The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1040: A non-governmental non-governmental economic and trade organization named Hantang Com

Chapter 1047 A Non-Governmental Non-governmental Economic and Trade Organization named Hantang Commercial Bank (seeking subscription for votes)

Li Dezheng rushed to the red dress and was about to bow to the ground, but was held back.

Hong Fu Nu lifted off the satin hat on her head, and looked at the Lee Tak Prize, who became black and thin, but still so powerful, strong and sharp-eyed.

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked his cheek, Hong Fu Girl smiled sweetly.

"It's very good to be able to come back safely. You made Taotian's merits. Both my mother and your father are happy for you."

"Mother didn't want to come over, but after thinking about it, she'd better come over and take a look."

Hong Fu Girl's eyes crossed the Li Dejiu, and she smiled when she saw her husband's appearance.

"Let your brethren come to the house to gather for a good gathering. Today, your mother is the master, and you have enough wine and meat."

Then, Hong Fu Nu turned over on her horse, put on her hat, and rode her horse to her husband.

Li Jing had already taken the horse rein from the hands of the pros, and jumped onto the horse's back.

"Lady, why did you come out?"

"Husband, let's go, let the children have a good time, if we elders are there, how can they get up happy?"

After all, Hong Funu pulled her horse's head and spurred her whip, and Li Jing had no choice but to follow her with her horse.

But when he left, he gave Li Dejian a special glance.

The old and solemn eldest son hurriedly paid a salute, indicating that he understood what his father meant.

"She is your mother, the legendary Hong Fu girl?"

"Nonsense, it's not Hong Fu Girl, how can there be such a sassy and heroic posture, this kind of aura, even our elder brother is not as good as..."

Hearing those **** words coming from behind him, Li Dexian, who was the leader, was furious.

"You bastards, if you want to drink, don't go to my house if you give me a joke."

There was a frolic, and seeing this scene, Li Dejian, who was seven or eight years older than his second brother, shook his head dumbly.

At this moment, I heard a sound of hooves.

Li Dezheng and others looked up and saw Li Ke and Fang Jun riding their horses.

Li Dezheng couldn't help but smiled and greeted him with a quick walk.


Li Ke turned over and jumped off his horse, looking at the Li Detai who was at least two to three shades darker than before.

It took a long time to smile and step forward. "I have seen Brother Dejian. I have seen Brother Dejian..."

"I said when Brother Dezaian returned to Chang'an, I didn't say hello to the brothers."

"Li just arrived today, and he was ordered to meet with your Majesty. This meeting has just come out of the palace."

"By the way, what about Brother Chu Bi? Today, Li returned to Chang'an and was looking for an opportunity to invite brothers.

It just so happens that two virtuous brothers are here. "

Li Ke couldn't help but laugh out loud. "My little brother loves to hear these words. It just so happens. Brother Chu Bi wants to find you for something good, but he has already arrived in Chang'an without you. It seems to be a god's will."

"???" Li Deshang looked at Li Ke with a dazed expression, not knowing what kind of providence it belonged to.

Fang Jun interrupted quickly. "Our brothers are doing great things together. You originally had a part of the Virtue Award, but you didn't expect you to have arrived in Chang'an today."

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for?" Li Deshao smiled boldly.

"Okay, let's talk about it at the wine table, brother..."

Li Dejian smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, you go back with the brothers first, whoever you want to invite, please come for your brother to help you."

Cheng Chubi was sleeping soundly in the office, and when someone heard that Li Dezai had returned to Chang'an, he called Peng Huan friends to go to his house to eat and drink.

Cheng Chubi immediately refreshed, and a carp jumped up.

The big things discussed before were related to this buddy, but now he is in Chang'an, which seems to be a god's will.

Cheng Chubi was so excited that his face bloomed at the thought of his plan to make a fortune.

Hurry up and rush towards Chang'an City.

When he arrived at the Palace of the State of Weiguo, the place was already full of voices, and a group of friends, friends, and friends all ate big pieces of meat and big bowls of alcohol here.

The eldest brother and the second elder brother have also arrived early and are flushing with their faces.

Cheng Chubi naturally joined the battle group not to be outdone.

And the Li Dejian had not been able to support the second round before too much, and he had been overturned, and his elder brother Li Dejian was not much better.

As a result, after all the masters were released, a group of guests began to kill each other, and the sky was dark.

After returning from wandering early, he stayed in the backyard. Li Jing, who was playing against his wife, heard that his two sons had died on the wine table.

There was a twitch in the corner of his eyes, and with a sigh, he was about to get up and beat the gang of young people who were too much.

But when he just got up, he saw his wife slowly shaking her head towards him.

Li Jing finally sighed helplessly and ordered to go down.

"Okay, let them go, but if you drink so much that you don't wake up, please leave the guest room. Don't neglect it."

When the steward retreated, he lifted up to see a red dress, and the bright eyes of his wife who was sitting quietly blinked mischievously.

Li Jing couldn't help laughing. "Madam, what are you laughing at?"

"Erlang is back. Husband, you are actually very happy in your heart, why do you want to hide it."

"He is able to make such an achievement, he is naturally very happy for his husband, and he is finally promising."

"But you also know that as long as no one takes the rein for him, that kid can easily get overwhelmed."

"Yes, what the husband said is reasonable." Hong Funu smiled and gestured with her finger on the chessboard.

Li Jing could only take his mind back and deal with this opponent who was quite a chess player.


After two days of negotiations, a non-governmental non-governmental economic and trade organization named Hantang Commercial Bank was announced in the small courtyard of Cheng Sanlang, Lu Guofu.

All the brothers who cut chicken heads and burned yellow paper all expressed their willingness to buy shares.

After all, everyone is well aware of the value of this pepper in Datang. If it can be dried, it will be a huge dividend.

Even if it fails, so many people share the risk together, and everyone loses little.

The important thing is Since this guy Cheng Chubi dares to make a guarantee, the three old brothers from the Cheng family represented by him have made a large share of shares. Everyone is afraid of being a bird.

Li Ke lifted his fingers and said with a serious expression.

"Brothers, please also remember that if you want to buy shares in the firm, you have to take out a hundred catties of pepper, but you can fill it with one strand. Without pepper, you have no right to buy shares.

Li Qi's face was dumbfounded, and he didn't understand why Minsheng Commercial Bank was willing to collect pepper but not money.

"Why, don't we want to engage in pepper planting? Why do we still want to buy pepper as a share."

Cheng Chubi took a few pictures and reminded Li Qidao, who likes shooting birds like his dad.

"We are going to grow pepper, but without pepper as seeds, we can't grow it.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find this in the city of Chang'an, so the pepper still needs the help of your brothers to raise it. "

(End of this chapter)

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