The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1061: If you can’t get fans, it’s like you’re not dating, looking for...

Cheng Chubi wears a big hat and stands with his hands on his hips in front of the experimental field where three-crop rice is grown.

Behind him, there is a fat body and strong Cheng family with long bamboo poles in their hands.

The three unemployed people, Li Ke, Li Dezhang and Fang Jun curiously stood under the big tree not far away.

Sitting on a specially moved Hu bed, while playing cards, he pointed towards this side.

Fang Jun craned his neck, his face full of novelty.

"Brother Chubi is going to make some demon moths again. Yesterday was fine, but today is not a good day for rice blossoming. It is too wasteful not to rush."

Li Ke wanted to take a peek at the landlord's card, but this guy was very vigilant, holding the card in his arms, he could only remind him helplessly.

"Okay, don't look at it, quickly play the cards, let him go."

Cheng Fa behind Cheng Chubi raised his hand and scratched his face, and the long bamboo pole in his hand danced visibly.

"San Gongzi, what are we going to do? Just give instructions, but the villain is afraid that he won't be able to hold back, so he throws all the rice down."

When Cheng Chubi heard this, his heart suddenly became stubborn, and he grabbed a long bamboo pole with his hands.

"Don't let me go crazy, forget it, I'll show you what it means to drive flowers in a while."

"If you can learn well, come down and give me a piece of it. If you can't learn, just squat down here and watch it. If it breaks my big business, you can't spare you."

Hearing the vicious threats from the third son, the fat and strong Cheng family can only nod honestly and express that they will be light-handed like a thief.

At this moment, Liu Yuanwai and Director Deng had just entered the campus for a stroll and did not find Cheng Taichang.

I wanted to cool off in the office temporarily allocated to them.

I heard someone discussing that Cheng Taichang had led a Piao Cheng family to the test field.

What is the purpose of catching the three crops of rice?

Hearing this, the two of them stayed in a daze for a long time, wondering if they could not understand that rice is a plant and grows in the field.

No hands or feet, can you catch a woolen thread? Isn't it possible, you can still drive them into the ditch and let them drink full water before they jump back into the ground?

Isn't this peculiar girl talking about a few things? What is that?


The two, who were just hot and dry, were frightened in a cold sweat, and ran toward the school gate by crawling on the ground.

The teachers who were about to go to class had just left the office, and saw the two officials from the Tuntian Division of the Ministry of Industry rushing towards the outside of the office area.

They all looked at each other in a daze.

"What disease did these two have?" Zu Guang couldn't help rolling his eyes and vomiting.

"Who knows, could it be that Headmaster Caicheng just got angry?"

Deng Youren looked over there curiously, only to see that the door to the principal's office was locked, and it was obvious that no one was there.

"Forget it, it's none of our business, let's go, we have to ring the bell for class, everyone..."

A group of teachers smiled and took their lesson plans, and walked towards the teaching area with graceful steps.

Liu Yuanwai and Mr. Deng, who seemed to be thrown out by a ghost, jumped out of the school gate and continued to run with their fronts raised.

Seeing the vigorous pace of his master, the pros who were bragging and beating outside the school were directly confused.

I didn't think it was right, and I hurried up. No matter what, it's good to get a head and brush off the sense of existence.

From a distance, outside Liu member panting, he saw the hat wearing a head hat.

Holding a long bamboo pole dancing there, he looked very heroic and brave.

I couldn't help but raised his hand and yelled in a loud voice with the strength of milking. "Cheng Taichang, please stop!"

"Cheng Taichang, don't mess around..."

After all, Master Deng was younger, and he saw this situation at this moment.

Suddenly the pace began to accelerate and passed Liu Yuanwailang, calling affectionately as he ran.

"???" Cheng Chubi was about to pick up the long bamboo poles and step Xiatiankan, when he heard the screaming from behind.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw the two officials from the Tuntian Division of the Ministry of Industry staggering towards this side, running and waving at the same time.

It's like pursuing a love that is about to die, and like a bear kid who is driving away from home.

Cheng Chubi had to stop for a while. "Two, what's wrong with you?"

"Cheng Taichang, you... let me catch my breath first..."

Lord Deng stumbled to the front, and sat down beside Tiankan regardless of the description.

As a gentleman, I didn't exercise for a long time, and suddenly after such intense exercise, my eyes turned black when I ran, and my throat was full of smoke.

Liu Yuanwai, who was ten steps behind, slowed down, only knowing that he was panting and waving his hands, and he really didn't have the time to speak.

Cheng Chubi looked at the two with pain on his face, but Deng Chengxin handed a water bag to the two.

After the two of them drank some water and eased their energies, Liu Yuanwai lifted up his spirit and gave a salute to Cheng Chubi.

"Cheng Taichang, these three crops of rice have grown well, what do you want to do with this bamboo pole to prepare for the field?"

"Catch the flowers, if you don't rush, how can you increase production and income."

Cheng Chubi didn't expect these two people to jump over for this matter, so he cocked his mouth with joy.

"Why, could it be that the two of you think Cheng is so idle that he is planning to beat these three crops of rice to the ground?"

Lord Deng rolled his eyes thinly, UU Reading reluctantly struggled to stand up, his expression dumbfounded.

"Catch the flowers? This...the rice flowers of these rice plants grow well, how do you rush them?"


"I said you two, this rice flower grows well, but because it's the season of rice blossoming, it will be too late if you don't catch it at this time."

Cheng Chubi saw that these two Tuntian officials were about to exhaust themselves and they did not forget their responsibilities, so he decided to give them a good lesson.

"The so-called rice blooming is flowering, which is an important physiological process of rice.

Rice blooms, why do they bloom, because they need pollination. "

"Once these grains are pollinated, they can become pregnant like animals, that is, they can bear grains."

"If you can't get fans, it's equivalent to not dating, and you can't find a wife.

So bachelors don’t even have wives, where are the children? Of course not..."

Liu Yuanwai and Master Deng looked at Cheng Chubi, who was standing in front of the rice field, gesticulating with black lines.

A serious nonsense posture that made people want to kick him.

God's lover can't find her mother-in-law, and he even described that crippled grain as a lonely old man.

Please be sober, this special lady is rice, it is rice, it is three-season rice, even animals are not considered okay?

"Cheng Taichang, or else, let's not rush the flowers, okay?" Member Liu rubbed his forehead and said helplessly.

"Wait until the harvest, and then go back to the next season when you play it yourself."


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