The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1126: 10 famous people led the horse and walked sneakily...

   The corners of Li Shimin's mouth slightly raised inadvertently, and then curled up again, before he snorted coldly.

   "Leave it all, I have something to discuss with the prince."

   Cheng Chubi stood up and saw Zhang Xuansu who was kneeling next to him, and couldn't help feeling a great evil in his heart.

   reached Zhang Xuansu's ear, and muttered in a voice that only the other party could hear. "Old stuff, wait and see!"

   Then he patted his **** and went straight away. Zhang Xuansu was almost shocked by anger. He stayed on the spot, and was taken out of Lizhengdian by his colleagues for a long time.

   After everyone had left, Li Chengqian exhaled in relief, turned around and pleaded with his father.

   But I saw Li Shimin's face, where there was still a long time of rage and seriousness, and some were smiles similar to happy disasters.

   "???" Li Chengqian was about to be messed up in the wind, what's wrong? Daddy, what kind of monster is this...

   "Come on, sit down with my father, that's Ning Zhong, right? Get some tea soup, um, Cheng Qian, do you have chrysanthemum tea soup here?"

   "Yes, Ning Zhong, go quickly." Li Chengqian quickly raised his head and said.

   "Okay, now only you and me, father and son, are left here, we can have a good conversation..."

   "When did you arrive, father?"

   Li Shimin's expression became very weird, and he barely held back a smile.

   "The father has arrived long ago, and since Zhang Xuansu and Cheng Saburo had a dispute, they had already arrived outside the gate of the temple."

   "You know all about father..." Li Chengqian lowered his head in shame. "The child is useless, even such a small dispute can't be handled well."

   Li Shimin's big hand lightly patted Li Chengqian's arm, his face full of sorrow and emotion.

   "No, it's no wonder you, any king will be caught off guard when he encounters such an unprecedented scene..."

   Li Chengqian heard this, his heart moved, and the corner of his eyes saw his father's face with complicated expressions.

   "In fact, you have done a very good job, especially in your last sentence, hit the key point, those two gangsters...well, those two guys are just pretending."

   "Cheng Saburo still has a set of medical principles. He is sure that the other party is pretending, it must be true."

   "As for him falling down after being poisoned, although some...some are too exaggerated, it's probably a coping strategy to fight poison with poison."

   "After all, these Donggong officials are willing to stand with him Cheng Saburo, I'm afraid there are not many people, right?"

   Seeing the gaze from his father, Li Chengqian smiled shyly and nodded.

   "Brother Chubi offended a lot of Donggong officials for the sake of his children..."

   Ning Zhong hurriedly brought up a pot of steaming chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea, but when he arrived at the gate of Deli's main hall, he was stopped by Zhao Kun, the head of his majesty's confidant.

   I saw Zhao Kun report to the inside. After getting a response, he sent the pot of hot tea into the hall and then retreated.

   Ning Zhong craned his neck, only to see His Royal Highness and His Majesty sitting there lazily, sipping tea soup and whispering.

   can clearly see that it is completely different from the scene where the father and son met in the past.

   In the past, after the two met, they must be sitting in full face with solemn faces, how can they be like now...

   After taking a peek, Ning Zhong rubbed his sore neck and stood steadily outside the hall, but the corners of his mouth that couldn't help but revealed his very happy mood.

   "Thank you for your father's teaching, I understand..."

   Listening to his father's surprisingly patient explanation and analysis of the way of dealing with the ministers, Li Chengqian really benefited a lot.

   "But, these methods are all dealing with ordinary ministers. If you encounter courtiers like the Cheng family and his son, hehe...cough, then it can't be the case."

   Li Chengqian saw his father's angry and funny expression, but he couldn't help but burst into laughter when he thought about the exaggerated acting skills of brother Chu Bi.

   "I also ask my father to teach the child. The child knows that Brother Chubi, well, there will always be accidents..."

   "Just tell you for my father..." Li Shimin smashed his mouth and lowered his voice.

  "When dealing with Cheng Saburo, you have to punish your salary just like dealing with his father. That is to show the fairness of the superior.

   But, in private, you can comfort and reward a lot..."

   Li Chengqian looked at his father, and saw the meaningful smile at the corner of his father’s mouth, thinking about that Brother Chu Bi often complained that the family’s salary was often not received...

   Li Chengqian almost wanted to roll his belly on the floor again, and suppressed a smile before he nodded vigorously.

   "The boy understands what father meant."

   "It's good if you can understand, remember, for the emperor, you must have a scale in your heart, and understand who is the minister you can entrust and who you need to deal with carefully..."

   Li Shimin talked to Li Chengqian for another half an hour, and then stood up still inexplicably.

   Under Li Chengqian's gift, he stepped out of the main hall of Li, and when he swept his eyes, he saw the temple not far away.

  Cheng Chubi, this kid was heartless and he didn't know what he was talking about with a few elite left insiders there. The chat was ecstatic and extraordinarily hilarious.

   Seeing this scene, Li Shimin almost laughed out loud. This kid has a really good mentality, a bit stronger than his father.

   "Okay, I'll go back to the palace for my husband. If there is nothing wrong, go and see your mother and Su family more."


   After seeing his father leave, Li Chengqian's eyes fell on Ning Zhong. "Pass the officials of the Eastern Palace, continue the discussion of the palace just now."

   "It's slave servants obey orders." Ning Zhong nodded and quickly ordered to go down. With little effort, a group of eunuchs outside the Lizheng Hall rushed in all directions.

   Soon, the officials of the Eastern Palace gathered again, but this time, Prince Shao Zhan Shi Zhang Xuan Su did not appear.

   Some familiar colleagues said that Zhang Xuansu was dizzy and couldn't come.

   Even if Li Chengqian didn't understand, this guy had just been hit. He felt embarrassed and embarrassed to reappear in a short time.

  As soon as he turned his gaze, he saw that Brother Chubi was still standing there holding the Yidao on the spot. Uh... you deserve to be Brother Chubi, with strong will, and Guo is beyond reach.

   "Only Yu Qing's proposal was justified. Cheng Qing is the father of Taichang Temple, and his father gave Cheng Qing a reward. That was his father's good intentions."

   "While the lone is the crown prince of the country, Cheng Qing is also the lone minister. Cheng Qing's actions benefit the lonely, and loneliness should be rewarded. Otherwise, if the rewards and punishments are unknown, the prohibition will not work."

   "Cheng Qing..."

   "The minister is here." Cheng Chubi was happy in his heart, and he hurriedly put the Yidao aside with seriousness on the surface, and stepped back to respectfully.

   "Reward Cheng deputy to rate five thousand catties of gold, five thousand horses of silk and silk, and give BMW one horse to show his merit..."



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