The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1354: A treasured man!


The Buddha swallowed the devil in a miserable state, staring at Bai Qi with cold eyes.

However, Bai Qi's face was indifferent, and he didn't look at the Devil Swallowing Buddha at all.

"Bai Qi, I'll go first!"

Wu Qi got rid of the glazed wheel and glanced at Bai Bai, his body suddenly fogged, and the next moment he disappeared out of thin air!

He actually left the misery!

It turned out that he always had a way to get out of the misery!

"What's the matter? Wu Qi is gone?"

"He, left the misery?"

"Impossible! We are all dead people, who are treasured by suffering, summoned from the long river of history and brought back to life! No one can escape from suffering! This is impossible!"

After the murderer was stunned, he reacted.

Those who are in distress are all people who have died and have long since disappeared in the long river of history. The reason why he was resurrected was because of the treasure of suffering, but he was also imprisoned in suffering forever, and it was impossible to go to the outer galaxy world.

This is the consensus of the miserable people!

However, just now, that Wu Qi had mysteriously disappeared and escaped from the misery!

This is simply impossible!


Yang Zheng, his eyes fell on Bai Qi.

The knife in Bai Qi's hand, he knew before, was extremely extraordinary. Although it was only an earth magic weapon, it had surpassed the limitations of the magic weapon itself and possessed extraordinary power. What made him even more interested was that Wu Qi mentioned the word emperor and asked Bai Qi to use the sword.

Emperor, who is it?

Is it the first emperor?

Not right either!

The First Emperor, in the world of Shenbing Continent, was beheaded a long time ago and should not exist anymore.

Could it be that it is a certain supreme emperor?

Yang Zheng thought secretly in his heart.

In the galaxy world, there are many hidden masters, such as the middle-aged man riding the phantom of Kun, such as the ancient demon dragon, such as the Martial Ancestor who disappeared for tens of thousands of years and reappeared, and the Qing Emperor. In addition, there are also era powerhouses of the level of the Ruins King.

The powerhouses of the era are at least half a step out of the realm!

Could the emperor be a master at the level of the Ruin King?

"This thing, without enough strength, can't take it."

Bai Qi, looking at the glazed wheel, said.

"Kill God, it turns out that your sword is the strongest in suffering."

The Ancient God Cannibal took a deep look at Bai Qi and said.

"Humph! Take it down? Killing God, although your sword is extraordinary, it is impossible to take it down! In a miserable situation, only this Buddha can take it down!"

Devil Devouring Buddha, sneered.

The rest of the murderers were silent.

Because, compared with Cantian, Killing God and Devil Devouring Buddha, they are all weaker by at least one big realm, and they are not on the same level at all.

So, at the moment, we can only be silent.

What's more, the treasure in distress is still a man-eating monster!

"Yang Zheng, let them fight, let's go."

Feng Bo Bird spoke again, persuading Yang Zheng to leave.

This place, it can't stay for a moment, because it has seen the cruel face of the treasure of misery more than once.

That thing is an evil thing!

The farther away from that, the better!


At the moment when Feng Boniao's voice fell, the glazed wheel burst into colorful mysterious light again!

This time, it didn't appear above anyone's head!

This time, it gave birth to a strange change!

In this glazed wheel, a figure came out!



"There is one person!"

Immediately, they exclaimed!

At this moment, Yang Zheng, Ancient God Cannibal, Bai Qi, Jin Guang, Devil Swallowing Buddha, everyone present, all focused on the figure that came out of the colorful mysterious light!

It's formed!

Do not!

not it!

is her!

The mysterious light dissipated, and a young woman dressed in seven-color colored glass appeared in front of everyone!

Her expression, like a stone sculpture, is ruthless!

There was no human emotion in her eyes!

Her eyes are very cold!

It seems that everything in her eyes is nothing but ants!


Feng Bo Niao exclaimed, subconsciously about to flap its wings and fly away!

However, it was stopped by Yang Zheng!

"Is this your true face?"

The Ancient God Cannibal looked at the woman.

"The tool spirit of the wheel of time, you finally appeared."

Bai Qi also spoke, his voice was a little low, and the hand holding the snow-colored long knife couldn't help but tighten a bit.

"It turned out to be a woman?"

Jin Guang was fierce, and some did not react.

The treasure of misery, how can it become a woman?


"The treasure is a woman?"

"The treasure of suffering, the treasure of suffering we were waiting for, turned out to be a woman!"

"how so?"

The murderers were also stunned, the treasure they were waiting for, at this moment, turned into a woman, an aloof, cold and ruthless woman!

"You are finally willing to show up! Last time, you devoured my power, this time, I will take back everything I lost!"

The Buddha swallowed the devil in a miserable state, the Buddha light and the evil light intertwined on his body, and he stared at the woman.

However, that woman, the tool spirit who is the most precious treasure in suffering, moved her gaze and landed on Yang Zheng!

"Be careful, she chose you!"

Feng Bo Niao immediately reminded Yang Zheng.

"Select me? You, you don't have that qualification."

Yang Zheng looked directly at Qi Ling and smiled lightly.

The woman in front of her, no matter how strong she is, is still only the artifact spirit of the wheel of time.

Can an artifact devour himself?

She, no! ..

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