The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1059: He Luhu, Uncle finally found the one who took you back to the grassland...

It is precisely because of this blow that Cheng Saburo has re-plowed the land after harvesting rapeseed.

Cotton and alfalfa have been planted along with the land newly given by your majesty.

No soybeans are grown. After all, you can buy that stuff for money, just like rapeseed.

In the end, two hundred acres of alfalfa and 1,300 acres of cotton were planted.

Li Dezheng and others saw that the oil had been squeezed out, and began to encourage Cheng Chubi to cook dishes with this oil to taste.

"That's not okay. After the rapeseed oil is squeezed out, it must be allowed to stand for more than three days until the residue sinks.

The next step is to refine the rapeseed oil squeezed out by this local method, and then use this raw oil to refine mature oil. "

"Otherwise, you vomit up and down when you eat, don't blame me."

Hearing Cheng Chubi's words, all the people waited to extinguish their thoughts of tasting food.

Seeing that the oil extraction continued, everyone who was bored simply returned to the principal's office, ready to continue playing a few cards for pastime.

At the same time, the Turkic man who had a relationship with Cheng Saburo.

It was the one who framed his brother Tuli Khan for betraying Datang.

As a result, he has stayed in Asana's association rate for ten years.

Leading a group of pros and cons, heading towards the palace of Peking County.

On the backs of some of them, there were prey that they had hunted back from the wild.


In the city of Chang'an and the palace of Peking County, Turkic people communicated with each other.

The king of Peking County, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin, gave Tuli Khan a knight.

However, in the five years of Zhenguan, Tuli Khan died of illness on his way to Bingzhou when he entered the dynasty.

He Luhu, his eldest son, who was only 29 years old and only nine years old at the time, inherited his title.

However, because he was underage, he has stayed in the Wangfu of Beiping County in Chang'an.

As for the association rate of Ashina, as his uncle, he is now leading a team of attendants into the palace of Peking County.

All the people in the mansion waited and saw the arrival of this hideous and vicious association rate, and they all saluted and did not dare to move a little.

Allow him to traverse the entire palace and go straight to the inner courtyard.

At this moment, He Luhu, who was fifteen years old, was sitting in the house, watching two beautiful maids dancing.

Although he was only fifteen years old, the eyes of the precocious He Luhu never left the maid's slender waist.

After hearing some panic reminders from outside, Uncle Wang joined the association.

He Luhu quickly signaled the two maids to retreat, and then he saw the burly and strong uncle stepping into the room.

The frail He Luhu stood up and smiled respectfully toward Ashina's association.

"Uncle, why don't you come here without reminding to say hello to your nephew."

The smile on the face of the association seemed so friendly and kind.

He patted the shoulder of He Luhu, who was so weak that he was similar to his sickly dead ghost father Tuli, on the shoulder and asked.

"Good nephew, uncle, I just miss you so I came here to see you, how are you doing these days?"

"Thank you for your uncle's care. I suffered some wind and cold a few days ago, but now it's great."

"Well, that's a long time. By the way, uncle, I hunted a deer yesterday, thinking about my nephew that you are not in good health, so I just sent you over to make up for it.

"That's great, thank you uncle, my nephew likes venison the most..."

"Come here, take down the deer my uncle hunted quickly and quickly prepare food and drink."


Inconvenient work, delicious grapes and rich delicacies were sent into the hall.

After eating, drinking, and chatting for a long time, the association rate gave He Luohu a look.

He Luhu coughed intently. "You all retreat, this king has something to discuss with his uncle."

The idle people in the temple were all expelled to the outside of the temple, and only He Luhu and his uncle and nephew were left.

The association rate looked at this nephew He Luhu, who has always been frail and sick because he had been close to female **** early, and couldn't help expressing pity on his face.

"These days in Chang'an have really suffered you, alas..."

"The son of the dignified Turk Khan, the lord of the East Turks, should have been an eagle soaring above the vast grassland."

"Now that I am trapped in this southern city, I have to abide by the rules of those southerners..."

"It's a pity that Uncle is useless. In the past few years, I haven't found a suitable opportunity to bring you back to the grassland."

Hearing this, He Luhu's heart became hot, and his eyes were directly red.


"But now, I finally have a chance." The voice of the association rate suddenly sank.

Yin Xiao's gaze swept across the empty hall, and his voice fell three points lower.

"There is news from the dynasty that Emperor Tang will go to Jiucheng Palace to escape the summer heat this year, nephew, this is a good opportunity for us..."

"As long as you tell the Emperor Tang that you want to accompany you, I expect that Emperor Tang will definitely agree to your request in order to show his generosity."

"As long as we can leave Chang'an City, we have a chance."

He Luhu's eyes lit up, but soon his face was covered with haze.

"Uncle, even if we flee back to the, if Emperor Tang knows that we are leaving, he will definitely alert the counties of Tang State."

"If he is stopped back, my nephew is afraid that his life will not be preserved."

"So, when we leave, we must create a riot large enough. The turmoil is so turbulent that the entire Tang state..."

He Luhu looked at this resourceful uncle with a bewildered look, but couldn't figure out what kind of method could make Tang country turbulent.

"My good nephew, there is the Jiucheng Palace, not the heavily guarded Chang'an City. Do you understand?"

The association rate smiled gloomily, got to He Luohu's ear and whispered a word, then raised his hand and made a cutting gesture.

He Luhu's face suddenly turned pale, his eyes were dullly staring at his uncle, he was silent for a long time, and his hands and feet were cold.

"Uncle...this, this is the great sin of Zhulian Nine Clan."

When the association rate heard this, his face suddenly sank, and he almost wanted to slap and slap it, so that this cowardly, wealthy and lustful nephew would wake up.

In the end, the association rate suppressed the anger and smiled low.

"Do you think that even if you stay in this city of Chang'an, you can live a long life?"

"Don't forget, your father, our most benevolent Great Khan in the East Turks, died on the road inexplicably."

"It's not because that Emperor Tang didn't want to see your father return to the grassland."

"When your father died, he was less than thirty years old, if it wasn't for Tang Emperor Li Shimin's murderous hand.

How could it be possible to die in Tang Realm at such a young age? You are now, but almost adult..."

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