The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1087: 1 Even if the generals have more slots, they don’t...

After leaving Daying, after going to Richu, I walked around to the back of the hillside. You can't see Daying here or there.

Cheng Chubi and others picked up the lantern, lit the candle, placed it on top of the lantern, and then began to search under the tree.

Only then did Cheng Chubi put the lantern close to the first tree, and saw a gray chucking monkey crawling out of the ground.

He stretched out his hand to catch it, and then put it into the skin on his waist. As Cheng Chubi caught it for the first time, Fang Jun over there also caught one.

Soon, Cheng, Li, and Fang, together with the seven or eight of their relatives, kept reaping the plump Zhizhihou.

Perhaps this place is too remote, and no one has caught it all year round. Cheng Chubi feels like he has entered the base camp of Zhilehouhou.

When the lantern is photographed, there are at least one or two on almost every tree trunk,

This made Cheng Chubi feel like he was not catching, but picking up.

Cheng Fati on the side slid two salt water jars, and whoever had a full skin would pour the Zhihou monkey in the skin into the salt water jar.

"Brother Chubi, this thing is really edible, why does it look so crippled..." Li Ke felt more guilty as he grasped it.

Especially when he saw the strange look of the monkey, Li Ke really felt that he couldn't talk about it.

"Brother Xian, how can you judge a monkey by appearance like this?"

Cheng Saburo, who was catching up, was immediately unhappy when he heard such a question.

"???" The other monkey catchers all looked at Cheng Chubi with a dumbfounded expression, always feeling that this topic seemed to be insulting.

However, the experts never mentioned herringbone in the characters, which made people unable to grasp the evidence.

Cheng Chubi shook the Zhiluhou in his hand towards Li Ke.

"Don't look at them with crooked jujubes, but under their ugly exterior, they have extremely high nutritional value and extremely delicious taste."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't like to eat, you just went out to volunteer to help your brother catch it tonight."

"When I eat, I will definitely be grateful to the tears, brother, for your righteous actions."

Li Ke continued to move forward with a black face, thinking that it was better not to talk to Brother Chu Bi who was talking nonsense.

Anyway, after waiting out of the pot, as long as others dare to eat, I have to taste it.


"Huh? What's going on over there?"

The left-back elite ranger who was patrolling outside the camp suddenly felt something was wrong, and stopped the mount, and looked towards the west of the camp.

In the mountains and forests over there, there was a flare of fire.

At this moment, the elite ranger couldn't help but his face changed.

"Lu Qi, quickly return to the camp and report to the general, and the other brothers will dismount.

Let's walk over slowly, don't worry about each other. "

Soon, an elite ranger hurried towards the big camp.

At this moment, Chai Shao, the Zuowei general, is patrolling this large camp, checking whether there are loopholes in the guards of the soldiers.

To see if anyone dared to slack off their duties, they were busy for a long time, and then they sat down and ate a few warm mouthfuls, and heard the sound of hurried hoofs coming from outside the tent.

Then I saw a ranger striding in. "General, there is fire on the hillside west of the camp."

"It looks like someone is lying in ambush in the western hillside."

"What?!" Chai Shao was startled, and stood up directly, ignoring the meal, wiped his mouth and walked away quickly.

Only then did I have to call the elites to see what was going on, when I suddenly saw Cheng Saburo’s pro eagerly carrying a jar and playing a horse from outside the camp gate.

"??" Chai Shao saw this guy, and instantly thought of Cheng Saburo with a mean smile on his face.

There is also the Wu Wang Li Ke with a serious expression but a bad stomach.

Could it be that... Chai Shao gave a horrible cry. "But with Cheng Saburo's dear, where is your son?"

Cheng Fa heard the loud shout, turned his head, and saw the extraordinary old driver with a helmet and armor.

He quickly turned over and got off his horse, put down the jar in his hand, and saluted the big man.

Facing this general with sharp eyes, Cheng Fa could only harden his scalp.

"General Chai, my son, he... he is bored in the camp.

Just went out for a stroll with His Royal Highness King Wu and the second son in the room. "

"But behind that Xipo? Say!" General Chai's face turned dark, and he squeezed such a sentence from between his teeth.

"Ah, how do you know, General."

Cheng Fa looked at the general with a dumbfounded look. He was obviously very cautious, so why didn't he find it?

Chai Shao raised his head and took a deep breath of the cool summer air. Especially mother, knowing that Cheng Saburo was there, he was determined to be uneasy.

Several generals who came after hearing the news also heard the news, one with two strange expressions.

The courageous hero Liu Lang couldn't help but utter a sentence.

"What are they going to do on that hillside? Even if they just wander around, they have to go up the hillside?"

Where did Cheng Fa have seen such a scene, facing a bunch of hideous generals, he had no choice but to honestly point to the salt water jar beside his feet.

"My son, they just went to get some snacks. By the way, they said it was a good meal for His Majesty the Emperor."

"..." Chai Shao and the generals who were left guards were speechless.

Get some snacks, especially after hearing the second half of the sentence.

A group of generals, even if they have more slots, dare not vomit, after all, that person is the father of today's son.

At this moment, there was a rider, it was Zhao Kun, the confidant guard next to His Majesty.

"General Chai, your majesty called the general for questioning...Hey, what's wrong?"

Chai Shao's eyes twitched, and he murmured in Zhao Kun's ear.

Zhao Kun cried and pointed to Cheng Fa. "Still stunned to do something, let them come back quickly."

Cheng Fa hurriedly agreed, holding the jar, and first jumped back to his camp and put it aside, then hit the horse again and jumped out of the big camp.


At this moment, in the big tent in the middle of the camp, Li Yuan and Li Shimin and his son are sitting against each other. It is rare to have leisure time to play there.

There were some fruits and vinegars in front of him. Although it was a little bit vigorous, it couldn't compare with the essence of wine.

But at any rate it can moisturize the throat, and the father and son abandon them, while eating fruits and sipping this dull grape wine.

At this time, Chai Shao finally followed Zhao Kun's footsteps into the big account.

"The minister sees your majesty, sees your majesty..." Chai Shao stepped into the big tent, and hurriedly saluted these two bigwigs respectfully.

"Chai Qing hurry up, please, these few days have been hard for you."

"This is just the duty of the minister, and it doesn't feel hard."

Li Yuan stroking his long beard and looking at his son-in-law, the smile on his face couldn't help but be a little more cordial.

"Chai Shao, come here, come and sit down, here is a family, don't have to be so tight."

Hearing what the father said, Li Shimin also signaled Chai Shao to come and sit down.

Li Yuan smiled authentically. "This trip to Jiucheng Palace, but there are a lot more people than before. By the way, those little guys didn't make a lot of noise?"


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