The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1130: Forget about hurting Lao Tzu’s brother, and poaching Lao...

Abu waited for a long time, but he didn't hear a response. On the contrary, there seemed to be more and more footsteps outside.

Could it be... Could it be that Da Yehu and the others had driven them over after a fierce battle with Emperor Tang in the distance?

Ab hurriedly made a few gestures, and soon these East Turkic elites lurking in the valley had already cheered up.

He took the hard bow he was good at, and quietly drew out the arrows.

Cheng Chubi walked forward cautiously, only a few meters away from the valley.

However, he still couldn't hear any ghost movement, and he turned his head suspiciously and looked at Niu Wei Tuo.

"Why haven't there been any sound for a long time, don't those wild boars snoring?"

Hearing this, Niu Wei Tuo's eyes went black. If the wild boar snores or not, I know what a fart.

"There can be no movement at all, I'll go take a look." Li Ke finally couldn't help standing up straight.

The main thing is to bend down and walk with a helmet and armor, which is too hard for you to walk.

Cheng Chubi saw that Li Ke got up, but there was no movement in front of him, so he straightened up and strode forward.

However, the spear that was specifically mentioned in the hand was still held tightly in his hand. After all, if a wild boar jumped out, somehow he could do something by relying on the distance.

Abu first saw a figure covered with silver light and golden light intertwined, and a figure in luxurious armor walking towards this side, and appeared at the mouth of the valley.

Then he saw a tall and burly figure, dressed in a more familiar Datang Mingguang armor, and stopped him in front of him.

"Emperor Tang!" A person who can put on a light armor at the general level can stand in front of him as a guard. Besides Emperor Tang, can there be a second person?

Although it is not clear why Emperor Li Shimin was so afraid of death, he had to wear a helmet and armor when he came to see the birds.

But that armor is far more delicate and coquettish than Mingguang armor, so who else can it be if it's not him?

Seeing seven or eight brawny men in bright light and heavy armor came from behind, Abu no longer hesitated, and quietly made a gesture.

All the eight hard bows were invariably stretched to the full, and the arrow flashed through a cold light under the sunlight.

The sound of Xian Om suddenly sounded, and Cheng Chubi finally saw the figure emerging from the back of a big rock and the open bow.

Just the moment he saw the figure, the eight sharp arrows that left the string had already soared.

Cheng Chubi only had time to blink his eyes and saw Li Ke standing beside him, half of his body exposed, directly tilted his head and fell backward.

When he fell down, he made a weird bark, like a little milk dog being kicked.

"Fuck!" Cheng Chubi was angry, and his eyes blushed instantly.

Nima! Poachers! It must be a poacher, so you can hurt Lao Tzu's brother. You also poached Lao Tzu's wild boar! !

The spear in Cheng Chubi's hand was used as a shotgun by Cheng Chubi almost without thinking, and he shot out vigorously.

As soon as the spears let go and picked up the pair of iron maces, Cheng Chubi buried his head and dashed forward. There was no way, the road behind his buttocks had been blocked by his companions and horses.

If you don't take advantage of the gap where the opponent re-draws the arrow, can you still stay in place as an arrow target and wait to die?

Niu Wei Tuo also reacted instantly and roared wildly. "Enemy attack! Kill!" Ma Li, who was used to carrying that rod, also rushed in with Cheng Chubi.

Cheng Fa and Cheng Da behind did not hesitate to open their bows and arrows, Li De and Li Zhong quickly dragged Li Ke, who had been shot down with six arrows in his body, to one side.

Fang Jun was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, choked and pulled out the horizontal knife.

The tiger roared into the valley. Fang Cheng was in a hurry, so he quickly drew his knife to keep up.

As soon as the arrow in Abu's hand left the string, he subconsciously lowered his head and drew the arrow, ready to continue.

But I didn't expect the spear that Cheng Chubi had thrown.

Like a flash of electricity, it directly penetrated his right chest, took the whole person out of the obliquely, and smashed into the stream.

Another round of arrow rain hit Cheng Chubi, who rushed forward. The heavy armor of Tang Mingguang armor showed its excellent defensive ability.

Facing the sharp arrows fired from the seven hard bows, except for two trembling slightly on the belt of Cheng Chubi's shoulder armor.

The remaining five all fell to the ground.

"Kill them!" Seeing Abu fell in the stream, his brother Dungu's eyes were red.

Seeing that the hard bow in his hand could not break the opponent's defense at all, he directly picked up the small round leather shield, grabbed the scimitar and rushed out with a roar.

Cheng Chubi was hit by the arrow rain, and his heart was so fierce that he saw someone rushing towards him.

It's straight up, UUreading puts his hands together directly, and uses his arm armor to cover his face.

It is also possible to see the enemy's situation clearly through the gap in the arm, and it is easy to adjust the direction of the steel mace. This is still a trick taught by his father and inherited from Uncle Qin.

A pair of iron maces brought a low whistling sound, almost as soon as the howling sounded, Cheng Chubi's double maces rushed to Dungu's head.

Dungu raised the leather shield with his left hand, and cut his right hand towards Cheng Chubi's waist.

It's just that this knife is more than a foot away from Cheng Chubi's waist, and Dungu felt a terrible strange force.

He easily smashed his left arm together with the leather shield, and rushed straight to his bald head.

The sharp pain from his left arm and the impending steel mace made Dungu a cold sweat and a strange cry and fell to the ground.

Cheng Chubi fell into nothing at the last moment, but when he saw this **** thing, he put a beauty lying down in front of him.

The anger in his heart became more and more scorching, and he flew a kick and directly kicked Dungulian with a knife and fell into the stream with a knife. He couldn't get up for a long time.

After Fang Jun rushed in, he happened to see Brother Chu Bi flying a spear to kill the enemy, smashing and kicking, and his majestic and heroic posture.

This group of desperadoes of the East Turks are not timid.

I saw that my companion was wounded one after another, but my bow and arrow couldn't break the armor at all.

The other party was still crowded, and at this time he could only roar again and again, calling the Daye Husu who drove Emperor Tang and the others to come to rescue, while bravely plucking up their respective weapons to greet him.

The four bows and arrows at the rear finally performed their merits. Among the six people who threw out, one of the unlucky ghosts hit an arrow directly in the face, and one head was cut down, and the arrow hit the arrow through the back of the head.

Seeing the other party with a **** smile, he drew out a dagger and stabbed him...

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