The First Evolution

Chapter 9 Beheading and being beheaded

Why does the New God do this? Because this is to facilitate the absorption of beliefs.

There is a saying that there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, so it is not good if the images of the gods and the Son are solidified.

Because no one can guarantee that such a fixed image will please all believers!

Only with a hazy face, give believers full imagination, and let them complete the face of the gods themselves, thinking that this is the image of the gods, can they maximize the absorption of faith.

At that time, Fang Linyan also showed this analysis to the high priest. After the high priest read it, he sighed deeply, thinking that science can also be applied to theology.

If it wasn't for the image of the goddess that has been solidified for thousands of years and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, otherwise, she would have to follow a good manner and keep pace with the times with looming and hazy routines.

Therefore, the cardinal who was summoned at this time actually has the privilege of having a face of the god/son, which is enough to show that he has a very high status in this sect.

When the cardinal appeared, he looked at Fang Linyan for the first time.

Obviously, just like the religious aura on the cardinal's body could not be concealed from Fang Linyan, how could Fang Linyan's taste of the Templars be concealed from him?

The stench of pagans is always the first to spread to the noses of believers.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan was not alone. He was standing with the Katyusha team at this time, so even if someone was surprised by the sight of the cardinal, they could not find a specific target.

At this time, the person who summoned the cardinal was already a little impatient, and he was probably scolding in his heart: Don't tm the sack and grind foreign workers! What if you delayed this second and the target ran away?

So the man began to pray in his heart, or should be urged:

"My God, please make the enemy in front of you unable to move an inch!"

The Cardinal still had to obey the summoner's prayer, so he could only look at Bi Si, and said lightly:

"God said: You are dust, and you will return to dust."

Bi Si, who was running and jumping in the mountains, was instantly illuminated by a white light, and then the speed became extremely slow. To be precise, she completely lost any ability to jump! !

She obviously couldn't understand what was going on,

All I could do was let out a scream of astonishment!

Immediately afterwards, the cardinal said indifferently again:

"God said: Those who fall will be unable to move an inch!"

Next, another ray of light shone on Bi Si, and it was useless to let her use several protective magic weapons in anger.

And after this light shone down, although Bi Si did not reach the level of "walking an inch", her movement speed was extremely slow, her eight long legs swayed desperately, and even flashed afterimages in the air, but it didn't make it. A little bit faster.

After discovering that her sister had been plotted against her, the other spider, Jingbaisha, was also furious. She directly sacrificed a magic weapon, which was a pale skull with burning eyes and mouth. green flame.

Immediately afterwards, this skull was aimed at the cardinal in mid-air and hit it directly!

The cardinal turned his head to look over, and said lightly:

"God said: Those who die will turn to dust."

Then another light shone down and landed on the skull, which instantly turned into fly ash.

But this is not the end, but the beginning. After this pale skull was destroyed, it was as if a hornet's nest had been stabbed, and a large number of terrifying green ghosts screamed wildly from the inside and flew directly towards it. Cardinal.

At this time, the latter suddenly seemed to be stunned, very embarrassed, and obviously lacked the means to face such a group attack.

The magic weapon that Bai Sha released at this time is also the thing at the bottom of the box. The pale skull that was shattered was the skull of an eminent monk who died in the Valley of Thousand Silks a few years ago.

The monk's name is very special, called Tang Jinchan.

With the mentality of "I don't go to hell, who goes to hell", he wanted to enlighten the three sisters of Qiansi Cave, but in the end he was attacked by the tarantula spirit Heizhu, and passed away in the towering tree next to Qiansi Valley. under the tree.

His corpse was then eaten by the group of monsters, and the monsters who ate his flesh and blood grew by a lot, and the three sisters of Qiansi Cave also stepped into the ranks of the big monsters.

Not only that, Bai Sha has refined its skull into a magic weapon, this magic weapon is called the Thousand Soul Bowl, which is used to contain the unjust souls killed by her own slaughter! It was at this moment that she released this thing.

