The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1174: Tell me honestly, where is Wang Wei?

Li Shimin patted Li Mingda's back lightly with his big hand, and smiled.

"It's okay, daddy and your mother will pretend that they have never heard you say this."

"Really?" Li Mingda raised his head, saw his father's warm smile, stretched out his hands and wrapped his father's neck.

The cute little face rubbed hard against Li Shimin's face.

"Daddy, you are so kind."

"Haha, that's natural, you are Daddy's good girl. Daddy naturally wants to treat you well..."

"Guanyin maid, you let Xiao Si continue to practice calligraphy, and the old man thinks of going outside and walks around, so he feels alive."

Empress Changsun looked at her husband's face that didn't seem to be any strange, and wanted to speak, but finally smiled gently.

"Come on, be well-informed, come with my mother, let's continue to write, okay?"

"Good mother..." Li Mingda nodded obediently, then looked at Cheng Saburo, winking Linghui's bright eyes delicately and slyly.

Cheng Chubi felt as if he saw flowers, ribbons, and countless black shadows raising their hands and cheering in an instant.

At this moment, Cheng Chubi felt that he would give the girl an Oscar for Best Actress directly to the girl.

My own male lead, and the male partner squatting next to him.

The scene was almost completely robbed, and it almost became a background board similar to that of bandits A and B.

Almost turned into this quirky little cute one-man show.

I've seen a robbed scene, never seen such a robbed scene...

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke exchanged glances quietly, feeling that their self-esteem was deeply hurt.

Li Shimin walked with a smile until he reached the door of the hall, and he turned his head back and waved at Empress Changsun and Li Mingda.

However, when Li Shimin stepped into the Great Treasure Hall, the smile on his face gradually dissipated.

"Just now, what Xiao Sizi said, have you all heard?"

"Father, the child naturally has to keep promises for his sister." Li Ke's heart jumped and he leaned forward and said.

"I'm not talking about this!" Li Shimin's face suddenly showed a gloomy tone.

But soon, Li Shimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his face gradually returning to normal.

"You are right, you two, you must not leak a bit, this matter has nothing to do with Mingda."

After seeing Cheng Saburo and Li Ke nodding their heads, Li Shimin smiled calmly.

"Since you are idle today, the old man wants to walk around, you two will do it yourself."

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke looked at each other, hehe...Is the emperor asking? No, this is an order.


After Cheng Chubi and Li Ke bowed towards Li Shimin, they headed towards Qingyou Pavilion.

Li Shimin wandered around outside the Great Hall, and in the end, it seemed that he had made up his mind.

"Follow me to the Paiyun Temple to walk around, I haven't passed by for a long time."

Li Shimin dropped such a sentence, stepped forward, got down the stairs, and walked straight towards the Paiyun Temple.

The speed was so fast that he even felt a little staggered because of the unhealed dragon scorpion wound.

Zhao Kun and the other guards who followed behind his **** did not dare to speak, and honestly followed Li Shimin forward.

"Your father seems to have gone to the Paiyun Temple..." Cheng Chuyi shrank in a corner in the distance and muttered a little bit.

Li Ke craned his neck, nodded, and responded quietly.

"Well, it seems to be looking for my fourth brother."

"It's a pity that I can't witness that kid being cleaned up with my own eyes."

Hearing what Li Ke said, Cheng Chubi thought about it and felt it necessary to explain to Li Ke.

"Unless your dad is cruel, otherwise with Li Tai's physique protected by thick fat all over his body, your dad is afraid it won't hurt him."

"..." Li Ke looked at Brother Chu Bi with a black line on his face. Forget it, don't care about it with him.

"Brother Chubi, shall we follow along and take a look?"

"It's not impossible to go, but be careful, don't be watched by your dad, I am a little worried about your dad's violent temper."

After the two guys murmured sneakily for a long time, they began to move lightly towards the Paiyun Temple.

Of course, it wasn't to beat the baby and cheer for His Majesty the Emperor of Datang, they just wanted to join in the fun.

After all, everyone is young, and it is normal to have a stronger curiosity.

Li Shimin walked around the Paiyun Temple and saw the courtyards at the back, and his eyes fell on the courtyard closest to the northeast corner.

Li Shimin seemed to hesitate. After taking two steps, he couldn’t help hesitate to But in the end, he took a deep breath, took a big step, and sprinted towards there. .

At this moment, the two guards of the Wei Palace stood outside the courtyard and looked around.

Keep in mind the confession of the housekeeper Li Gonggong, no matter who it is, he is not allowed to enter the courtyard.

However, just as the two unconsciously wandered in front of the courtyard, while looking around.

But seeing the emperor of the Tang Dynasty Li Shimin walking hurriedly toward this side, the two guards of the Wei Palace couldn't help being a little confused.

Before they could react, Li Shimin, who was walking extremely fast, was already a few feet away.

And Zhao Kun trot forward and rushed up the steps to shout.

"You two are stunned and do not open the door."

"Weichen, see your majesty, we, our highness, he..."

Li Shimin also stepped up the steps at this time, watching the two stammering guards.

Ignoring them, after walking straight ahead, he stretched out his hand and pushed the courtyard door.

However, he found that the courtyard door had been bolted from the inside, Li Shimin narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"what happened?"

Seeing the flickering cold light in His Majesty's squinted eyes, the guards of the Wei Palace headed by him could only harden his scalp and said.

"Your Majesty Mingjian, just now the manager, Li Gonggong, informed me that it was His Highness King Wei who was unwell, and I saw no one today."

Li Shimin's face gradually sank.

"I am his father, don't you even see me?"

He didn't wait for the two guards to give himself an answer, but slightly nodded towards Zhao Kun.

Zhao Kun knocked on the courtyard door, and with his inconspicuous effort, there was a suppressed cry from anger into anger.

"Wu Dawu Er, what are you doing, don't you know that your Highness is not a guest?"

Zhao Kun saw Li Shimin's eyes, closed his mouth tacitly, and continued to smash the door.

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