The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1051: Dad doesn’t worry that a few kilograms of pepper will be robbed in our family, so muc

Three days later, the share composition of the Hantang Commercial Bank was finally completed. Cheng Chubi was both the initiator and the old driver who provided the pepper planters.

In addition, he also provided an operating cost of 20,000 yuan, so when he first discussed the establishment of the Hantang Commercial Bank.

Cheng Chubi had already taken up 20 shares without any objection and became the largest shareholder and chairman of the board.

The second largest shareholder is Uncle Li's jewel in the palm and cute little Li Mingda.

Invested with a thousand catties of pepper, ranking second.

After that, my father Cheng Yaojin bought seven hundred catties of pepper, and arranged all seven children in the family clearly.

His Royal Highness also threw in a hundred catties of pepper like fun, but he was the prince, and Cheng Chubi and an old brother decided to give him face.

One hundred catties of pepper was given two shares to His Royal Highness.

As for the impoverished prince of King Wu, he actually got three hundred catties of pepper.

It is said that during this period of time, Li Ke's princes and brothers were particularly afraid of the turbulent prince coming.

As soon as he came to the other side's kitchen, he used all kinds of tricks and tricks to make up three hundred catties.

For each family and each house, the price ranges from one hundred catties to two to three hundred catties.

In addition, Cheng Chubi also jumped to Qin Qiong's house personally, trying to make things happen after a long time.

With a smile, Qin Qiong also gave three hundred catties of pepper to the little babies in his family who hadn't grown up yet, which was regarded as a share.

According to various statistics, there are almost three thousand five hundred catties of pepper.

As for the old Cheng family, they are also working overtime to make mosquito repellents. Fortunately, these things are not complicated.

Cheng Chubi did it very simply, putting all the essential oils and medicines into a large bottle of alcohol in proportion.

Put the lid on, and then start mixing. After the mixing is complete, bottling is the most difficult step.

Fortunately, 5,000 catties of mosquito repellent were produced, and a full 50,000 bottles were filled.

In fact, it could be divided into smaller bottles, but after all, it is not a mechanized assembly line production. The smaller the bottle, the more difficult it is to fill.

In addition, almost a thousand sets of toiletries have been prepared.

Naturally, mosquito repellent is sold in Jiaozhou Dudu's Office. As for the 1,000 sets of toiletries, there are 10,000 pieces of silk, as well as porcelain and lacquerware worth nearly a thousand.

It is the first batch of goods that Hantang Commercial Bank is going to use to run Boni country.

The first general meeting of shareholders was held in the Chengjia Restaurant in the East City of the old Chengjia.

At the meeting, the rough masters did not listen to Cheng Chubi's carefully prepared speech.

Instead, he was eating and drinking, laughing and joking, which made Cheng Chubi extremely angry.

"Brother Chu Bi Xian, you are so anxious, these things can be done with your mind.

Brothers, don't you believe that the character of your old Cheng family is not good? "

"That's right, come on, stop talking about that stuff, drink quickly."

Even Li Ke, the chairman of the board of supervisors, wandered around and called friends to eat and drink.

Cheng Chubi became so angry that Deng Chengxin took the equity agreement and inkpad, and arrested people all over the room to sign and press his fingerprints.

In the end, what was supposed to be a serious shareholder meeting turned into a joyous feast for the rough men drinking and eating meat.

Cheng Chubi also saw Gu Ming for the first time today. This dear man also looks like a boy from the Wu family.

Currently serving in Qianniuwei, who can be selected into Qianniuwei is not a great guy.

As the protagonist, the eldest brother Cheng Chumo personally poured this Gu Ming Sanbei Chengfu secret three-leaf pulp in person.

It was very gratifying to see how this guy was not as good as dead.

Wait until a group of friends, friends, and friends are drunk and sway out of the restaurant.

Cheng Chubi personally handed those equity contracts to the guards who stayed sober in every government.

By the way, I would like to explain the precautions, that is, every family and every government must send people to accompany the fleet south, and it is best to send a few more guards or something.

Although the territory of Datang is very safe, there are still not all the rebels who have seen wealth.

In addition, after arriving in Jiaozhou, there is no one to take care of the plantation, so how can I be relieved?


Li Qi had just returned to the Fuzhong after he was off duty, and he saw outside the front hall, there were dozens of fat body guards and young men standing there.

I couldn't help feeling very curious, and Li Keshi, who was still lecturing, saw his son Li Qihou.

Stroking the long beard, he tilted his head toward the steward Li Shou. "Okay, take them down first..."

"Okay sir, let's go brethren."

Li Shouxin graciously bowed to Master Li and raised his hand.

Dozens of fat body guards all followed him to salute Li Qi, and disappeared behind Li Qi.

"Father, what are you..." Li Qi glanced back curiously, and walked to his father to give a salute.

"San Lang, didn't you say that you want to send some people there, how about it, can you rest assured that Dad has prepared it for you?"

Li Qi's eyes bulged in an instant. "Father, isn't it... I didn't say it, just send someone in charge, and come with a few more guards."

Li Keshi patted Li Qi with a bewildered look kindly on his face.

"You boy, what do you say, you are willing to do big things, dad is very No, you were not a little baby before you were noisy... Ah, it hurts, it hurts, the kid is wrong, wrong It's..."

"Um..." Li Keshi withdrew his big hand in a dark face, and gave this kid a light kick again.

"Smelly boy, dad is happy to help you, aren't you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy, I would like to thank my dad." Although Li Qi is confused, he is also a person who knows good or bad.

"Anyway, if you do something big, Dad doesn't worry that our hundreds of catties of pepper will be snatched away, so we will send more staff."

"Well, why are you kidding?"

Li Qi just left with his father with a sullen expression. He didn't remember it for a long time. A few hundred catties of pepper, is it okay?


"Okay, you don't have to be polite, Lao Fang, they are all old brothers, Lao Cheng takes the first step, don't forget..."

After Cheng Yaojin stretched his eyebrows toward Fang Xuanling who was standing on the steps of the mansion gate, he turned on his horse and flew away.

Fang Xuanling stood at the gate of the mansion, and it took a long time to let out a long breath.

Turned around and walked towards the inside of the mansion, returned to the front hall, his eyes glowing. "Where is Fang Shen?"

"Master, the villain is..." Fang Shen, who was standing outside the door, heard the call of the master and quickly stepped inside to respectfully salute.

Fang Xuanling took a sip of tea soup with no joy or anger on her face and asked.

"Do you know what Jiro and Cheng Saburo are going to do about the pepper plantation?"

"This, the villain is not quite clear, but the villain does know one thing, and the second son got his wife's permission."

"Move away all three hundred catties of pepper from the house..."

With a bang, the tea bowl in Fang Xuanling's hand fell directly to the ground, and even the tea bowl couldn't be cleaned up, and her eyes bulged.

"How many did you say moved away?!"

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