After dozens of terrifying, miserable green ghosts rushed towards the cardinal, it felt like a large group of kamikaze planes rushed towards the US aircraft carrier, losing more than half of it almost instantly!

But the cardinal also paid a huge price, that is, the whole body became translucent, and it seemed that the wind would blow away.

Water can carry a boat and capsize it, although religious magic has an innate restraint in dealing with ghosts, but quantitative changes can also lead to qualitative changes.

The last grinning ghost became the last straw that broke the camel's back. It rushed towards the cardinal and penetrated it directly! The latter showed a rippling state, completely dissipated in the wind, and the opened plane channel was directly closed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

At this time, the contractor Mayer who was standing next to the Arctic Circle let out a mournful wailing sound. If someone didn't know it, he might think that he had suffered the heavy blow of the simultaneous death of his parents.

It turned out that at this time, Meyer was holding a cross with a faint purple light in his hand. This thing was the legendary equipment that summoned the Cardinal earlier!

However, a long crack had already appeared on the cross at this time, and then it shattered directly when touched!

"Boss of the Arctic Circle, I still have two chances to summon, and it will be destroyed now!!!"

The Arctic Circle was also a little stunned. I didn't expect the spider Jingbaiya's counterattack to be so sharp, so I could only comfort him:

"Well, I'll double your dkp for you."

Mayer opened his mouth. For him, a piece of legendary equipment that could be used twice was destroyed. Even double dkp would be a loss, but seeing that the Arctic Circle had turned away, he continued to watch the battle closely. He could only cry and wrap his face.


The cardinal has vanished into thin air, and the skull artifact that bound those miserable green ghosts has turned into ashes, which means one thing, the remaining dozen or so refined ghosts have completely lost their restraints.

Youdao is injustice and debt, and most of them went straight to Bai Sha who killed them. This is also the backlash that Bai Sha must bear.

A small number (five or six heads) were driven by the primitive bloodthirsty desire, and the stars scattered towards the people around them.

They are tortured by hunger and cold all the time, and their greatest wish is to tear open the throats of living people, drink the hot blood, and absorb the yang energy inside. This is the only way to relieve their pain.

The situation was suddenly chaotic, and this was also the effect Bai Sha wanted to obtain. Only when the water was mixed can you fish.

And what Bai Sha didn't even know was that the Thousand Soul Bowl she threw interrupted the cardinal's last Holy Word.

His first two Holy Words had a very powerful effect, first depriving Bess of her jumping ability, and then reducing her movement speed to its theoretical slowest speed.

However, the cardinal would have uttered the third holy word, God said: The glory he bestows will never end, and the punishment he lowers will be eternal.

After the third holy word is spoken, the two negative states on Bi Si's body will last for an astonishing hour! And now it's only five minutes.

Such a sudden situation caught the joint team by surprise, and could only order a full-scale offensive in advance.

Soon, Bi Si was surrounded, and then a large number of skills, bullets, and props flew past like raindrops. She could only move slowly and suffered huge damage every second. And screams of pain.

Not only that, her biggest hope, her elder sister Bai Sha, is also in a state of embarrassment, and the backlash of the Thousand Soul Bowl has caused her great harm.

Even if those terrifying souls were cut off, their heads would be bitten on her body, trying to tear off a large piece of flesh. Not to mention that the Arctic Circle has specially sent people to besiege her?

The fierce battle lasted for several minutes. Seeing that Bi Si's eight long legs had been broken five, Bai Sha knew very well that if she didn't leave, she would probably follow her sister's footsteps, so she let out a strange cry, a fat spider. The butt slammed violently, and a large group of black mist was sprayed out again, and it quickly spread out in a circular manner toward the surroundings.

This black fog has already made everyone devastated before. It is composed of a large number of small spiders, and these poisonous and nimble gadgets also like to climb up their eyes and drill into their ears... .

Therefore, although Bai Sha's attack this time can be regarded as a repeat of the old trick, it also caused chaos for the entire temporary joint team.

