The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1120: You can’t beat it while eating meat cooked by the other party...

Cheng Chubi looked at this imperial emperor who did not speak martial ethics and took the lead with a black line on his face.

When others come over, at most, they will eat and drink. When you are old, you will definitely eat and drink.

Li Ke didn't dare to show his filial piety like Cheng Saburo, nodding his head and bowing back.

"Grandpa emperor, grandson will go get it right now, all in a daze, and quickly prepare things."

Soon, all the pros and cons gathered around a pot, and started to eat this fragrant and more fragrant bamboo rat meat over there.

The soybeans inside are also fragrant and crispy, and after being filled with fat, it is also more fragrant as you chew.

And Cheng Chubi also has four younger generations, Li Ke, Fang Jun, and Li Mingda.

Then accompanied the cheeky elder Li Yuan and squatted in front of a pot of oily iron.

Two soybeans, a piece of meat, then a sip of the essence of the wine, and then a bite of garlic mashed cucumber.

In this small day, the beautiful Li Yuan stretched his eyebrows and beamed with joy, and from time to time he brought a chopsticks dish to Li Mingda, a good grandma who knows that his grandfather loves.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun stood in front of the Xianheng Hall and looked at each other. For a while, they didn't know what to say.

Because the guards guarding His Royal Highness Xianheng said that His Royal Highness Princess Jinyang met the Queen.

After chatting with the Supreme Emperor for a while, the two of them went straight to the north and have not returned yet.

Standing behind the two, Zhao Kun hesitated and couldn't help but move forward.

"Your Majesty, will it be that the Supreme Emperor and His Royal Highness have gone to Qingyou Pavilion."

Li Shimin rolled his eyes, and slightly nodded towards the eldest queen, the husband and wife took steps in a tacit understanding.

Qingyou Pavilion, this is the name from the old days, but since Cheng Saburo moved in, no day has been quiet.

Li Shimin felt that next time he should change the name of the pavilion, and directly changed it to the demon moth nest might be worthy of the name.

It's a pity that there are also his own son Li Ke and Fang Qing's Erlang.

If his own son is also a demon moth, then what is he? Old demon moth?

Thinking about this, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh quietly. Shaking his head to shake off the mess of thoughts, and move on.

When I came to the Qingyou Pavilion, I could already hear the hearty and seductive laugh of my father Li Yuan from inside before he collapsed.

There was also a mouth-watering fragrance floating out of the pavilion.

Li Shimin couldn't help but take deep breaths frequently, always feeling that this sub-scent was very unique.

The grandson empress looked inside, and in the distance, the father-in-law was sitting there laughing forward and backward, while her daughter was sitting beside her father-in-law in her eye-catching dress.

"Grandpa, I'm not wrong, Brother Cheng San is the best at cooking, even bamboo rats can cook so well..."

The girl's crisp and cheerful voice came, and the empress's full-faced kindness instantly froze.

"Bamboo Rat?!" Li Shimin was stunned.

Isn't that the big mouse that I saw one or two hours ago nestled in the bamboo bushes with a stupid look?

Turning his head and looking at Zhao Kun, Zhao Kun spread his hands with an innocent expression.

"The minister doesn't know, Cheng Saburo said that those bamboo rats would be handled by him, so the minister didn't ask much."

Li Shimin couldn't help but took another deep breath. This smell was much better than that of Zhihuo.

"I said how this kid was so active when he saw the bamboo rat thing. It turns out that the root is here..."

At this time, Empress Changsun had already seen Li Yuan's father-in-law, taking a bite of wine and meat.

If you are in the past... forget it.

Empress Changsun turned her eyes back, and landed on her husband who was swallowing Xingzi.

"The concubine should go back to the Imperial Palace first. Husband, you should accompany the emperor father and the son."


Li Yuan set down his wine glass with joy, and just as he rolled up his sleeves and was about to stretch out his chopsticks, he saw his son Li Erlang walking slowly.

I couldn't help but subconsciously glanced around, and finally recovered his calmness without seeing the figure of the daughter-in-law.

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke also saw the dangling Li Shimin, quickly put down the tableware and wiped their greasy mouths and hurriedly respectfully bowed to the emperor.

Li Shimin pointed his finger at the trio of demon moths a few times, and then he saluted his father and touched the little girl's head with a smile.

Li Mingda is still so cute, even if it is covered with oil stains, it does not damage her bright smiling face.

"Daddy, Daddy, I'm going to ask you to come and eat you are here..."

When talking about lies, I always don't write drafts, but they are full of sincerity.

Li Shimin dumbfoundedly shaved off the smooth and tender face of this delicious little girl, took up a handkerchief and wiped the grease off her face.

"What are you eating?"

"Daddy, it's bamboo rat meat, but it's delicious, come on, dad, you taste..."

Seeing the oily but fragrant bamboo rat meat that little cute handed over, Li Shimin took a bite, and soon his brows stretched.

Then his eyes bulged in an instant, and he strode not far away, chewing on the fragrant bamboo rat meat with his teeth in his mouth.

On the ground in front of me, there are five square bamboos lying down here. At this moment, they are lying quietly here, silently...

Li Shimin had a dark face, turned his head and stared at the **** boy Cheng Saburo. Sure enough, the old man knew that the boy was definitely thinking about this stuff.

Cheng Chubi hurried to the front, but did not dare to get too close. He had to stay at least two steps away from Uncle Li to avoid his 42-yard bigfoot sneak attack.

"Uncle, listen to me. The roots of these bamboos have been completely bitten off, so my nephew wants to let them wither away gradually instead of there."

"It's better to use the waste. It saves you from watching Fang Zhu slowly withering and worrying..."

Li Shimin's face was dark, and it took a long time before he swallowed the piece of bamboo rat meat.

Cannibals are soft, so you can't beat the chef while eating meat cooked by the other party.

Li Shimin felt that he had always been a very moral emperor.

So now I can only roll my eyes, and viciously nod his finger towards Cheng Chubi.

"Not as an example, next time you get the old man's Fang Zhu, go to Zuowei Camp and get the 20-butt stick."

"Yes, yes, thank you, uncle, for his innocence, come, come, you always come to the table, you also have some wine?"

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