The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1139: Except for your dad and my dad, I have been afraid of someone from Cheng...

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Empress Changsun settled down and smiled reluctantly.

"Your Majesty has been here for more than an hour, and I haven't seen a response, my palace can't worry about it."

"Your Majesty should also be a person who knows the general body. If the phoenix, the divine bird, is far away from the Jiucheng Palace, he will definitely send someone to inform this palace long ago."

"So, your Majesty's whereabouts must not be too far away..."

"General Chai, please quickly send the elite Zuowei soldiers and horses to search the Jiucheng Palace for 30 miles, and you must find your Majesty."

"The minister would like to follow Niang Niang's decree." Chai Shao's heart shuddered, and after answering in a deep voice, he immediately turned over and jumped on his horse, and ran away with his horse.

Li Zhi looked at all this in a daze, still a little dazed. Isn't the father going to see a phoenix bird, why is the mother so nervous?

Empress Changsun had been watching Chai Shao's figure disappear outside the palace gate, and then turned around after exhaling.

"Don't worry, your majesty will be fine."

Hu Shanggong quietly calmed down seeing the frowning look of Empress Changsun.

"Well, my palace thinks so too..." Empress Changsun smiled reluctantly, and thought for a while and ordered in a deep voice.

"Before your Majesty returns to the palace, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to divulge a trace of news, otherwise, he will be severely punished.

"The slave and maid would follow the decree..." Upon hearing this, Hu Shanggong and the others were also shocked and replied in a low voice respectfully.

Empress Changsun climbed up the steps and came to Li Zhi. Li Zhi's expression looked a little bit arrogant and looked at Empress Changsun.

"Mother, child..."

"Don't worry, go back and practice your schoolwork obediently. Mother has something to do. By the way, don't tell me about this matter."

"Good mother, goodbye, my child..." Li Zhi nodded obediently, and left the Great Hall in frustration.

Just after Chai Shaochi entered Zuowei's camp, the elite Zuowei was almost dispatched.

After the infantry, a group of cavalry, rushed out of Zuowei's camp, they scattered in all directions...


Zhao Kun jumped to Taniguchi and looked outside. Those Turkic people seemed to have been blown up a bit because of the surprise attack.

Now that they seem to be hesitant, Cheng Saburo and others have already sat down to recharge their energy.

And Cheng Fa took out the compressed rations he had prepared before, and the seven guards who were lucky enough to get out of their birth days were already resting.

With nothing to do, I just started cutting down and sharpening some of the trees in the valley with thin arms, and sent them to the mouth of the valley. These were the ready-made spears.

A few more were chopped off and inserted diagonally into the soil to become a spear holder, and these rough spears were placed on a simple spear holder to form a simple line of defense.

Zhao Kun returned to Li Shimin's side, worried and authentic.

"Your Majesty, this location, a long distance road, even if General Chai wants to send troops to search for it, I am afraid it will be difficult to find this way.

Shall we take advantage of the daylight and let the smoke spread? "

Li Shimin thought about it for a long time before he said something.

"If a fire is triggered today, those Turkic people will either evacuate immediately, or they will go crazy."

At the thought of the nearly hundred Turkic people rushing over, the desperate scene, the dark cloud between Li Shimin's eyebrows couldn't help.

However, Zhao Kun's worries were not unreasonable. Li Shimin couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he had to say something.

"You go to discuss with Cheng Saburo and ask his opinion."

Zhao Kun nodded and walked quickly towards the other side. At this moment, he was galloping with his father, and then Li Mingda was frightened.

At this moment, he touched his belly and looked at everything in the valley curiously.

Li Shimin couldn't help but feel relieved. The courage of his daughter-in-law was really not inferior to that of men.

Hearing what Zhao Kun said, Cheng Chubi looked back at the bald people outside the valley and nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, then I will trouble Uncle Zhao to start the fire and send the signal, but once this signal is sent, these Turkic people can only fight with us."

"Brothers, next, you have to rely on you to stand up in the front, and rest assured that I will support you behind."

Cheng Chubi thought for a while, and slammed up to his mount, taking out all the essence of the four bottles of two kilograms of wine.

Fortunately, I am fully prepared. After all, the essence of the wine can be used as first aid, and it can also be used as a side dish if it encounters game.

Now at such a critical juncture, it can still be used to make incendiary bombs, which is simply a good treasure for home travel.

After thinking about it, let Cheng Fa get all the water sacs over, and Cheng Chubi poured out all the water in the water sacs he had collected.

There were seven water sacs in front of him, and one half a catty of wine essence was poured into it, and then the bottle was re-corked.

I took another towel and started trimming. After a while, the thing was soaked in the essence of the wine, and the incendiary bomb was made.

It's a pity that the skin bag is soft, but can it be ignited anyway? In addition, how can four porcelain bottles make up a wave of fire.

Seeing Cheng Chubi tinkering there, Li Mingda curiously approached Cheng Saburo.

"Brother Cheng San, what are you doing?"

"I, I'm making incendiary bombs. For a while, when the Turkic bald guys want to sneak attack us, this thing is lit and thrown, huh..."

"Guaranteed to be able to burn them so that the flesh is charred and crispy..."

"..." Li Shimin, who was lying on his stomach not far away, smashed his mouth. How does this kid use the adjective, does he even want to taste it?

Li Mingda giggled sweetly, narrowed his black eyes, tilted his head and looked at Cheng Saburo who was serious about tinkering with the Molotov cocktail.

"Brother Cheng San, you are so smart, those bad guys will definitely not be able to beat you."

When Cheng Chubi heard Li Mingda's cute flattery, he couldn't help being Hehe... That must be, except for your father and my father, who would I be afraid of? "

Puppy... Li Ke couldn't help but quickly turn his head away. This is the truth. This guy is a fearless lord.

Li Shimin was a little relieved, this kid seemed to wince, otherwise, he would definitely fix him when he turned around.

Not far away, Niu Wei Tuo couldn't help but roll his eyes, forget it, and didn't bother to take care of this guy.

The chattering does not stop, and I am not afraid that your Majesty will find a chance to clean up you after he has recovered from the injury.

Turning his gaze, he saw Fang Jun staring at the Turkic people outside the valley.

Niu Wei Tuo arched his elbow and Fang Jun whispered.

"What's wrong, Brother Jun, know that fighting is not fun, right?"

"Fighting on the battlefield, making meritorious services, is not just relying on lip service."

Fang Jun thought of the head that suddenly flew away before, and the **** neck, which made him shiver again.

However, I saw the brothers around him, and behind him, the one who talked and smiled, and at this time still boasted and exclaimed Brother Chu Bi.

Fang Jun twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly, stiffly. "I know."

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