The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1103: Since they can catch the monkey, the king is like...

He Luhu, the king of Peking County, was in a mess in the wind, looking at the Temple with a dazed expression.

Know the monkey? What kind of horrible thing is it, the dignified Royal Highness, and two distinguished children, actually went to catch it, and they still catch it every day?

Bosher also wiped his face in distress, and then explained in a low voice.

"Knowing the monkey, then the larva that knows..."

He Luhu couldn't help but vomit viciously with a dark face.

"They went to catch that thing and do a lot of things, is it to eat it?"

"Yeah." Bosher nodded.

"Huh?" He Luhu puffed up his eyes and looked at the Temple in disbelief.

Bosher was also very helpless, so he touched his nose and explained.

"After they caught the thing, they just brought it back to eat."

"It is said that Cheng Saburo knows how to cook these ancient weird things."

"..." He Luhu couldn't help rolling his eyes in despair.

Even vomiting a slot is blocked, what kind of world is this special mother?

But when I think of those clowns on the tree, I don't do anything **** all day long, just screaming and disturbing people.

Cheng Chubi actually ate them...eating their larvae, thinking of bugs.

He Luhu couldn't help his face turning green, and he retched for several times before he came along.

After taking two sips of tea from the Temple House, He Luhu said weakly.

", it seems that there is no chance for the time being. I don't know what happened to my uncle and the others..."

"Khan can rest assured that there will be a chance. After all, Emperor Tang will stay in Jiucheng Palace for a few months, and there will always be a time when he will be alone."

"Well, if there is a chance when you look back, remember to pass the news and tell your uncle."

"Accomplished..." Bosher stroked his chest as a courtesy, and then deliberately talked about gossip for a while.

Only then did he get out of the carriage and continue to play the role of his loyal guardian of the Peking County King.

He Luhu's face gradually darkened, and his hands were quietly clenched into fists in his sleeves.

No matter what, uncle, don't leave your nephew, you must succeed. Only in this way can I return to the grassland.


"That's it?" Wei Wang Li Tai looked at the salt-and-pepper deep-fried pour out of the oil-paper bag, Zhihou.

Actually the special mother's is so little, what is this doing? Shall I squeeze my teeth between my teeth?

Grandpa Li sighed helplessly and swallowed the star. In his mouth, there seemed to be a steal...

Cough, the two scented monkeys who ate them to identify whether they were poisonous or not.

"His Royal Highness, Cheng Saburo said that he wants to contribute to the Emperor Taishang, and Princess Jinyang, there is only this left..."

Jiang Yaqing on the side took a deep breath frequently. The fragrance is really fragrance. How do you feel that this smell is so fragrance?

Wei Wang Li Tai snorted unwillingly, stretched out his hand, picked up two and wiped it into his mouth.

Sure enough, it was still that taste, crispy on the outside, sticky inside, still so tasty, still so fragrant.

Grumbling... a sound of swallowing drool that almost made echoes in the car.

Wei Wang Li Tai, who was eating so selflessly, opened his eyes hard and saw Mr. Jiang looking straight at the plate.

Wei Wang Li Tai bowed his head, and at this moment, there were only two cognizant monkeys left on the plate.

"..." What should I do, give it all to Mr. Jiang? What about this king...

Seeing Mr. Jiang's greedy attitude, it doesn't seem appropriate not to give food.

Wei Wang Li Tai, who had been entangled for a long time, finally picked up one with great difficulty, and then closed his eyes with great uncomfortableness, and there was a plate containing the monkey.

He pushed in the direction of Mr. Jiang, barely squeezing out a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, you have been working hard these few days. Come and have a taste. It's good."

Jiang Yaqing swallowed the saliva that almost dripped out, and at this moment did not even dare to decline, after all, because of His Royal Highness's persistence in eating.

What if he is serious about his hypocritical refusal?

So Jiang Yaqing hurriedly bowed to Wei Wang Li Tai. "The minister was disrespectful."

Then he stretched out his hand and threw this ugly thing into his mouth and chewed under Wei Wang Li Tai's straight gaze.

The outer skin is crispy, the inside is soft and glutinous, the scent is very rich, and the mouth is full of fragrance. It is a pity that there is only one of Te Niang...

Wei Wang Li Tai looked at the few broken limbs that had fallen from the empty plate, wishing to pick up the plate and lick it clean.

However, his self-esteem as a gentleman and the reservation of the prince allowed him to control his impulse.

He pursed his mouth, recalling the taste of the monkey, and life seems to have become different.

But how can it be gone?

Wei Wang Li Tai patted his belly lightly, his eyes rolled for a long time. I can only eat so much of this kind of food.

This is simply right about the identity of his dignified, his gaze turned and fell on the confidant Li Gonggong.

Wei Wang Li Tai's eyes rolled and fell on those severed limbs.

"It seems that it can be fried in frying, right?"

Jiang Yaqing, who had only eaten one, was more and more greedy for this stuff, but also deeply regarded it as authentic.

"The minister also feels that it was made by frying in vegetable oil, but I don't know if there is any other treatment."

A confident smile gradually appeared on Wei Wang Li Tai's face.

"Since they can go and catch the monkey, how can this king be impossible?"


Li Yuan didn't show up in the afternoon either, maybe this old man who doesn't speak martial arts has realized his mistake.

Cheng Chubi decided to forgive the black-faced old man's unethical behavior for teasing himself.

After all, tonight, he thought that the black-faced Majesty the Emperor was looking for wine and food as a reason to jump out and catch the monkey.

When Cheng Chubi was thinking about it, Deng Chengxin over there brought him food.

Cheng Chubi picked up the bowls and chopsticks and began to feast on them. After eating them for a while, he noticed something strange.

Li Ke on the side looked like a pregnant woman with a dystocia. He touched his belly, using his chopsticks to pick fruits and vegetables with a tangled expression.

Cheng Chubi was immediately fascinated. "I said, Brother Xian, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Jun was immediately happy by the side, and told the truth ruthlessly.

"Because of Brother De's food today, I can't help but want to eat some vegetarian food."

Cheng Chubi's face went dark and his eyes puffed up. "How much is left?!"

Li Ke rubbed his belly helplessly, gnawing on the cucumber and explained unwillingly.

"Brother Chubi, look at you... I'm so thin, little brother, even if I let go of eating, how much can I eat?"

"By the way, Brother Chubi, I'm a little bit braced today, or today..."

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