The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1092: Don’t look at them as they look ugly, but they’re very inside...

Seeing the smirk of the companions around, there were also a few familiar little sisters who began to look bright.

Wu Meiniang, whose cheeks were getting redder, calmly hugged the package close to her, and continued to drive along with Luan.

The rich fragrance escaping from the oil paper bag made her salivate.

However, it was given to the public, I am afraid that there will be another group of wolf-like little sisters who will find all kinds of excuses to share.

Although a little distressed, Wu Meiniang was quite complacent, although he was stupid as a piece of wood with incomprehensibility.

But as for the cooking skills, looking through Datang, I'm afraid I can't find anyone comparable to it.

At least in Wu Meiniang's view, no one can compare with Cheng Saburo.


Cheng Chubi, who was worried that his morning drink would be exposed, was very witty and sent something, so he strayed away.

After Cheng Saburo left, Li Mingda shrank to Queen Changsun's side and opened the oil-paper bag happily.

Empress Changsun saw her daughter brought out a deep-fried Chiao monkey, and looked at the hideous ugliness, her eyelids jumped wildly.

But fortunately, the tempting scent of the still warm Zhimo monkey made the Queen's grandson couldn't help but swallow the star.

Unexpectedly, looking at such a ugly appearance, it smells so sweet.

After Li Mingda put the thing in his mouth, he chewed it happily, the familiar crispy taste, and the beautiful taste.

Li Mingda squinted his eyes happily in an instant. "It's so delicious..."

"...Is it such an exaggeration?" Empress Changsun held her group fan with restraint, and looked at her daughter suspiciously.

Li Mingda nodded vigorously, picked up one, and handed it to Empress Changsun with a serious expression on his face.

"Mother, come and taste it. Really, it's better than bee pupae..."

"..." Empress Changsun's eyes suddenly turned black, and she was almost unable to complain.

The eating hobbies of her own daughters made Cheng Saburo that little **** almost crooked out of the sky.

Biting her silver teeth, she saw the Zhile Monkey, who was stubbornly stretched to her mouth by her good girl, and the ugly food that exuded a seductive fragrance was just beside her mouth.

Empress Changsun closed her eyes helplessly and opened her mouth.

Forget it, girls can eat it, what can't be a mother-in-law?

Chew hard, huh... so crisp, so fragrant... eh... the inside is soft and waxy, like the taste of tofu brain, and the fragrance is rich.

Hmm...this taste, let alone, it tastes better than the bee pupae I've eaten before.

"Is my mother delicious?"


Li Mingda took another one and handed it to Empress Changsun.

"Come on, mother, try it again. Just eat for the two of us. Daddy is afraid, so he doesn't dare to eat."

Hearing this, Empress Changsun was immediately happy, and lightly shaved her pink face.

"Nonsense, how could your father be scared?" After saying this, I saw Zhiyuhou the girl handed to her mouth.

Forget it, I've eaten it all, it's okay to eat one more, besides, it's weird...

Ever since, Hu Shanggong saw that the Empress Empress had no choice but to eat the snacks handed over by the princess.

Later, the mother and daughter shared happily. You hand me one, and I hand you one.

Seeing this scene of motherly kindness and filial piety, Hu Shanggong's lips were slightly bent, his eyes focused on the front.

Wu Meiniang, who had already returned to the car that was accompanied by the maids to rest, was in the car with two close little sisters.

As she opened the oil-paper bag, both Gong E had beautiful eyes.

"Sister Mei, can this be eaten?"

Wu Meiniang didn't speak, raised her orchid finger, picked up one from the oil paper bag, and put a bite into that **** red lips.



As the great emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan certainly did not rush like a junior.

But he still sent his confidant eunuch, Father-in-law Zhongbao, to Cheng Chubi, and got an oil-paper-packed Zhizhihou.

Li Pan stretched out his hand to take it, weighed it in his hand, and suddenly raised his face unwillingly.

"Should this kid not play tricks with the old man, Zhongbao, what's so strange about that kid?"

Father Zhongbao shook his head, his voice did not fluctuate authentically. "The slave servant didn't see anything strange about Cheng Saburo."

", the old man is such a person, too lazy to care about that kid."

"Your Majesty is wise..." Father Zhongbao twitched his mouth and quickly lowered his head to follow him.

Think about it, the majesty the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty actually went to find the trouble of the junior in order to find out that the monkey was less than one or two.

Your majesty, where is your vision and mind?

Thinking about this, Grandpa Zhongbao couldn't help but feel sad and sighed from other places. Then, he heard the crunchy scent.

Squinting his eyes, he saw the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty chewing the fried Zhihou happily, and he even hummed a little tune.

Seeing this scene, Father Zhongbao sighed helplessly. It's hard to buy old people with money...


At dusk, the large group rushed to the station before the sun completely set and started Li Shimin, who had been on the car for a whole day, jumped off the imperial driver, moved his body, and saw the soldiers camping.

Some began to bury the pot and cook with nothing to do. They felt that they should visit their dear old father.

After all, he was so young, and he was walking with a big team, and he didn't know how his body was or whether he could be able to support it.

Soon he rushed to the camp where the emperor father was, but at this time, the big tent had not yet been supported.

While Father Zhongbao stood beside his father's imperial driver, the lights in the car showed through through the curtains.

Li Shimin swayed to the father's imperial driver, Zhong Bao Gong just wanted to report to the Supreme Emperor in the car, and saw Li Shimin wave his hand.

Zhong Bao could only hold back, coughing dryly, and opened the curtain.

Li Yuan, who was drinking a small wine happily in it, and eating the deep-fried Chihou Monkey couldn't help but stay in a daze.

After seeing clearly that it was Li Shimin, he was relieved.

"I won't let anyone know why you are here, Erlang."

Seeing his father unscrupulously drinking small wine and eating side dishes, Li Shimin's eyes were dark, and he knew what to say in a moment.

"What are you doing in a daze, come here, and taste this snack that Cheng Saburo made."

Li Yuan greeted him enthusiastically. Li Shimin stretched his neck and took a look, after seeing clearly the appearances of the monkeys that are more exaggerated than the pupa of the wasp and bee.

His face suddenly turned green, and his voice changed obviously.

"Father, how do you eat these things?"

"This is Zhiguohou, this thing is fragrant. The old man ate it several times when he was in the lonely heat on Lishan Mountain."

"Don't look at them looking ugly, but they have a lot of connotations in their stomachs, OK, come and have a taste."


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