The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1090: Don’t dare to lack catties, but my pretty boy Cheng dare to give you less 2

Li Ke and Fang Jun looked at each other dumbfounded, and they didn't understand what the old and the young were making.

Then the old and the young murmured for a long time before Li Ke saw the Emperor's grandfather smile with satisfaction and comfort.

He patted Brother Chubi on the shoulder, then muttered a few more words, and then strode away with both hands happily.

When passing by myself and Brother Jun, he smiled kindly and patted his grandson and Fang Jun on the shoulders.

"You guys follow Cheng Saburo well, don't you want to mess around anymore, don't you know?"

Li Ke puffed up his eyes in disbelief, pointed at the tip of his nose, and pointed at Brother Chu Bi who was walking over there.

It's a pity that my dear grandpa has already turned around and swayed away towards the distance.

"I said Brother Xian, what did you do with your finger?" Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke with a very sad and angry expression. Is the child swollen?

"I, sigh... if you don't say it, it won't be useful." Li Ke shook his head sadly, feeling that there is no meaning in life.

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes and asked if there was something wrong with the child, he had to be checked carefully when he turned his head.

But let's just think about it. There are so many people in the camp. Li Ke is also a prince at any rate, and being turned over and over naked seems to be detrimental to the royal dignity.

Turning around to say hello to the old bustard Liu, Cheng Chubi believed that the half-aged **** who saw the strong man like to drool.

He would definitely be able to face a little white face like Li Ke's heart, and check him from head to toe without any evil thoughts on him.

"Brother Chubi, what are you enjoying?" Fang Jun was very curious about the emotions of the two brothers.

One dumbly sighed in grief, and one held his belly and grinned with joy.

"It's nothing, walk around, hurry up, go back and quickly soak in the salt water for all the Zhihou monkeys who have not soaked in salt water."

"Before you leave tomorrow morning, try to blow up all the monkeys who know you. We may have a drink for some of our brothers on the way."

Li Ke, who was secretly saddened, thought that Te Niang’s was not only stabbed in his hands but also in his heart because of these ugly Zhihou monkeys.

If you don't fix something beautiful, wouldn't it mean that you will be sorry for your body and soul?


Following that one covered in dust, climbed out of the pitch-black invisible hole, and breathed the first breath of fresh air.

They were carefully and tenderly pinched by the big hands of the hard-working Cheng family, and they were packed into the tanned skins.

Soon, more and more friends gathered here, and then, as the mouth of the bag was opened, they jumped out of the dark skin.

After learning about the monkeys, they drank the salt water that Cheng Saburo carefully filtered and refined from the refined salt.

Cheng Saburo, who is full of gourmet wisdom, knows that the salt content must be constant between 12% and 13%,

If there is less, the monkeys will be too lively if they know it, and if they are too much, the monkeys will be too painful if they know it.

As an excellent gourmet cooking master, the most particular thing is to be fine-tuned.

Cheng Sanlang, an inexperienced Southwestern cuisine culinary master? Cough... copying a big stick and mixing it up.

Knowing that the monkeys were tumbling happily in the salt water jar while swallowing the salt water happily.

Spit out stains and sand, clean from the inside out, making them seem to have returned to the original...

Seeing those monkeys who knew they were almost breathless, Cheng Chubi sat on the jar with satisfaction to prevent these guys from pretending to be dead.

Then I yawned and hurried to wash, I had to rest early, and I could get up early tomorrow to blow up all this stuff.

After all, I have agreed to Li Mingda. Hey, I don't seem to talk to that cutie, but why do I feel that I have agreed to her?

Cheng Chubi grinned, no matter what, tomorrow not only will he give Li Mingda the cute, but also the cheeky old man of the Emperor Taishang two and a half catties.

Haha... If you let me give two and a half catties, I will really give you two and a half catties?

Even if you don't dare to be short of catties, but my pretty boy Cheng dare to give you two less, do you believe it or not?

By the way, there is also Miss Wu who has to get some for her, even though she doesn't have enough collagen.

But at any rate, it is also high-protein, low-fat, nutritious and delicious snacks, and Ms. Wu will definitely like them.


Early in the morning of the next day, Cheng Chubi cooked the Zhilehou meticulously while having breakfast.

As the monkey gradually changed color, slowly, the special fragrance gradually spread out.

Fang Jun, who just woke up just now, yawned and wandered over to look for Brother Bi, suddenly refreshed.

Brother Chu Bi took the strainer and fished out the golden-colored, scented Zhihou Monkey from the oil pan.

After filtering out the hot oil, it poured it into a copper basin on the side.

On the side, Deng Chengxin picked up Cheng Saburo's carefully prepared salt and pepper and began to sprinkle it in the basin, and then kept turning.

Until each of the monkeys could get enough spices, they put it aside and waited until it was almost cold before they could be wrapped in oil paper.

Cheng Fa and Cheng Da brothers had waited a little bit, and they had boldly picked up one of them each, blew them and threw them into their mouths.

Watching them breathe while chewing and winking at the same Fang Jun also picked up one, blew it for a long time, threw it in his mouth, and took a bite down.

The fragrant and crispy taste, and the tender meaty texture, let Fang Jun finally understand why Chubi Brothers will be so reluctant to forget.

Seeing the gaze from Brother Chu Bi who was continuing to cook, Fang Jun didn't say anything, took another one and threw it into his mouth.

Then he raised his thumb and gestured towards Brother Chubi for a long time, and then picked up another one.

Cheng Chubi shook his head helplessly, forget it, don't care about foodies.

Anyway, I got a lot of Zhizhi monkeys yesterday, and when I get to the Jiucheng Palace, I believe the goods over there will not be scarce.


As expected, everyone worked hard last night for almost half an hour. Regardless of the short period of time, everyone did it almost as much as a catty.

Cheng Chubi will pack up the three monkeys who are going to be the Emperor Tai, Li Mingda, and Miss Wu.

The others are also divided into several bags. After all, this kind of snacks, after a meal, is simply a waste, and it is also a secret cast by Mingzhu.

In addition, we must also reward these conscientious workers. After all, we work together, and we can’t even give up the sweetness.

However, Cheng Chubi didn't think of how to send it to Li Mingda, but the old man Li Yuan who didn't speak martial arts said that he would come and get it by himself.

Big deal, let him bring Li Mingda over at that time, but try to avoid Uncle Li as much as possible.

I don't know what's going on. Uncle Li seems to be very disgusted with Li Mingda's eating these high-protein, low-fat nutritious foods.

Repeatedly secretly warned Cheng Chubi not to eat those messy things for his daughters.

If he knows, let Cheng Chubi be careful of his dog legs.

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