The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1366: Magic Brain (three more)

"Ah! My magic!"

The young demon, howling madly.


The Red Dust Demon Emperor glared at Yang Zheng.

"The Devil Emperor of the World, take me to see the devil's brain."

Yang Zheng, ignoring the Red Dust Demon Emperor, said to the Chaos Demon Emperor.

"it is good!"

Demon Emperor of Chaos, nodded.

So, Yang Zheng turned around and grabbed the eleven demon battleships, and the eleven demon battleships flew into the air!

Then, in a burst of magic light, the eleven demon battleships forcibly merged!


"what is this?"

"Fusion! The demon battleship is merging!"

The demons were astonished.

Although they all know the legend of the Demon Battleship, in fact, even the Demon Emperor of Chaos has never seen the fusion of the Demon Battleship. At this moment, seeing Yang Zheng casually, let the demon battleship merge, the Demon Emperor of Chaos is also a little surprised.

But more than surprises, more surprises!

The Tianmo family, the most powerful ancestor demon ship, is finally going to recreate the galaxy world!

The Tianmo family will be very happy!


The magic light flickered, eleven demon battleships had disappeared, and at this moment there was only one demon battleship left in the air. Although the appearance of this demon battleship is not much different from the previous demon battleship, it has at least doubled its size and has become darker and deeper.

"The Yu-class battleship has been promoted to a rank, which is not bad."

Yang Zheng looked at the new Demon Battleship and nodded with satisfaction.

The eleven demon battleships were integrated into one, and Yang Zheng was basically satisfied. After all, there is still one demon battleship, and when the twelfth demon battleship is found, and then merged in, a real qualitative change will occur.

In this regard, Yang Zheng is also looking forward to the level of the ancestor demon ship of the Tianmo family.

"Let's go."

Yang Zheng, a flying body, led the girls into the Demon Battleship.

"it is good!"

The Demon Emperor of Chaos also followed. He didn't enter the Demon Battleship, and flew directly with a demon body, leading the way in front of him.

This scene, many demons watched, there was a very unreal feeling.

The Demon Emperor of Chaos, the Heavenly Demon Clan, the most powerful Demon Emperor at present, actually leads the way?



"It's that kid! It's really him!"

"How could this be... A few years ago, he was still in that small world..."

"It's really him! No way! I'm going to apply to leave the Ancestral Demon Star and stay away from this guy!"

Among the celestial demons, there are several demon monarchs secretly communicating with each other.

These demon monarchs are the ones who infiltrated the primordial spirit into the Divine Armament Continent at the beginning. Back then, on the Divine Armament Continent, the Primordial Spirit they separated was beheaded by Yang Zheng.

At this moment, they recognized Yang Zheng, and they were all shocked on the spot!

Now, they only have one thought, that is, the farther away from Yang Zheng, the better!

"The Devil Emperor is just someone who leads the way."

In front of the Tianmo Cave, Emperor Xuantian also saw the scene in the sky. After a sigh, he turned around and entered the Tianmo Cave again.


A quarter of an hour later.

The Ancestral Demon Star, the land of the extreme north!

Here, is a barren land!

In fact, the entire Ancestral Demon Star is extremely barren. Unlike humans, demons do not rely on food to live, but rely on the demonic energy between heaven and earth, the flesh and blood of other races, and so on.

It's just that this extreme northern land, like other places, is even more desolate!

Here, even the demons are rare!

"The devil's brain is in the cave of no return."

The Demon Emperor of Confusion pointed to the bare mountain in front of him.

The mountain peak, as if it was cut off by someone with a sword, was surrounded by demonic energy, which was extremely eerie and terrifying. Amidst the demonic energy, there was also a strange sound, like the exhalation of a monster, or the beating of the heart of something.

"This girl, it's best not to go in."

The Demon Emperor of Confusion glanced at Zuo Xinlan and smiled slightly.

"Oh? Why?"

Yang Zheng, asked.

"The predecessor of the Demon Brain was the Hall of Heroes of the Demon Clan. Back then, the Hall of Heroes was attacked by Huotian and shattered. The remnants of the Hall of Heroes condensed together and became the Devil's Brain."

Chaos Demon Emperor, said.

"Then it's just you and me, let's go in."

Yang Zheng nodded.

"So much the better."

Demon Emperor of Chaos, smiled.

Yang Zheng gave Zuo Xinlan a look, and flew to the Mountain of No Return with the Demon Emperor of Chaos.

"I can sense that there is something extremely terrifying in there."

Wonderful sound, couldn't help but speak.

"How terrible?"

Wu Xuanji raised her brows and looked at the Demon Lord of Dream Marriage.

"The devil's brain, it's not that scary, but it knows the past and the future, and can see through everything."

Dream marriage, explained.

"Oh? That's amazing?"

Wu Xuanji looked surprised.


Dream marriage nodded.

On the side, Mu Hibiscus, the saint of the wood clan, looked at the direction of the Mountain of No Return, and the extremely tranquil aura on her body became even more tranquil. Her whole person was perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment, as if it had disappeared.

In fact, she is still here. ..

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