The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1172: The king is unhappy, and he is ready to take 1 dose...

Empress Changsun admired the parasol with light purple in the pink powder placed in front of her with delight.

The umbrella surface is a beautiful luster of good silk and satin. It is important that the dark pattern on the silk and satin is her favorite lotus pattern.

And at the edge of the umbrella, it is no longer the ornamentation like the cuffs of the clothes, but the beautiful lace lace.

And on her hands, she also wore a pair of beautiful white lace gloves at the moment.

Li Shimin looked at the gloves in silence. It seemed to him that the gloves had no practical value.

It's so thin that it can't protect the hands at all, and it's actually translucent. Except for some similar patterns on the edge of a curtain, there is nothing special.

But the appearance of Guanyin maidservant, it seemed that this thing fascinated her more than a precious piece of jewelry.

Not far away, the little cute Li Mingda also wore a pair of cream-colored gloves, and stretched out his fingers to make gestures with pride.

From time to time, he placed his mother's hand together, and then deliberately made gestures to his father Li Shimin.

Until Li Shimin showed her a kind and petting smile, indicating that it was really beautiful.

Only then will the little girl be satisfied, and then take up the same creamy yellow umbrella and circle around the house.

When Cheng Chubi saw this scene, the hanging heart was finally settled.

Now the emperor with epic equipment should not be able to find his fault, right?

But having said that, why did the emperor of Datang show a sore expression on his face, as if he disliked some gauze gloves.

Cheng Chubi rushed to the front, frowned, and said to Li Shimin who was a little unhappy.

"Uncle, is it because you feel that there is something dissatisfied? Just mention if there is a problem, and my nephew will change it later."

Li Shimin just opened his mouth, and after taking off the white gauze gloves on the side, the grandson empress who put on the black gauze gloves smiled sweetly.

"Very good, the old man likes it very much, there is nothing dissatisfied with. What do you think, husband?"

"Ha, of course, of course, my husband also thinks they are all beautiful, there is nothing to be dissatisfied with."

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, smiled and nodded, then slapped Cheng Chubi's shoulder a few times.

"It's not bad, this time you will be considered as passing the test, but if you dare to hit the old man's Jiucheng Palace with these square bamboo ideas, the old man will let you taste the taste of the hip stick."

Feeling those heavy slaps and feeling the heavy pressure, Cheng Chubi was absolutely sure.

"What the uncle said is that my nephew must not make their minds."

Haha...Sure, I don't want to play Jiucheng Gongfangzhu's idea. Go back to the palace and dig some square bamboo, right?

Anyway, you are talking about Jiucheng Palace, but not about the palace.

Provoking the Cheng family, the new year will not end. You are the emperor, you can afford to provoke, but if you don't give you some eye drops, doesn't it seem that I am a pretty young man, Cheng is too embarrassed?

Li Shimin took a look at Cheng Chubi and looked at the boy's honest smile.

He gave a muffled snorted, let's go, he is also a generation of Mingjun, and an elder, there is no need to be familiar with this kid.

"Still stunned to do something, go quickly..."

"Okay, I'll tell my nephew first..." The smile on Cheng Chubi's face stiffened, always feeling something was wrong.

Li Shimin is preparing to wait for the miscellaneous people to leave, and share the family relationship with his wife and relatives.

As a result, Cheng Chubi looked dumbfounded, and couldn't help but wonder.

"What's wrong, there is something else?"

"Uncle, did you forget something?" Cheng Chubi stretched out his hand and gestured to Li Shimin.

"...Oh, look at this old man's memory." Li Shimin suddenly realized that he smiled and stroked his long beard.

Looking at Li Shimin's hypocritical expression and perfunctory tone, Cheng Chubi always felt that the emperor of Tang was deliberate.

On the day that the five parasols were distributed, Li Shimin and Li Yuan, the two big brothers who came with the female family members, began to be harassed by the pillow wind.

Soon, following a manual from the emperor of Tang Dynasty, two days later, a motorcade escorting bamboo into the Jiucheng Palace.

Since then, in the Jiucheng Palace, there has been another beautiful splendid scenery.

The light and beautiful colorful umbrellas of various colors have become the favorites of the ladies and ladies in the palace.

Let the autumn colors have a little more splendor and charm, just like the blossoming flowers, moving around in the Jiucheng Palace.

Especially Li Mingda, he goes out almost every time.

They have to hold her beautiful little umbrella, even the grandson queen, likes to hold such a little and follow the girl in a leisurely manner.

In the past, as long as there was the sun, neither the princesses nor the concubines were willing to leave the shady room.

But since having this kind of parasol, everyone seems to be more interested in visiting during the day, giving the originally quiet Jiucheng Palace a bit more vigor and vitality.


Wei Wang Li Tai yawned greatly, and put down the scroll in his hand somewhat exhaustedly.

Glancing at the snacks on the case table, he felt a bit dull at the moment.

I always feel that my energy is not very refreshing, even if I read a book, I will find it difficult to concentrate.

It was really a headache. Wei Wang Li Tai sat up a little annoyed, and threw the book in his hand aside.

He glanced away, and landed on the delicate wooden box not far away.

"You all go down." As Wei Wang Li Tai waved, the two maids who were in charge of fanning him finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a salute to the king of Wei Li Tai, he withdrew from the house.

After hearing the sound of their footsteps, Wei Wang Li Tai stood up with some difficulty.

I walked to the small wooden box, and after opening it, I took out a beautiful purple-gold gourd from the inside.

The two maids rubbed and shook their sour arms just around the corner.

Seeing Mr. Li, the steward, approaching him, the two maids hurriedly gave a salute.

"What is your Royal Highness doing?" Grandpa Li lifted his chin and asked softly.

"We don't know if you give your father-in-law, your Highness just told us to retreat first."

"Understood, you should go back first." Grandpa Li tilted his head non-committal.

After the two maids left, Grandpa Li walked quickly to the door of the room.

He coughed slightly, and heard the greeting of His Royal Highness King Wei from inside, before he walked into the house.

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