of the stone armor. The Ruins saw this scene, and they were all dumbfounded.

It turned out that this was the Ruins King they had been guarding and wanted to wake up.

And this Ruin King, in fact, is not a real person, not even a living being.

"King....our king....our king..."

The high priest of the Xu clan was trembling all over.

The truth is so terrifying, it directly shattered all the illusions of the Xu Clan, not only shattered their illusions, but also shattered their beliefs!

"I, don't kill you, you either stay in Guixu, or go to other worlds through Guixu."

Yang Zheng, having obtained the complete divine armor of the sky, said in a very good mood.

In his eyes, these Ruins have not done any great evil. As for the grievances with the Five Elements Race, the Heavenly Venerate who was originally the Five Elements Race first acted and robbed the Ruins of the Five Elements Holy Ring. These grievances, he was too lazy to care. .

"Leave? Where else can we go? We are not the descendants of the king, what are we?"

A Xu tribe, whispering.

"We, it turns out that it doesn't count at all, it's just self-motivated."

"King, our king is not our ancestor, we are just the servants of the king, we are just a slave race, a slave race..."

"So, do we still have meaning to live..."

The Xu people sighed one by one.

"Although you are not descendants of the Ruins King, you are also a very special race between heaven and earth. You, should be the Yin clan, you are born with a strong ability to disguise, and you can cultivate in the realm of the gods by relying on your own talent. Avoid the investigation at the level of Tianzun. Therefore, you are called the hidden clan, although not the blood of the Ruins King, but it is very good."

Yang Zheng, said.

The Xu Clan was actually not the bloodline of the Ruins King, but the Yin Clan, a special race with hidden talents.

The Yin clan are not weak, but strong, otherwise, the Xu King would not accept them as servants.

"The Hidden Race..."

"It turns out that we are the Hidden Race..."

"The hidden race, the hidden race, perhaps, in the future, we should completely go into hiding and not reappear in the world..."

The people of the Ruins raised their heads one by one and looked at Yang Zheng.

"The Hidden Race... This race is indeed unusual."

Zuo Xinlan whispered softly.

In the Heavenly Dao Palace, she had seen a lot of information about secret races, including the Yin race. The Yin people are born pretenders and born assassins. However, in the records, this race has long since disappeared.

It turned out that the Yin Clan was taken as a slave race by the Xu King and became the Xu Clan!

"Unexpectedly, this is the truth."

Wu Xuanji also spoke.

"Brother Yang is amazing!"

On the side, Miaoyin looked at Yang Zheng with great admiration and stares in her eyes.

"Young Master Yang, you are not ordinary people."

General Lan, also said.

"Young Master Yang..."

Shui Dong'er, leaning on Zuo Xinlan, looked at Yang Zheng, wondering what she was thinking.

"Your Majesty, please accept me and wait!"

Suddenly, the high priest of the Xu clan, facing Yang Zheng, knelt down suddenly!


Yang Zheng was a little surprised.

"You, inheriting the inheritance of the Ruins King, then you are our new king! King, please accept us! From now on, we will be your servants!"

The high priest of the Ruins raised his head and said.

"King, please accept me and wait!"

Almost at the same time, the rest of the Ruins Clan knelt down to Yang Zheng and shouted!

They, take the initiative to surrender!

Yang Zheng, his eyes moved, looked at Zuo Xinlan.

Zuo Xinlan nodded lightly.

"Forget it, I got the **** armor of the Ruins King, and it can be regarded as the inheritance of the Ruins King. Since you all take the initiative to respect me as the master, that's fine, I will be your king. However, if anyone defected in the future, then don't be surprised. You are welcome."

Yang Zheng nodded.

"The king is on top! The king's order, don't dare not obey!"

The high priest of the Xu clan shouted respectfully, and then bowed heavily to Yang Zheng.

"The king is above!"

"Wang Zhiling, don't dare not obey!"

Immediately, the rest of the Ruins also shouted!

"Haha! Good! From today onwards, you will resume your identity as a hermit clan! This deity will find a suitable place for you to live!"

Yang Zheng, with a long laugh, the sky **** armor also released a strange light, making him look as if the king of the ruins was alive.

"As ordered!"

The high priest of the Xu clan, facing Yang Zheng, bowed again and again.

The rest of the Ruins also followed suit.


General Lan, seeing this scene, couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The Xu Clan, regarded as an incomparable formidable enemy by the five five-element races, was actually subdued by Young Master Yang and became his servant!


Shui Clan and Young Master Yang have no grudges, if there is any grudge between Shui Clan and Young Master Yang......the consequences, I dare not imagine! ..

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