The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1141: The villain is sure that 0 out of 0 has 1 team riding through...

Of course Wu Meiniang didn't want to be unreasonable, but she couldn't stand Cheng Saburo's sudden EQ eruption.

With this wave of sweet love words, Wu Meiniang, who was so ashamed to stun her head, hurriedly retracted into the carriage, clutching her pretty face and twisting her body.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Saburo picked up people, unexpectedly so unprepared, and sweet enough to make people feel confused.

When she realized something, she turned her head subconsciously and saw Li Wenniang looking at herself with a weird and polite smile on her face.

"..." Wu Meiniang smiled stiffly at Po Li Wen. At this moment, she was really embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, the carriage finally stopped in front of the palace gate, and Cheng Chubi saw Wu Meiniang who had a red face and tried to calm herself down.

Seeing her greet her without saying hello, she walked away hastily...


Back in Fuzhong, Cheng Chubi considered another very serious problem. That is, after the first caesarean section.

It takes about one to two years to heal the scar from the uterine incision of the parturient, and within one to two years, if there is another pregnancy.

Due to the enlargement of the uterus, it will cause the wound to open, which will lead to the life-threatening of pregnant women.

In other words, if you want to have a second child after a caesarean section, you must wait until two years before you get pregnant.

So the problem is here. In this era, there are no contraceptive measures, but the problem is, what if a young couple is deeply in love and has that kind of unscrupulous thoughts?

Cheng Chubi, a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology lying on the bed, couldn't help falling into contemplation, and fell asleep quietly without knowing it.


"Two doctors, old Hu. Please sit down quickly. I invite two of you over today. There is one thing that I want to discuss with them."

In the imperial medical office, in Cheng Chubi's public house, the two imperial physicians Zhang and Wang were facing Cheng Chubi face to face and waiting for Cheng Chubi to speak.

"Two doctors, do you know any contraceptive methods?"

"Contraception?" Wang Yiling and Zhang Yiling looked at each other with dumbfounded faces, and then turned their eyes to the oldest Dr. Hu.

Dr. Hu deserves to be the oldest person in the imperial medical office, and he smashed his mouth when he was well-informed.

"The old man has heard that some doctors who are proficient in this way will prescribe contraception for some people.

They use a small amount of mercury to add to the soup to prevent pregnancy. But for too long, the old man can't remember the news even if he heard it. "

"Mercury? Oral mercury is used as a contraceptive?" Cheng Chubi was relieved.

Mercury is mercury. Is mercury toxic? Someone actually took this thing for contraception.

Zhang Yiling's eyes lit up, and he slapped his thigh to speak.

"After listening to Mr. Hu's words, this official also remembered. There are indeed such rumors."

"I said Zhang Yiling, is it true or false? Can you give me a more positive answer?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Zhang Yiling, expecting him to give himself a word.

Seeing that Zhang Yiling's face was a little embarrassed, she seemed embarrassed to speak, and Cheng Chubi was really unhappy now.

"Zhang Yiling, Mr. Hu can't remember when he's old. You are in a very young age, so you don't have such a problem as forgetfulness, right?"

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on his body, Zhang Yiling coughed a bit of embarrassment and coughed up his scalp.

"Because... well, because the people who generally need contraception are mainly the women in the Goulan Pavilion."

"..." Cheng Chubi, a boy in the public house, and Wang Yiling, a serious man, first looked at Zhang Yiling in the same way.

Then he subconsciously turned his head to look at Dr. Hu, um... Dr. Hu's old face suddenly turned red into a purple eggplant color.

Cheng Chubi almost couldn't help but let out aloud. Yoyo, I can't think of Dr. Hu who is very prestigious in the Imperial Medical Office.

With a decent face of an elder, in fact, under his back is an old driver who drives all day long. When he was young, he must have been the one who had to fly.

Dr. Hu frowned unwillingly with his long beard, eyebrows, eyebrows closed, and no fart. He didn't expect that he would stumble and be exposed in front of the juniors today.

Cheng Chubi coughed twice, breaking the unspeakable embarrassment.

"In addition to this mercury method of contraception, are there other methods?"

The three heads shook together, making Cheng Chubi feel painful.

After the old driver Hu Bogan coughed dryly, he gave a serious explanation.

"Cheng Taichang, in fact, this is normal. After all, since ancient times, it has been the common people and the instinct of my Chinese ancestors."

"Under this situation, who would think about tinkering with contraception?"

These words left Cheng Chubi speechless. It was true that the Chinese nation was able to thrive and prosper, in fact, it also benefited from this concept.

Otherwise, future generations will not become the world's most populous country.

But having said that, what I need to do now is to avoid those women who have a C-section.

Don’t be affected by the irregular life of husband and wife. Mercury contraception is a contraceptive method that hurts the liver, kidneys, and others.

Not only can't it be advocated, it should be eliminated. So, what else can be done?


The three imperial physicians have already left, but Cheng Chubi is still pondering, considering this big issue.

Mercury is impossible. Except for mercury, there is no prescription for contraception in Chinese medicine.

However, the talented doctor Wang made them provide several anti-fetus prescriptions for Cheng Taichang's reference only.

Facing the kind of prescription that would also harm women's bodies, Cheng Chubi felt even more painful.

At this moment, a pretty girl appeared in front of her with a beautiful face.

"Brother, what do you say in a daze? You don't have any reaction to telling you for a long time. Isn't it an annoying thing?"

Wu Meiniang, this beautiful girl with wisdom and blue heart, appeared in front of Cheng Chubi again.

"It turns out that Mei Niang is here, come Sit down quickly, am I worried about that Ning Jiuniang?"

Wu Meiniang couldn't help but stay in a daze. "Why, can it be said that there is something wrong with Ning Jiuniang's body?"

"No, no, there is no problem with her physical condition, but this problem..." Cheng Chubi braked immediately when he was about to blurt out.

"Well, this question is not suitable for telling you."

"???" Wu Meiniang looked at Cheng Saburo with a dazed expression.

This man, what's going on with this man? I just teased this girl yesterday. Today I want to turn my face and deny people, right?

Thinking about this, Wu Meiniang narrowed her beautiful bright eyes dangerously, like a big cat with exploded hair, holding the case table with her hands, very powerful and authentic.

"Third brother, what do you mean by this, do you think Mei Niang is an outsider?"

"..." Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling tired when looking at Wu Meiniang who suddenly exploded her hair.

At Wu Meiniang, she showed a soothing and gentle smile, with a sincere and authentic tone.

"I said Mei Niang, I'm telling the truth, this matter is inappropriate to tell you little girl?"


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