The key is that at this time, Bi Si's dying pain and wailing made almost everyone's minds hot, because the lifeline of this big demon had already dropped below 20% at this moment. The key node, commonly known as the "kill line"!

Because there are many preconditions for the release of powerful skills, the statement "the enemy's health is less than 20%" will be added.

Or "When the enemy's HP is lower than 20%, this skill will definitely hit, and it will definitely hit a critical strike" and so on.

At this time, almost everyone's attention was attracted by two things, either Bisi, who was about to become a super reward package, or the little spider who was imminently harassing herself.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed out from the side, it was the tarantula essence Heizhu who seemed to have moved away!

Yes, this is the final trap that the monsters in Qiansi Cave have painstakingly designed. Whether it is Bisi or Baisha, they are trying their best to attract the attention of the enemy, in order to create such a chance for Heizhu to beheaded!

Heizhu has shown his unpredictable ability to cut the back row before. This time he jumped out of a big tree on a high slope in the distance, and volleyed over a distance of more than 50 meters. , and then aimed straight at the Arctic Circle.

That's right, although this guy is a monster, he also has the essence of the five words "catch the thief first and catch the king". He has observed the entire battle situation for a long time and has found that the Arctic Circle is an important node for issuing orders. Therefore, Resolutely and brazenly shot.

Such an attack was unexpected by the Arctic Circle itself! Fortunately, he was suddenly attacked, but he still fought back calmly:

First of all, he threw out an ice spear, deeply plunged into Hei Zhu's body half a foot deep, and added a cold breath to force the opponent to slow down.

However, although Hei Zhu was injured and had more negative states on his body, he was still able to get close at the first time, and then he played the role of an assassin perfectly, and the short spear he held continued to stab out like lightning!

It can be seen that the Arctic Circle grunted, and four clear blood holes appeared on its chest.

Two on the front chest and two on the back, blood spurted out of it immediately, soaking through the clothes in an instant!

However, the Arctic Circle is, after all, a senior space fighter. The Awakened is an out-and-out war machine. At the moment of being seriously injured, he did not dodge or evade, and continued to launch a swift and fierce counterattack!

This guy just tore open a scroll. The light on the scroll was dark golden. After being torn open, the ice mist inside was surging out, and a light blue giant stick out from the ice mist. The claws grabbed Heizhu with one hand.

This giant claw has a total of four toes, and the surface is covered with a large number of blue-black scales.

Although Hei Zhu was an out-and-out savage monster, the natural repression from the race made it so bloody all over his body that he could not help but scream in his throat.

Seizing this opportunity, the Arctic Circle also endured the pain and ran straight away with a roll, but just as he had just run about a dozen meters, he heard Hei Zhu let out a shrill scream.

It turned out that this guy knew that after being pinched by the dragon's claws, if he couldn't get rid of it quickly, let alone murder, it was estimated that he could only be killed after a few seconds of delay, so he actually stretched out the short spear in his hand and aimed it below. A sudden stab, then a hard stroke.

As I said before, the form of Heizhu is a centaur-like centaur, the lower body is the image of a ferocious giant tarantula, and the humanoid upper body seems to grow out of the spider's back.

Hei Zhu stabbed it, and he hit his lower body spider body impressively.

Then after he self-harmed, the entire upper body was pulled out all at once. Yes, it was pulled out from the spider's lower body like a radish! !

And the position below its waist is densely coiled with a large number of things that are similar to blood vessels and tentacles, each of which is half a meter or one meter long, and looks bloody and extremely scary!

This large number of blood vessels and tentacles are entangled together, and they can actually make Heizhu move quickly. (Please refer to the mermaid Luo Zhixiang deity shape)

It lunged straight towards the severely injured Arctic Circle, its fierce appearance must be revealed, its mouth was already half-opened, and inside it were all tiny, extremely sharp, tiny teeth, and its fierce appearance was about to be devoured by someone.

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