The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1124: Uncle, I already have a perfect plan to trap Emperor Tang...

   In the afternoon, Cheng Chubi left the Imperial Medical Office and went straight to the Wu Wang mansion. Fortunately, the bad prince did not go out today.

   Instead, he squatted in the mansion and heard that Brother Chubi came to visit, and couldn't help but be a little drummer. Could it be that Brother Chubi failed to collect debts?

   came to the front hall and should see Cheng Chubi sitting there urging the black-faced maid to fill him with white fungus and lotus seed soup.

   Seeing Li Ke stepping into the hall, Cheng Chubi raised his neck once again and drained the bowl, smashing his mouth with joy.

   "Come, come, come and sit down, brother Yu, I am looking for you today. It is a business that makes a lot of money."

   "Making a lot of money?" Hearing these words, during these days, I felt that I was too poor to be able to open the pot, and Li Ke's eyes suddenly brightened when he even bought a few unscrupulous artworks.

   "Xiongtai, you should talk to the younger brother about how a big money-making business is."

   "Of course it's about our Jinyang Printing and Bookstore." After the delicate young lady filled herself with a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup, Cheng Chubi cast a look at Li Ke.

   Soon, all the people in the hall retired. Cheng Chubi took a sip of the delicious soup and carefully explained the fortune idea he had conceived in the afternoon.

   This unprecedented and refreshing way to make a fortune also made Li Ke's eyes bright.

   "Brother Chubi, you really have a brain, and you can even think of such a method."

   "This is not my own idea, but our Jinyang Bookstore now has so many workshops and so many machinery placed there, which is really too wasteful."

   "It's better to use it to run such a newspaper. For one thing, Jinyang Bookstore can keep cooking, and for the second time, you can make a fortune."

   "It shouldn't be much, right? Brother Chubi, according to your opinion, a newspaper like this, although the cost is about three or five pieces of a penny.

   But your price is only two cents, even if you print three to fifty thousand copies, you can't make much money, right? "

   Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel happy, and a sense of superiority in IQ emerged spontaneously.

   "Brother, your mind is too inflexible, do you think that this newspaper makes money only by selling it?"

   "Why, run this newspaper, where else can you make money?"

  "Of course it is an advertisement. The so-called advertisement is to advertise it. For example, the Chengjia restaurant of our old Cheng family, although it is good in quality and cheap, tastes great.

   But eating and eating, although most of them are repeat customers, there are not many new customers that come through word of mouth.

   If it is on the tens of thousands of printed newspapers, the advantages of the Chengjia Restaurant, as well as the signature dishes, are advertised here..."

   "Be good, isn't that equivalent to tens of thousands of people praising your old Cheng family for being good?"

   Li Ke took a deep breath and looked at Brother Chu Bi with straight eyes.

   "???" Cheng Chubi looked at the bad prince with a black line on his face. Why are you looking at things from such a strange angle?

   "I said Brother Xian, but what you said is ambiguous. Do you think our old Cheng family is not good or is it wrong?"

   Seeing the blackened face of Brother Chu Bi, Li Ke immediately followed his heart.

   "Absolutely not, my brother, I mean, tens of thousands of people all praise your old Cheng family restaurant. In this way, wouldn't your family's business become bigger and bigger?"

   "That's natural, so, for the first issue of the newspaper, our old Cheng family will customize a quarter of the full page of the newspaper to advertise.

   Our old Cheng family went out first, and our Cheng family paid a hundred tons of advertising expenses, which can be regarded as a sample for the latecomers.

   In the future, if there are merchants who want to place advertisements of this length in our newspapers, at least it should not be lower than this price. "

   Hearing what Cheng Chubi said, Li Ke, who is a smart man and flexible enough in his mind, suddenly realized the benefits of this kind of advertising.

   "Brother Chubi, brother, I also have a few shops, can you advertise here too."

   "It is naturally usable, just count the money according to the area, one quarter is 100 guan, and one 80% is 50 guan.

   If it is an advertisement of the size of a tofu block, it is not impossible to consider it, but the same, the advertising effect is definitely not very eye-catching. "

   Li Ke smashed his mouth, his eyes gleaming and he started to lift his fingers and mutter.

   "Our Chang'an city is so big and there are so many scholars, it would be inappropriate to print three to fifty thousand copies of him.

   If the cost is three sheets per pen, let's sell one pen per pen, and 30,000 copies, how much will it cost?

   Plus there are advertising fees. Oh, if it can be printed once every three to five days this month, brother..."

   "The virtuous brother should not be too optimistic. At the beginning, take your time. At the beginning, we will press the upper, middle and lower thirties, and pay every ten days..."

   From time to time, the wild and terrifying laughter of the brothers who cut chicken heads and burnt yellow paper came out from the hall, and the maids outside the house looked at each other.

   The young lady who is often regarded by Cheng Chubi as the second child of the shop, put down the soup pot in her hand and rubbed her sour hands unwillingly.

   "It's a weird thing. Every time that Cheng Saburo comes, he stays with our prince, and he doesn't do anything good."

   The lady next to her who had seen the scene in the study where His Royal Highness was almost caught by Cheng Sanlangxi, and the lady sister who rescued His Royal Highness in time was also unwilling to follow.

   "That is, our prince is such a good person, but has such a good relationship with Cheng Saburo, really..."


   The two agreed to discuss with His Royal Highness until tomorrow, and then Cheng Chubi sat up and left.

   The next day, when the Donggong Xiaochao was over, Li Ke promptly waved over and Cheng Chubi talked to Li Chengqian about the benefits of running a newspaper.

   Li Chengqian nodded slightly when he looked at the more excited third brother Li Ke. "After hearing what you said, I think it is feasible."

   "It's just that the two have thought about it, don't forget, now the largest shareholder is just staying in the palace, do you think you are sure to convince?"

  Cheng Chubi and Li Ke couldn’t help but stun, they almost left the largest shareholder behind. It’s dangerous. If Li Mingda’s little cutie knows that it’s okay to do big things, hehe...

   Cheng Chubi suspected that even making a hundred catties of anhydrous honey chicken cake would not be able to soothe the royal heart.

   "Thank your Highness for the reminder, since your Highness also thinks it is feasible, should we take some time to enter the palace?"

   Li Ke's face can't help becoming frowned. "If it's okay not to meet the emperor father, I'm afraid that the emperor father will think that we are too ridiculous..."

   "What's the matter with the market? No, where do we get the money to make up for the shortfall."

   Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke unhappily. This guy is not the one who does big things. He is always afraid of wolves and tigers.

   "Brother Chubi makes sense, but we have no way of knowing when Jinyang is not with his father, we are afraid..."


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