The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1099: This old man wanted to use his own mouth to tell your majesty that there was...

But Te Niang's unexpectedly seemed to be detected by Tang Guo's Zuo Wei elite.

Just after lurking down, I saw another cavalry carrying a fire galloping out of the camp and swaying for a long time.

He came precisely toward where he was hiding, if it weren't for the association rate, he would consider himself a battle-tested veteran.

The elites around him are all orders and prohibitions. I'm afraid it's almost impossible. Last night, his actions would be exposed to Tang Jun's sight.

Thinking about this, the association rate was extremely painful, and he stroked the bald scoop that was naturally bald without shave.

"Tonight, we don't have to let so many brothers lurking together, Azan."

"My master, what's your order..."

A lean, but visibly slender, bow-bow knight who appeared to be very lean and lean came to the front with a humble polite manner.

"Tonight, you and Guge are in charge of keeping an eye on Emperor Tang's team. If you have a chance, come here and let me know.

Remember, don't disturb the Tang people and miss my major events. "

"Yes..." Azan raised his hand to caress his chest, lowered his head and replied respectfully.

Looking back, he used his pair of eagle eyes that hunted sparrows all the year round to the northwest...


Of course, Cheng Chubi, who had concerns in his heart, would not drink morning wine anymore, after bragging about with two difficult brothers.

He rode on the BMW bestowed by your majesty and galloped towards the front of the team.

Seeing Brother Chubi leaving, Li Ke leaned languidly on the carriage, and from time to time, he picked up a deep-fried cicada monkey and threw it into his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Fang Jun couldn't help but remind.

"Brother Chubi said that this stuff is too oily, and it's not good to eat too much, especially if you have a thin body like you, you can obviously digest a bad physique at first glance."

When Li Ke heard this, his heart suddenly became very evil.

"Brother virtuous, don't listen to his nonsense. He is obviously jealous of being a brother and my face is like a crown, and he looks better than Panan."

Hearing the shameless arrogance of Brother Weide, Fang Jun didn't know how to express his feelings for a while, whether he should take two supplements.

Li Yuan leaned on the imperial driver. Although the car was covered with a solid soft blanket and there was an ice basin in the car, the temperature in the car was very suitable.

However, Li Yuan still felt that he was a little idle, so idle.

After drinking the last sip of iced lotus soup, he handed the bowl to Baozhong.

Zhongbao, the confidant eunuch, was not a good opponent for chatting, and he felt bored.

Alas... Life is really boring, and I want to have a couple. It's too early now, not to mention that I don't even have a drink.

Li Yuan couldn't help sighing for a long time, thinking about whether to get out of the car and ride a horse for a stroll, when he heard a report from outside the car.

"The emperor, Cheng Saburo, please see me."

Hearing that it was Cheng Saburo, Li Yuan couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Oh, this kid is here, let him in quickly."

Cheng Chubi got into the carriage and opened the thick curtain to enter, and he felt the cool breath of the carriage.

As soon as the air-conditioning was excited, a sneeze came subconsciously, but fortunately he turned his head in time.

Then he didn't lose his courtesy in front of the Supreme Emperor, and sprayed the spit star on the black-faced old man who was not good at martial arts.

"Come and come, my lord, this is for your old man... Today, if the minister specially got you three kilograms and twos."

Zhong Bao just took it from Cheng Chubi, and then respectfully handed it to Li Yuan, who had already reached out.

Li Yuan picked it up and looked at Cheng Chubi suspiciously. "I said you kid, why don't you always like to give integers."

"Why don't you just give the old man four catties, or three catties in twos, that's nothing."

"Look at what you always said, I really can't do that much, but I'm a little minister, so I just want to respect you and be older."

"Would you like me to give you three pounds next time?"

Seeing Cheng Sanlang's unhappy look, Li Yuan hesitated, his old face turned kind and kind.

"Okay, you kid, the old man is just playing around with you, can't you take it seriously?"

"Thanks for your hard work, the iced lotus seed soup that Zhongbao just had, served this kid with a bowl to cool off the heat."

Hearing this, there is no shortage of catties, and Cheng Chubi, who is sure to be short of two, can't help but have a joy, and pays a salute to the Taishang who has suddenly become quite pleasing to the eye.

"The minister thank you, the emperor, the minister is really thirsty."

"..." Zhong Bao was startled and saw Li Yuanchong's blinking eyes frequently.

Silently opened the box, took the spoon and looked at the remaining soup in the bowl...

After thinking about it, I took out a clean jade bowl, then picked up the bowl and poured it into somehow it made a small bowl.

Then Father Zhongbao handed it to Cheng Chubi without expression.

Cheng Chubi took it with a smile, and saw the small half bowl of iced lotus soup in the small jade bowl.

Suddenly the whole person was not happy. This special lady didn't do that by sending beggars, right?

Seeing Cheng Chubi's black face, His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, who doesn't speak martial ethics, controlled his micro expression.

"Drink, the old man didn't want to drink it. I gave it to you. Why not drink it?"

"That's it?" Cheng Chubi exaggeratedly rounded his eyes, looking at such a poor half bowl of iced lotus seed soup.

"Otherwise?" Li Yuan sighed quietly.

"I'm getting older, alas... it's good to eat less ice."

When Cheng Chubi saw Li Yuan's sad expression on his face, his eyes were melancholy, and he couldn't help but stalk.

This special lady is too emperor, how can he do this?

As soon as Cheng Chubi put the bowl down and was about to speak, he saw Li Yuan staring at him.

"Why, it's okay to look down on the old man. If you let you drink it, you can drink it."

"Thank you, the emperor, the minister... well, I drink." Cheng Chubi was deeply moved, what a good elder.

I almost can't drink iced lotus seed soup, so it can be so generous.

Could it be that this old man wanted to use his own mouth to tell your Majesty that some people who were not eye-opening were doing all sorts of things underneath?

Cheng Chubi swallowed the small half-bowl of cool iced lotus seed soup, and the mud was just enough for one bite.

Isn't this bullying the old man? Although this old man is a bit disgusting and is not willing to talk about martial arts, he is also the emperor's relatives.

After Cheng Chubi finished drinking, he bowed to Li Yuan, and left Yujia without saying a word.

Li Yuangang was happy for a while, thinking about it wrong. "Zhongbao, go take a look, that kid seems to be in a bad mood."

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