The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Chapter 139: Shang Xiuxun's injury (three more please subscribe!)

"I heard that Young Master Yang has a close relationship with the Yinkui faction, so does Young Master Yang know that there is a gap between Uncle Lu Miaozi and Queen Yin?"

Shang Xiuxun rolled his eyes and said.

"Really? All I know is that the Queen of Yin is the Queen of Yin, and Lu Miaozi is Lu Miaozi. Besides, the Yinkui faction has been merged into this Young Master's Asgard, so the owner doesn't have to worry about the Queen of Yin suddenly appearing like this. thing."

Yang Zheng laughed.

The main members of the Yinkui faction, Wei Wei, Queen Yin, and the three daughters of Bai Qing'er, are all within the Evil Emperor's Cave. The Yinkui faction was not only merged into Yang Zheng's Asgard in name, but in fact, Bian did not bear a few other male members, and Yang Zheng directly eliminated the Yinkui faction. As for the two female elders of Danmei Wenting, they were dispatched by the Queen of Yin as early as a few months ago to go to the East China Sea to find a small island suitable for living.

If you still want to make trouble if you don't care about anything, then I'm sorry, just kill it with one knife!

Asgard, apart from this son, there is no need for another man!

"Oh? Is it possible that after becoming Yin Yin, you should also be restrained by Young Master Yang?"

Shang Xiuxun's eyes lit up, staring at Yang Zheng.

"Master has faded out of the rivers and lakes, comprehending the highest realm of the secret law of the devil's door, and pursuing the Great Way of Heaven and Man. Intemperance is not considered, but I can guarantee that Master will not come to trouble Lu Miaozi."

Yang Zheng smiled, looked down and landed in front of Shang Xiu Xun xiong. The female owner of the Pegasus Ranch was indeed full of youthful vigor. The peaks alone could perfectly prove this, but she didn't know how to hold it in her hands. , how would it feel.

"Young Master Yang, where are your eyes? Aren't you afraid that Sister Shi will be angry?"

Shang Xiuxun noticed Yang Zheng's eyes, and his eyes became sharp.

"Looking at the side, it looks like a forest and a peak, and the distance is different."

Yang Zheng couldn't help but recite a poem to admire the beauty of Shang Xiuxun.

"Humph! Sure enough, he is the most lecherous person in the world! However, you are a bit interesting, and it seems that there is some truth in your casual sentence."

Shang Xiuxun glared at Yang Zheng.

"The owner has been wronged. What kind of shameless lecherous person am I? The owner, after I read the verse, you will know what I mean." Yang Zheng pretended to be wronged, sighed softly, and continued to read. : "Looking at the side of the forest, it looks like a peak on the side of the forest. The distance is different. The height of the mountain is different. I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain. This is the whole poem. Master, can you taste it again?"

In the world of martial arts, although there was a Song Dynasty, there was no such person as Su Shi and Su Dongpo, so Yang Zheng copied Su Shi's "Inscription on the West Forest Wall". Of course, the first two sentences really describe the peaks and peaks of Shang Xiuxun, but adding the last two sentences makes it a genuine philosophical poem.

"I don't know the real face of Mount Lu, it's just because I'm in this mountain... hum! Young Master Yang, I really didn't see it, you turned out to be a great poet!"

Shang Xiuxun glared again, still thinking that the two sentences before Yang Zheng were teasing her.

"I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, and it's just because I am in this mountain. Young Master Yang has a well-rounded export and is rich in philosophy. If you go to the court to serve as an official, to participate in the imperial examinations of the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, it will certainly not be a problem to be a jinshi."

Lu Miaozi is the oldest, has experience in all corners of the world, and has experienced the most things. The last two sentences that Yang Zheng read made him quite emotional and couldn't help sighing.

"Yang Zheng also did for a woman 'If life is just like first sight', this sentence has already been sung in the brothel."

Shi Qingxuan smiled sweetly.

However, with this smile, Yang Zheng always felt that Shi Qingxuan was a little jealous. He remembered the saying that if life is just like the first time, it seems to be said to the concubine Xuan or the concubine, it seems to be the concubine Xuan.

Could it be that Shi Qingxuan would eat Shi Feixuan's vinegar?

Thinking of this, Yang Zheng was overjoyed, the beauty was jealous, that's right! Jealousy shows that you like this son!

Ha ha!

"Ah?" Shang Xiuxun couldn't help but exclaimed, looking at Yang Zheng in disbelief: "Yang Zheng, so you are the Mr. if your life is just like the first time you met! This sentence is beautiful, it is said that a man in a brothel , compare this sentence with Liu Sanbian's sentence 'the belt gradually widens and I will never regret it, I will make people haggard'! Yang Zheng, Yang Zheng, Xiao Xie Emperor, Xiao Xie Emperor, this girl and mother I really didn't expect that such beautiful words came from the mouth of your little evil emperor! Cough!"

Shang Xiuxun was a little excited, and suddenly coughed, and his face instantly turned pale.


Yang Zheng was praised for being a little flirtatious at first, but when he saw Shang Xiuxun coughing suddenly, his face turned pale, Shen shot, grabbed Shang Xiuxun's right hand, took a pulse, and then poured a burst of yin and yang into Shang Xiu. In Xun's body, the injury was stabilized. After a while, Shang Xiuxun's pale face finally had a hint of redness.

"You... ah, thank you Young Master Yang for healing the little girl..."

Shang Xiuxun's face was red and moist, he broke free from Yang Zheng's hands, and said a little embarrassedly.

"Xiuxun, why didn't you tell me you were injured so badly?"

Lu Miaozi's face sank and asked.

"How is Xiuxun's injury?"

Shi Qingxuan also frowned. Shang Xiuxun has been at Pegasus Ranch. Although Pegasus Ranch is not a top force, as long as there is no sneak attack by a congenital master, there is no problem with self-protection. How could he be so seriously injured? .

"Xuanming's second qi hurts the heart. Miss Shang, are you injured by two old men?"

Yang Zheng looked at Shang Xiuxun. If it wasn't for Shang Xiuxun's sudden coughing, he would never have realized that Shang Xiuxun was actually hurt by the qi of Xuanming. torment. And this kind of mysterious energy, all he knows, only two old men can.

It stands to reason that there is no reason for Shang Xiuxun to meet those two old men, which is a bit strange.

"A few days ago, a handsome boy disguised as a man came to Pegasus Ranch and said he wanted to buy some war horses. But later, that handsome boy said that he would buy the entire Pegasus Ranch. I naturally disagree. The two old men suddenly attacked, and I lost to those two, and I was slapped on the shoulder, fortunately, there is a heart-protecting jade, so the injury will not be too serious."

Shang Xiuxun sighed softly.

Second Elder Xuanming!

This gentleman has turned over your ancestors!

When Yang Zheng heard this, he was furious, confirming that the two people Shang Xiuxun said were the two elders of Xuan Ming. Now, he is very angry, Shang Xiuxun and other famous beauties have long been on the roster of his Asgard, which is equivalent to the woman he ordered!

And Shang Xiuxun was seriously injured by the second elder Xuanming, and even hurt his heart! If it wasn't for the Heart Protection Jade, Shang Xiuxun would most likely not survive for half a month!

That handsome young man must be Zhao Min without mistake!


Zhao Min, Mongolian county master, right? If you want to swallow the Pegasus Ranch, I will stay at the Pegasus Ranch, waiting for you! If you dare to come, this young master will kill the second elder Xuanming first, then arrest you, then take off your clothes, and then hehe! ..

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