The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Vol 2 Chapter 1391: willing to gamble

"Well, Qingyan is awake? Let her come into the hall."

Palace Master Su, the voice sounded.


Outside the hall, Bei Xuanyue responded.

"Yao Qingyan? Speaking of which, I have a bet with Miss Qingyan."

Yang Zheng smiled slightly.

"Then she must have lost."

Su Palace Master, said.

"Ha ha."

When Yang Zheng heard this, he laughed loudly.


Before the laughter fell, a tall figure swept in from the outside.

Isn't the person here the Yao Qingyan I saw in the Genius Competition? Yao Qingyan, Bei Xuanyue's senior sister, the great beauty of the Moon Demon clan. Haven't seen it for a while, but it's become a lot more beautiful.

Yang Zheng looked up and down at Yao Qingyan with a faint smile on his face.

Yao Qingyan, although she also saw Yang Zheng, her face was calm, as if she knew before entering that Yang Zheng was in Guanghan Hall.

"Qingyan, your retreat this time has been good."

Palace Master Su, looking at Yao Qingyan, nodded.

"Thank you, Master, for your suggestion."

Yao Qingyan bowed to Yingying, the master of Su Palace.

"Half-step Divine Emperor Realm, Qingyan girl, I haven't seen you for several months, your martial arts, progress rapidly."

Yang Zheng also spoke.

"Thank you for the praise of the gods and demons."

Yao Qingyan bowed to Yang Zhengying again, but her expression was extremely calm.

"Miss Qingyan, not only has the martial arts cultivation level improved, but the person is also getting more and more beautiful. I don't know girl Qingyan, do you still remember the original agreement?"

Yang Zheng smiled at Yao Qingyan.

"Remember, if you are willing to admit defeat, God, Demon, and Heavenly Venerate, you can take it whenever you want."

Yao Qingyan nodded calmly.

You can take it whenever you want?

Ha ha!

This witch has figured it out!

When Yang Zheng heard this, he laughed in his heart, and couldn't help but say, he grabbed Yao Qingyan with his big hand and grabbed Yao Qingyan into his arms.

"Palace Su, I want to complete an agreement with Miss Qingyan, which involves some secret things, Palace Lord Su, do you want to avoid it?"

Yang Zheng, holding Yao Qingyan in his arms, looked at Palace Master Su.


Palace Master Su was startled for a moment, then reacted, turned into a demonic mist, and swept away.

Therefore, in this Guanghan Hall, only Yang Zheng and Yao Qingyan were left.

"Miss Qingyan, since you said that you are willing to admit defeat, it's time to fulfill your promise."

Yang Zheng, looking at the beautiful face of the demon Qingyan in his arms, moved his mind, and his clothes were flying.

In the blink of an eye, the two were frank with each other!

The so-called water comes naturally, everything is done without words!


Three days later.

A demon battleship ripped apart time and space and left the Yaoyue Palace.

Yaoyue Palace, in Guanghan Palace.

"You, are you pregnant with his bloodline?"

Palace Master Su, ask Yao Qingyan.


Yao Qingyan was stunned for a moment, her face was slightly red, and she didn't know how to respond.

"Qingyan, it is also a blessing for you to follow the Demon Emperor. When you were in retreat, Shenyue appeared, and the Demon Emperor and I climbed to the Shenyue, saw the Demon Emperor Uncle Xi, and also saw the Xieyue, I know. Some things about Lord Bai Yin. Unfortunately, it is still impossible to determine where Lord Bai Yin is."

Palace Master Su, said again.

"Master Baiyin..."

Yao Qingyan was silent.

In fact, she has blood connection with the demon emperor Bai Yin, and is a clan in the moon demon. Their demon clan has produced more than one demon emperor.

However, every generation of demon emperors did not end well.

"This time, you are not pregnant with the blood of Lord Monster Emperor. When Lord Monster Emperor returns from Beiming Protoss, Duoduo will be like Lord Monster Emperor. The next Monster Emperor of Monster Race will definitely be you and Lord Monster Emperor. descendants."

Palace Master Su, continued.


Yao Qingyan, speechless.

In fact, in the past few days, she and Yang Zheng have both cultivated and gained a lot of benefits. After absorbing Yang Zheng's essence, her cultivation level directly broke through the realm and entered the realm of God Emperor. Moreover, the innate bloodline ability of the Moon Demon Clan was also fully stimulated.

Going through more actual battles will not lose much against the four demon emperors.

"Palace Lord, the Northern Heavenly Demon Zixin County Lord, please see me!"

At this moment, the voice of the maid sounded outside the hall.

"The Northern Heavenly Demon Zixin County Master? I don't see you!"

Palace Master Su frowned and responded coldly.


The maid outside the hall responded.

"Prince Zixin, the number one beauty in the North Heavenly Demon! Hmph! Demon Emperor Beiyue, you asked Princess Zixin to come here to please the Emperor Yang! Will this palace be clear about your plans?"

Palace Master Su sneered.

Yao Qingyan did not speak.

outside the temple.

"No? Good! If you don't see it, you won't see it! I really think this county owner is rare!"

Princess Zixin, after hearing the maid's response, stomped her feet and flew away.

This time, she listened to the order of the Beiyue Demon Emperor and came to the Yaoyue Palace to ask for Yang Zheng, and she also came to dedicate her life.

Of course, everything was the order of the Beiyue Demon Emperor. She thought there was no way to do it, but now she was rejected from the palace, which was exactly what she wanted.

"God and Demon! Humph! Not everyone wants to curry favor with you!"

Princess Zixin flew out of the Yaoyue Palace, looked back at the Yaoyue Palace, and with a low curse, it turned into a demon and disappeared.

At this moment, on the other side of the arctic sky, inside a demon battleship.

"Yawn! Huh? Someone scolded me?"

Yang Zheng raised his brows and sensed something. However, he soon smiled lightly, and his eyes fell on the female slave Mo Xian'er who came in.

Mo Xian'er, who is tall and has a bizarre fork, and her slender legs are displayed like that.


Yang Zheng, who was moved when he saw it, flew up and rushed up...  

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