The First Evil Emperor of Martial Arts

Chapter 203: Re-entry to the Northland (For more subscriptions!)

Mongolian Royal Court, Ruyang Palace.

"Yang Zheng turned out to be the emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty, and even under the siege of the Eighteenth Road, he still defended Luoyang. The mighty Yuwen clan has been wiped out! His personal force is actually so powerful that it is a real enemy of ten thousand people!"

King Ruyang looked at the contents of the letter and couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.

"Father, that's fine. Minmin is his woman. If he gives birth to a son in the future, he may inherit the throne of the emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty! Father, do you think that if the future emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty has half of our bloodline? , this can be regarded as I have conquered half of the Great Sui Dynasty! At that time, you will be the grandfather of the Emperor of the Great Sui Dynasty!"

The little prince, Wang Baobao, laughed.

"That's right, but there are too many women around Yang Zheng, such as the first demon girl in the world, the female master swordsman of Goryeo, and the famous demon girl in the arena, and even the queen of yin is probably the woman of that kid. I'm afraid sensitive. Min is not one of those women's opponents and will be bullied."

King Ruyang sighed.

"Father, don't be so pessimistic. Maybe Minmin's martial arts are not as good as those of the demon girls, but the wisdom is definitely not inferior to the demon girls. There is still a chance. One more thing, maybe we can use Yang Zheng's power to get rid of the big demon. Master's bondage!"

Wang Baobao lowered his voice.

"Huh? Get rid of the shackles of the great magician... Sigh, let's talk about it later."

King Ruyang's eyes narrowed, but the next moment he sighed again.

At the same time, in the territory of the Great Sui Dynasty, the Li clan in Taiyuan.

"Yang Zheng, he actually killed the eighteen-way anti-king, and the Yuwen clan disappeared. Although the Dugu clan turned against them, they returned to their old nest halfway through the siege, and now I don't talk about the opposite. Shimin, I How should Li clan deal with it?"

Li Yuan sat high on the throne and asked Li Shimin in the hall.

"Yang Zheng has an amazing talent in martial arts, and he has the courage to fight against ten thousand people. Although Yuan Ba ​​is the reincarnation of a star in the sky, he also has the courage to fight against ten thousand people, but compared with Yang Zheng, he is still a lot worse. Xiu Ning and Hong Fu All of them have joined Yang Zheng’s Immortal Palace. If there is no accident, they should already be Yang Zheng’s woman. Therefore, we also learn from the Dugu clan, not to mention conspiracy, as long as Yang Zheng reigns for one day, we will be a minister of the Great Sui Dynasty for one day.”

Li Shimin replied.

"Humph! Isn't this a loss of face for my Li family!"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice sounded. This man was quite tall and strong, and he was born with extraordinary martial arts. His name was Li Yuanji. A few days ago, Li Yuan became emperor, and he was named King of Qi. Now, Li Shimin proposed not to mention the rebellion, and Li Yuanji's identity as King Qi disappeared at once, and he was very unhappy.

"Without supreme force, Li Clan, Yuwen Clan, and Dugu Clan together are probably not Yang Zheng's opponents."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Yuanji and shook his head slightly.

"Humph! He Yang Zheng is really that powerful, and I, Li Yuanji, refuse to accept it! Second brother, you are arrogant to others and destroy your own prestige! Isn't Xiuning by Yang Zheng's side? If you let Xiuning poison, I don't believe in killing him. Drop Yang Zheng!"

Li Yuanji smiled coldly.

"That would hurt Xiuning."

Li Shimin continued to shake his head.

"Okay, stop arguing, just listen to Shimin's advice. One day after Yang Zheng was in power, I, the Li clan, won't mention the matter of self-proclaimed king. Jiancheng, Shimin, Yuanji, you are brothers, and brothers should be friends with each other. support, understand?"

At this time, Li Yuan opened his mouth.


In the hall, Li Jiancheng, Li Shimin, and Li Yuanji responded at the same time, but each had his own thoughts.


The Great Sui Dynasty, the Nine Palaces.

Yang Zheng's body trembled three times, all the power of the prehistoric world was given to Wei, and the battle was over. On the couch, there are Jin Bingyun, Gu Zixian and Lian Xiuxiu besides Yu. Of

The four girls all wore special silk stockings made by Qiwulou, as well as the high heels, which allowed the four girls to show off their figures perfectly, with long legs and peaks and slender waists, all in Yang Zheng's eyes.

"Next, it's Bingyun!"

Yang Zheng laughed, supported Jin Bingyun, bullied himself up, and started a new round of battle...

More than an hour later, the four girls were lying on the couch, Yang Zheng was lying with his head in Jin Bingyun's arms, and Gu Zixian and Lian Xiuxiu were hugging each other and sleeping deeply.

"Sister Xi, I'm going to go north. You and Bingyun will sit in the palace, and by the way, let Xiao Wulin perform a few more sacrifices to the sky, so that she can appreciate the power of heaven and earth. I have decided that in the future, the world of the Great Sui , let Xiao Wu Lian take charge! Xiao Wu Lian, like me, is a man with icy muscles and jade bones, peerless talent, and a man of destiny! In history, there were the First Emperor, the Han Wu Emperor, the Guang Wu Emperor and so on. Now , I want to train a peerless queen!"

Yang Zheng said with a smile.

"A peerless queen... It still depends on Xiao Wulin's own wishes."

婠婠 sighed softly.

"Sister Wei, don't worry, Xiao Wulin must be willing to be the number one queen in the world!"

Yang Zheng smiled, he thought of a sentence.

That sentence is like this: Empress Wu Zetian of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

In the future, that little girl will rule the world!


In the Nine Palaces, with Jin Bingyun and Jin Bingyun in charge, they were not afraid of the evil king Shi Zhixuan causing trouble.

Yang Zheng did not go directly to the North, but went to Lingnan first, found another father-in-law Song Que, and told Song Que about going to the Yanyang Temple in the North.

"Last time, I went to the Yanyang Temple and fought with the ancestors of Chihuo for three days, and in the end there was no winner. However, strictly speaking, I still lost half of it. The ancestors of Chihuo have the power of Yanyang. The blessing of the temple is no less than that of Pang Ban, you have to be careful. Some people from the Heaven and Earth Alliance in the Shenbing Continent have been restless recently. They smuggled over to our side. They want to attack my Song clan. I will stay and deal with the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance. This time I won't go to the Yanyang Temple anymore."

Song Que responded.

Heaven and Earth Alliance, actually sent someone to test this continent and test the Song clan!

"Okay, father-in-law, I'll go to the north first, and when I capture the incomplete Heavenly Sword in the temple, I will come to help you kill the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance!"

Yang Zheng also replied and left the Song clan.

Just when they left, one of them sneaked out, and it was Song Que's other daughter, Song Yuhua, who was Song Yuzhi's younger sister. Of course, in the original book, Song Yuhua was Song Yuzhi's sister, and in the original book she even got married. However, in the world of martial arts, she became Song Yuzhi's younger sister, and she also became a charming and lovely type of beauty.

"Sister, I want to follow you!"

Song Yuhua took Song Yuzhi's hand and glanced at Yang Zheng.


Song Yuzhi sighed, how could he not see his sister's thoughts, so he could only nod his head slightly, secretly thinking that the hearts of his two sisters were captured by Yang Zheng...

Yang Zheng just smiled and said nothing.

Song Yuhua and Song Yuzhi have seven or eight likenesses, and their beauty is no less than Song Yuzhi's. Unlike in the original book, she has become Yuzhi's younger sister, who is a perfect body. If such a beauty is given to others, it will be a waste.

So, why don't you just keep it to yourself.....

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